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Start page Hall of Light | An update for the Hall of Light web page: Megablock 2, Crimbo, Cecconoid, Castlevania, Triad: Volume 2, Vocabulary Adventure III, Reading and Thinking I, The Adventures of Genlock Holmes, Wastelands, The Talisman, The Talisman, The unlikely adventure of Edd Schiester #1: Escape from a large Cave, Dungeon Blaster IV: Schorch on Fire, Dreamventure 1 / 2 and Dawn - A new Beginning / Dawn - A new Beginning Remix. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: SuDokuL_1.3.lha, Easy2Install_1.0b50.lha, Woof_14.2.0.lha, MirageImager_1.2.lha, Dandanator_1.1.lha, Fallout1-ce_1.1.lha, Albireo_1.6.lha, lwtools-4.22.lha, GitDesktop_0.13.22.lha, Wayfarer_7.5.lha, AmiArcadia_30.81.lha, codesets_6.22.lha, 2nd-Albireo_1.6.lha, MCE_14.61.lha, ReportPlus_8.48.lha, Iris_1.21.lha, SonosController_1.4.lha, iGame_2.4.6.lha, Protrekkr_2.6.5.lha and AppLauncher_2.6.lha. Amiga Future - Cheats Database | The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Kings Quest 3 - To Heir is Human, Kings Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne, Ballmaster, Beach Volley, Beambender, Behind the Iron Gate, Beneath a Steel Sky, Blockhead, Bonanza Bros., Kings Quest - Quest For The Crown and KGB. Wolfgang Kierdorf - CD32 joystick | A new YouTube video from Wolfgang Kierdorf is now available. In this episode, Wolfgang is building a joystick / gamepad for the Amiga CD32 game console. AmigaRemix | You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix webpage. The following Amiga music was added to the webpage: Another World, Dune - Ecolove's Pauls Theme, Dune Ecolove, Elvira MotD Upstairs Music, Rambo III Stage 2 and Stardust Memories - Nebula Falling. Amiga Future #167 | A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Passione Amiga Day 2023, Michael Kafke (ASM Game), Jari-Matti Rally, The last Dungeon, Adventure 1 & 2, Jack the Pit, Spheroid, Ami-H.E.R.O., Stuntman Seymour, Board Game vs Amiga: Darts, FS-UAE 3.1, Frotz, Santa's Workout III - Silent Night, Denise - ITX Amiga 500, Amiblaster Clockport Edition, Review Pi Storm #2, PHP 8 & MySQL, Soil, Knight Chips and Dynamic websites with PHP. AmiExpress v5.6.1 - Amiga | Ami-Express was a BBS System that ran on the Amiga series of computers and was developed by Lightspeed Technologies in the 1990s. This is a rewrite of that system written in Amiga E by Darren Coles. It is open source and has new features and bug fixes. AmiArcadia - v30.81 | AmiArcadia is a emulator of early game consoles like the PHUNSY, Elektor TV Games Computer, Interton VC 4000, Emerson Arcadia 2001, Central Data 2650 and others. Ami Arcadia is available for the 68k Amiga, Amiga OS4, MorphOS and Windows. Yawning Angel Retro - AMOS | You can watch a new video from the Yawning Angel Retro YouTube channel. In this episode: The commands that are available for scrolling the screen, or part of a screen, in your AMOS programs. Retro Asylum Podcast - 328 | You can now listen to a new episode of the Retro Asylum Podcast. In this episode: Dean, Steve and Mark talk about games for the Amiga CD32. Wayfarer v7.5 - MorphOS | Wayfarer is a web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit. Changes in this version: Improvements for HLS Live video playback and the User Interface for the settings. Iris - MorphOS | Iris is a modern IMAP based email client for MorphOS. The features are: Support for Gmail, and Yahoo!, multiple accounts, HTML email, spell checker, attachments, offline mode and PDF export. Amiga Future #167 - preview | A preview edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Passione Amiga Day 2023, Michael Kafke (ASM Game), Jari-Matti Rally, The last Dungeon, Adventure 1 & 2, Jack the Pit, Spheroid, Ami-H.E.R.O., Stuntman Seymour, Board Game vs Amiga: Darts, FS-UAE 3.1, Frotz, Santa's Workout III - Silent Night, Denise - ITX Amiga 500, Amiblaster Clockport Edition, Review Pi Storm #2, PHP 8 & MySQL, Soil, Knight Chips and Dynamic websites with PHP. Rave v1.7 - AmigaOS4 | Rave is a sound editor for AmigaOS4-compatible computers, developed by Daniel Jedlicka. The features are: Modern GUI, tabs, asynchronous operations, clipboard, plugin-system and support for many audio file types and formats. Amigos: Everything Amiga | You can listen to new episodes of the Amigos: Everything Amiga podcast: The Faery Tale Adventure - The Definitive Review, Lemmings - A complete review of the definitive Amiga puzzle game and Indianapolis 500 - The Amiga's Crown Jewel of Racing. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Spectral, Panacea, Batman Rises and Breakthru. Update: Darkside, Wonderboy, Breakthru, Captured Dreams and Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers. SonosController - Amiga | SonosController lets you control your Sonos speakers from any Amiga connected to the same network. SonosController is developed by Michael Rupp, and the features are: Network search, Grouping, Control commands: Play, Pause, Next, Shuffle, etc. Display the title, artist and album, playlists and much more. HexSee v1.1 - AmigaOS 4 | HexSee is a hex viewer that displays a file contents in blocks of 16 characters per line. The features are: File size max is 4 GB, buffer size is 128 KB, configure your text and background colours and support for scroll-wheel mouse. AmiFox v0.6 - Amiga | AmiFox is a web browser for the classic Amiga computer. AmiFox uses a virtual Chrome browser on a server that is remote controlled by AmiFox sending back images of the webpage and processing mouse clicks and key strokes. Pentad - Retro SDDM Logins | Pentad added 25+ new Commodore 64 and Amiga Linux SDDM Logins. They are now animated as opposed to being static before. There are also three Atari ST ones too. All the SDDM logins are free to use. Roadshow v1.15 - Amiga | Roadshow is an Amiga TCP/IP stack allows you to connect to the Internet, access your e-mail, web pages, chat, etc. It can also help you access and exchange files within your local home network. Roadshow is one of the fastest, if not the fastest Amiga TCP/IP stack. AmiGemini - Amiga | AmiGemini is a browser for the Gemini protocol developed by Karl Jeacle. Changes in this version: Support for the Nex protocol and catalog files for Español, Français and Svenska. HippoPlayer 2.60 - Amiga | A new version of the Mod-Player: HippoPlayer for the Amiga computer is available. This program is developed by Kari-Pekka Koljonen. Changes in this version: MHI output, MPEGA, playback timer, sample data,14-bit mode and reSID output mode. AmiDuke - Amiga | AmiDuke is a game for the Amiga computer. The game is based on the old Atari/Amiga ports of Duke Nukem 3D with some newer features from Chocolate Duke added for extra flavour. Requirements: AGA Amiga, 68060 CPU and 32 MB of RAM. WinUAE 5.2.0 | A new version of WinUAE is now available. New or updated in this version: MacroSystem DraCo, Picmatic Marbella Vice, American Laser Games, Genlock, Retina Z2 / Z3, S3 Trio64 PCI RTG, A2410, NTSC mode, Disk swapper,68020+ interrupt, Copper, Dark mode, DMA, Game ports, 68040 MMU, CyberVision 64/3D, Ateo Pixel 64 and UAE AHI. Amiberry v5.6.7 - Raspberry Pi | Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based SoCs, such as the Raspberry Pi, Odroid XU4, ASUS Tinkerboard, etc. Amiberry can emulate the A500, A1200, CD32 and Amiga's with a 68040 and a graphics card. Protrekkr - AROS | Protrekkr is a tracker program combining a software synthesizer together with a traditional sample tracker which can be used to create electronic music. The AROS version is developed by Franck Charlet. vAmiga v 2.5 | vAmiga is a Commodore Amiga 500, 1000, or 2000 emulator for the Apple Macintosh computer. Improvements in this version for Snapshot, Sprite DMA, SPRxCTL and the Serial-bus. AROS One x86 - v2.4 | A new version of AROS One x86 is now available. New or updated in this version: Descriptor Datatypes, Dopus4, ZuneARC, BootSound, Menu GRUB, OWB Config, Icondrop, SCANdal, VorbisTools, JCalc, IconDropx86, Image2PDF, Potrace, Dcraw, Memeter, WorldTime, RNOEffects, Demos Mindlapse, Sacrificio Pagano, MCC_Thebar, Protrekkr, Sonos Controller, LoView, World Construction Set, Abbaye Des Morts, WormWars and AstralGame. Amiga Future | Amiga Future is looking for reinforcements for the magazine and the webpage. The magazine needs more editors and translators for the Applications and the News. Hall of Light | An update for the Hall of Light web page: Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge, Oil Imperium / Black Gold, Fallen Angel, First Contact, Footballer Of The Year 2, Fright Night, High Steel, Jaws: The Computer Game, Jug, LucasArts Classic Adventures / LucasArts Collection, Nick Faldo's Championship Golf, The Pursuit To Earth, Tanglewood, X-It, Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego?, Where In The USA Is Carmen Sandiego?, Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego? and The Untouchables. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: ReportPlus_8.47.lha, strange-src-0.22.lha, Wayfarer_7.3.lha, Protrekkr_2.6.4.lha, fheroes2_1.0.12.lha, BeWorld, MCE_14.60.lha, SonosController_1.3.lha, Strange_0.23.lha, FinalBurnNeo_1.0.0.3.lha, TDPowerSwap_1.3.lha, AmiArcadia_30.80.lha, RNOEffects_2.0.lha, EasyRapa-1.1.lha, Image2PDF_2.5.lha, GitDesktop_0.12.41.lha, Gobliiins5-demo.lha, HomeWorld-VF.lha and Easy2Install_1.0b48.lha.