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Start page Tertris - AmigaOS 4 | Tertris is a new game for the Amiga computer. The original game is developed by Adam Idris and the Amiga version is made by Andrea Palmatè. This game uses RayLib and so require a graphic card with RadeonHD or RadeonRX driver installed. Beyond a Steel Sky - Amiga | Beyond a Steel Sky is a new game for the Amiga computer written in the Scala MM400 programming language. The game is developed by quantumcodemonk and is one of the games for the AmiGameJam 2024. You are Robert Foster, and you need to find a kidnapped child in Union City. Amigos: Everything Amiga | You can listen to new episodes of the Amigos: Everything Amiga podcast: RVF Honda, The Viking Child, A Conversation with Tony Warriner and King & Balloon. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Air Supply and Sqrxz 2, 3 & 4. Update: Hammerboy, Another World, Willy The Kid, Windwalker, Desert Strike, Violator, Little Princess 1 & 2 and A320 Airbus. AmiGameJam 2024 | You can enter your game into the AmiGameJam for 2024. This time, the theme is The Sequel That Never Was, where you are invited to create a sequel to an Amiga game from back in the day. This contest ends on the 1st December 2024. Amiga Belfast 2024 | Amiga Belfast 2024 is a meeting for Amiga users in Northern Ireland. If you want to bring your own Amiga, you can choose that option when ordering your tickets. Ewig Gestern - Amiga Games magazine | You can listen to a new episode of the Ewig Gestern podcast (German language). In this episode: The Amiga Games magazine from 07/1993 with games like Reach for the Skies, Beavers, Arabian Nights and Woody's World. The 8-Bit Manshed - TF4060 | You can watch a new video from The 8-Bit Manshed YouTube channel. In this video: The build and testing of the Terrible Fire TF4060 accelerator card for the Amiga computer. BlackIvan+ - AmigaOS 4 | BlackIvan+ is a new game for the Amiga computer, developed by Juan Carlos Herrán Martín. In the game you must try to beat to Nikky, a hard blackjack player in the shortest possible time. Deark - AmigaOS 4 | Deark is a command-line utility that can decode certain types of files, and either convert them to a more-modern or more-readable format, or extract embedded files from them. The program is developed by Jason Summers, and can work with more than 80 different file-formats. Iris v1.34 - MorphOS | Iris is a modern IMAP based email client for MorphOS. The features are: Support for Gmail, and Yahoo, multiple accounts, HTML email, spell checker, attachments, offline mode and PDF export. AmigaRemix | You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix webpage. The following Amiga music was added to the webpage: LFF (Skid Row Cracktro), Paranoimia 2024 Tyros Edition, Behind the Walls Live Performance and Xenon 2 Megablast - Turn it up!! - A1060repair | You can read a blog from about the repair of an Amiga A1060. The Amiga A1060, also known as the Sidecar, made it possible to use MS-DOS software on the Amiga 1000 computer. Amiga Bill - Podcast | You can now watch a new episode from the Amiga Bill podcast. In this episode: AmiKit - Mac/Linux, Dr. Dangerous, Forest of Illusion, Elevator Action, Jim Sachs Interview, RGB2HDMI v2, Amiga Events and the Xenon 2 Remake. vAmiga v 3.0 b1 | vAmiga is a Commodore Amiga 500, 1000, or 2000 emulator for the Apple Macintosh computer. Improvements in this version: Compressed snapshot files, Load/Save memory and more RetroShell functions. DrawerGenie - Amiga | With DrawerGenie you can add basic toolbars to Workbench drawer windows. This will give you some simple DOpus-like functionality in Workbench. DrawerGenie is developed by daedalus2097. Elevator Action 500 - Amiga | Elevator Action 500 is a new game for the Amiga computer. The game is converted from the original game developed by Taito in the year 1983. The Amiga conversion was made by jotd, no9, ross and PascalDe73. Pregnant Laser Mouse - Amiga | Board Folk developed a printed circuit board for converting the Pregnant mouse for the Amiga computer from a ball-mouse to an optical-mouse. Amigatronics - Cyril Houzé | The Amigatronics webpage had an interview with Cyril Houzé. Cyril is the pixel artist for the development of the Amiga AGA version of the game Dune. Amiga Future Webpage - 25 years | On 9/9/99 the Amiga Future Webpage went online for the first time. That is now 25 years ago. On the webpage you can find news, 7000 German and 2000 English test reports, workshops, 100+ Amiga Future magazines online, all Amiga Joker magazines online, events calendar, downloads, cheats, ASD, pictures, forum, FAQ and much more. Hall of Light | An update for the Hall of Light web page: Lords Of The Rising Sun, Obliterator, Menace, Manchester United: Premier League Champions, Heinz Brasch, SEAT Fahrsimulator, Strip Poker 3 Data Disk #3: Gina & Holly, Joan Of Arc, Fields Of Glory, Mean 18 Course Disk: Famous Courses I, Double Agent, Roguecraft, Hill Street Blues, Swap, Suspicious Cargo, Superman: The Man Of Steel, Super Sprint, Super Ski II, Super Seymour, Super Scramble Simulator, Super Cauldron, Strikefleet and Street Fighter. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: CVBasic-0.7.0.lha, AmiArcadia_33.21.lha, pletter_0.5c1.lha, AmiTranslate_0.4.lha, Iris_1.34.lha, VirtualGP2_1.06.lha, untangle_1.0.lha, CardsMakingKit_2.10.lha, MCE_15.20.lha, dethrace_0.7.1.1.lha, RapaGUI_2.2.lha, gasm80.lha, WinAction-GUI_1.0.lha, Baphomet_1.0.lha, Wayfarer_8.11.lha, Amifish_1.0a.lha, Stockfish-5.lha, DeepL_1.0.lha, YouTube-Extractor_3.0.lha and ld80_0.7.lha. Amiga Future - Cheats Database | The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals. Coppenheimer | With Coppenheimer it is possible to view the memory (Chip, Fast and Bitplane) of the Amiga while it is running inside the vAmigaWeb emulator. Coppenheimer is developed by Alexander Grupe and can be used in a modern web-browser. Yawning Angel Retro - AMOS | You can watch a new video from the Yawning Angel Retro YouTube channel. In this episode: How you can use the Get bob command to grab images from your AMOS screen. QEMU  - PC | QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one machine on a different machine. This makes it possible to run an Amiga OS on a PC. BassoonTracker - PC | BassoonTracker is a browser-based old-school Amiga Music Tracker in plain old JavaScript, developed by Steffest. You can play and edit Amiga Module files and FastTracker 2 XM files. AROS One x86 - v2.6 | A new version of AROS One x86 is now available. New or updated in this version: Wanderer, PintorWeb, VindentiumPicta, iConecta, Vintage Song Player, Omanko, WitchCleaner, Image2PDF, Crono, FIGlet, SFSobject, DeleteIcons, Leeko, Micery, AnimWebConv, AROSDebugView, RapaGUI, BlackjuanPoker and Caveman. Amiga Future #170 | A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Krogharr, The Lost Pixel, HAM-games, A1222, Psygnosis, Shift, Geo's Quest 3 - Gateway to Nowhere, Heretic II, A1RL0CK, Cecconoid, Tony - Montezuma's Gold, Droid Special Edition 2024, ScummVM, GEOX Floppy Emulator 2023 Version, Demoscene and interviews with Jennifer Diane Reitz and Michi aka Tigerskunk. Red Alert - Amiga | Red Alert is a new game for the Amiga computer, developed by Arcziii. In the game the Allied Forces battle an aggressive Soviet Union for control over the European mainland. Multi-game Character Editor - Amiga | With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 100 Amiga games. GI Sky Balls - AROS | GI Sky Balls is a new game for the AROS computer, developed by Giovanni Iacobelli. In the game, you must try to collect all the balls that are falling down.