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Start page MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: GoldenAxeLegend_OpenBOR.lha, LHArchiver_1.4.lha, RNOEffects_1.4.lha, AmiArcadia_29.04.lha, GoldenAxeMyth_OpenBOR.lha, ATaleOfVeangeance_OpenBOR.lha, SilverNightsCrusaders_OpenBOR.lha, MCE_13.8.lha, SFFGPLNS_OpenBOR.lha, He-Man_OpenBOR_2.1.0.lha, TinyGL-Update-2022-08-05.lha, OpenMRac.lha, ScummVM_2.6.0.lha, PerCIMan_0.7.5.lha, IvoRSS_1.1.1.lha, AIOstreams_1.7.4.lha, cbmlink_0.9.8.1.lha, afetch_2.2.0.lha, c2n_1.2.1.lha and c2nload_1.0.6.1.lha. Versatile Amiga Test Program - Amiga | The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. Recent changes: Improvements for the CD32, Akiko Chip ID, HAM 6 and HAM 8. RNOEffects - Amiga | RNOEffects is an image processing program for the Amiga computer. The features are: 30 different effects, brushes, text, lines, ellipses, boxes, arrows and a batch converter. HexSee - AmigaOS 4 | HexSee is a hex viewer that displays a file contents in blocks of 16 characters per line. The features are: File size max is 4 GB, buffer size is 128 KB, configure your text and background colours and support for scroll-wheel mouse. WhatIFF 1.06 | WhatIFF? is an Amiga magazine in the Amiga Guide format. In this edition: The A500 Mini, The LightWave 3D Book, AmiSSL v5.2, Infinity Music Player, ADFs - Amiga OS 4.1, Lightwave 101, Brilliance 101, ARexx Stems, Floppy Disks, A1200 FPU Installation, Little Things That Made Amiga Great, Authenticity, the Amiga and You, Tokyo Retro Computer Meet, Edoardo Auteri, Pawel Novak, Invents Corner and Shell Talk. GadgetUK164 - A2000 repair | A new video from GadgetUK164. In this video the repair of a Amiga 2000 computer with a bad joystick port. MyMan - AROS | MyMan ia a new game for AROS. MyMan is Pacman style game, but the graphics are made with text. The game is converted to AROS by cavemann, and the original game is from Benjamin C. Wiley Sittler. Operación Fallida - Amiga | Operación Fallida is a new game for the Amiga computer. In the game you are a soldier who discovers an old bunker. In the bunker you must destroy zombies and aliens. The game is developed with Backbone and Deluxe Paint V by jojo073 (code & pixels), Rod Mérida(music) and Zoltar (music). Trevor's Amiga Blog | Trevor Dickinson writes a blog about the Amiga. This time he writes about Amiwest, Newtek, Amiga 37 Germany, A1222 Plus, ExecSG team, Nova Bridge and the Pegasos VideoMicrowave. AmigaVibes podcast 92 - Hot Summer | The AmigaVibes team made a new podcast with the following music: Optimus Maximus, Sublime, Brain Drain, Odorless, The Last Finger, To - Be - In and Les Moeurs Demo. Boing #4 | Boing is a magazine (French language) dedicated to the Amiga computer, from the classic to the newest generation. In this edition: Editorial, news, LucasArts, Jean-Charles Fouché, AmigaOS 3.2.1, Vampire V4, TheA500 Mini, John Girvin (Turbo Tomato!), Worthy, Tristam Island, Infinity Module Player, Apollo Team, Aros 68, ApolloOS, WinUAE, BOING, Candy Factory and Terrible Fire. 10 MARC - CDTV | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: A review of the Commodore CDTV. Ravi Abbott - The downfall of the Amiga | A new YouTube video from Ravi Abbott is now available. In this video Ravi talks about the downfall of the Amiga Computer and what happened with Commodore UK's future plans, and the period of time Escom and Gateway 2000 owned the Amiga Computer. Versatile Amiga Test Program - Amiga | The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. PerCIMan - Amiga | PerCIMan is a program to collect and manage contact and other information about persons. The features are: addresses, phone, email, web/social media contact, birthday and picture file. GadgetUK164 - Amiga AT Bus Clone | A new video from GadgetUK164. In this video an Amiga AT Bus Clone (IDE Zorro II Card) - Build & Test. Amiga Love - Take Your Amiga, On the Go! | You can watch a new video on the Amiga Love YouTube channel. In this episode an Amiga connected to a Sharp Wizard electronic organizer. A-Pet 500 | The A-Pet 500 is a metal case for an Amiga 500 computer in the shape of a Commodore PET computer. You can see an update of the project in this YouTube video. AmiTube v1.3 - Amiga | AmiTube is a YouTube Client for the m68k Amiga. This program will download the video in the CDXL or MPEG1 format. You can watch the movie on your Amiga with AGABlaster (CDXL) or RiVA (MPEG). Retrohax - Amiga 2000 (4) | Retrohax has written a blog about building a brand new Amiga 2000 computer. You can now look at part 4 of the project in his blog. Amiga clock port - Raspberry Pi | Niklas Ekström developed a new interface to connect a Raspberry Pi to the Amiga clock-port. The A314 software has been adapted to this interface so that it is possible to run services such as a314fs and the SANA-II network driver. Maze of Galious - AROS | Maze of Galious is a new game for AROS. The original game is developed by Santi Ontanon Villar and is also available for Windows, OSX and Linux. MoG is a very addictive game where you have to kill thousands of enemies, collect items in order to obtain new powers and defeat some really great demons at the end of each level. Everything Amiga | The webpage Everything Amiga added new articles last month: The Hunt for Red October retrospective, Railroad Tycoon - The original transport sim, The heart of Rock 'n Roll is still beating and Monkey Island Meets Rambo - Code Name Hell Squad. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. Update: Kennedy Approach, Roadwar Europa, Bar Games, Cadaver, Castle Master, 7 Cities Of Gold, Grid Start and Tetris: The Soviet Challenge. AmiGemini - Amiga | AmiGemini is a browser for the Gemini protocol developed by Karl Jeacle. Changes in this version: Support for Spartan, added theme palette editor and improvements for AmiSSL, proportional font and Marker >. Retro Ravi - Remix | Retro Ravi makes 8-bit mixes with his Amiga computers. This time Ravi has done a mix of almost 3 hours. Raster Master | Raster Master is a Sprite/Icon/Map editor for Windows that generates RayLib code / Put image and map code for AmigaBASIC, Amiga C and Amiga Pascal. Raster Master is developed by RetroNick. Amiga Addict 13 | Amiga Addict is a digital and printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: Knightmare, Demoscene, Tony Horgan, TheA500 Mini, AmiGameJam, Amiga Art Contest, MorphOS and DPaint - Creative Revolution. Manticore - Amiga 600 | The Manticore is a V4+ accelerator for the Amiga A600 computer. The features are: Apollo 68080 AMMX, Maggie3D, 512 MB DDR3, AGA (12 MB Chipmem), SuperAGA, RTG, 1280x720, Audio: 8/16-bit, 56 kHz, 24-bit, 8 voices, FastIDE controller (CompactFlash), 2x USB, Ethernet RJ45 and microSD. RNOPDF v1.6 - Amiga | RNOPDF is a PDF-viewer for the Amiga, made with Hollywood. Features: Zoom, search, bookmarks, export PNG / TXT, full screen, rotate and ARexx support. Recent changes: Improvements for the search and the OpenURL implementation. Added a French and a German catalog. Seq - Amiga | Seq is an Amiga MIDI sequencer program for the Amiga computer, made by Tuomas Hokka. The program features quick editing and can be used with live performances. MUIBase 4.5 - Amiga | MUIbase (Magic data BASE with User Interface) is a relational, programmable database with a graphical user interface for Amiga, Linux, Mac and Windows. Steffen Gutmann has released a new version for the Amiga. The changes are: Improvements for drag & drop, sorting and ASKOPTIONS. Added functions: MOVEREC, GETREC, SETREC, REPLACENTH, MOVENTH and REMOVENTH.