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Start page | The web page had an update. You can now find 6034 games on this web page. The new games are: ALI 1001, Bomber Attack, Chopper Command, Codebusters, Coins, Cuby, Der neue Rechenmax, Dina Math, Dogcatcher, Fire Trap, Flak Commando, Flak-Commander, Flap, Flunky, Geo Plus, Gheddafiah, Hells Bells, Hover, Learning English Modern Course, Lets Go 3, Mad Flunky, Mine Canyon, Moondog, Mrs Mop, Mysterix, Scramble 1k, Stalingrad Campaign, Superbike and The Great Escape. Scene World #21 | Scene World is a English diskette magazine for the PAL and NTSC Commodore 64 scene. In this edition of Scene World: Editorial, Feedback, BBS and Diskette magazine Scene, iPhone Emulator and iCade, PAL / NTSC News, Interviews: Kai Spitzley, JTR, Richard Bayliss, Dave Haynie and Retro Hunter, New games and the charts. SID-Fixer | SID Fixer is a new hardware expansion for the Commodore 64 or 128. This makes it possible to switch between a 6581 (old SID) and a 8580 (new SID). Features are: Selectable SID, Protection of the in- and outputs of the SID. Noise reduction. Stereo music possible with a small alteration of the motherboard. The estimated price is 79.90 Euro. More details on ordering will follow. PETSCII - Faces 2 | JSL made a new demo for the Commodore C64. In this demo, JSL only uses the PETSCII characters from the Commodore C64. With the help of animation the faces come alive. You can also watch the first version of Faces that has more square faces. Tiny'R'Sid | Jürgen Wothke release an update of the Tiny'R'Sid music player. With this player you can listen online to your favourite SID music. The SID emulation logic is based on the TinySid code by T. Hinrichs and R. Sinsch. The most recent version now has a Play list function. C64Studio v3.0 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Changes: The BASIC parser is completely rewritten. Added a new Find and Replace function. Improvements for saving projects and the BASIC tokenizer system. Added support for store/load/exec breakpoint types and a button to force hires/multicolor on all characters in Charset Editor. 3D screenshots - C64 | Benjamin Wimmer made screenshots of C64 games in 3D. He was using the 3D photo feature of his Nintendo 3DS, and wondered how C64 games would look like in 3D. On his web page you can see the results of his 3D screenshots. You can also download the pictures in full colour and 3D. C64 emulator - Ouya | The Stiggy made a video review of the C64 emulator on the Ouya. The Ouya is a open source game console with a Nvidia Tegra 3 Soc and Andriod OS. He talks about the options for video, audio and the inputs. He explains the loading of the games, the turbo function, the on-screen keyboard and how to use a cartridge. Wonderland XII - Censor Design | Wonderland XII is a new demo made by the group Censor Design. The demo won the first price at the BFP 2013. The BFP 2013 (Baroque Floppy People 2013) is a 3-day C64 scene event in Helsingborg, Sweden. The following people worked on the Wonderland XII demo: Axis, Bob, CRT, Lavazza, Mirage, Swallow, Magnar Harestad, cg, Creeper, Dragon, Taito, Yazoo, HCL and Krill. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Coloris, Laser Dis+c to C64 interface and Olli & Lissa II: Halloween. Update: Arsenal FC, Benidorm, Blast, Cyber Attack, CyberCore, Dromedia Software, Fairlight 2, Graham Gooch World Class Cricket, Horror Atoll, Key to Success, Mag Max V1, Mole Squash, Pimple Panic, Solaris, Unknown Educational game and Warlock. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Through the Trap Door (Piranha), Poseidon - Planet Eleven (Hi-Tec Software), Hektic II (CP Verlag), Zodiac (Anirog Software), The Wizard's Pet (Mastertronic) and Hot Rod (Activision). C64 Intros | The web page C64 Intros has added another 25 intros bringing the total to 9075 intros. A few examples of updated or new groups are: Acid, Asylum, Banshee, Carcass (NL), Killer Rats Association [KRA], Red Mill, Silicon's Dreams and United States Software Pirates Exchange. JSL - PETSCII (3) | JSL made a new slide show for the Commodore C64. For these pictures JSL only used the PETSCII characters of the Commodore C64. The slide show has the following pictures: Stonehenge, Windmill, Bathing, Fishing, Robots and Lion. 1541 - Arduino Uno | Larswad made a new hardware 1541 emulator. He connected an Arduino Uno to the serial IEC bus of the Commodore C64. The diskette data can be sent from a PC to the Arduino Uno. At the moment the 1541 emulators works, but you will have to wait for a turbo load function. The source code from this project is available. Cyborg B61 - C64 | Cyborg B61 is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of SEUCK (Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit). In the game you are last remaining Cyborg. You must fight your way through many sectors and defeat the enemy. Mini Mag #06 | Mini-Mag is a German diskette magazine. In this edition: Editorial, letters from readers, marketplace and the charts. Interview with Lothar. Articles: Montezuma's Revenge, Ring von Copla, Crossfire!, DoReCo #37, Turbo Chameleon 64, DirMaster v6.2 and a puzzle. 1541 - Raspberry Pi | Chris Osborn is working on a system that can replace the 1541 disk drive. He uses a Raspberry Pi computer to communicate with the serial IEC bus of the Commodore C64. Chris had to modified the Linux kernel on the Raspberry Pi so it can handle the interrupts when the IEC bus was signalling. At the moment the system is an development stage and can only read or write a prg. As a bonus the system can also convert modern USB joystick signals to signals for the C64. David Thiel interview | David Thiel made the music for games like Winter Games, Championship Wrestling and Rock n' Bolt. He worked with the ColecoVision, Adam, Atari 400/800 and the C64. He developed a sound system (DDTSS) for the C64 that it supported six channels. This system combined the 3 voices and 3 virtual channels for sound effects. You can read the complete interview on the web page. Wall of Fire - C64 | Wall of Fire is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Roberto Ricioppo. In this game have to escape from the Wall of Fire. You need to defeat all the alien inside a warp hole and bring freedom back to planet Earth.  Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Dromedia Software, Dune Buggy, Jeeps, Muncher and Sophisticated games. Update: Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes, Curse Of The Mushroom People, Judge Death, Kid Saviour, Old Scores, Plan 9 Outer Space, Rhyme Land, Super Scramble, Unknown Educational game and Wild Women Of Wonga. | The web page had an update. You can now find 5998 games on this web page. The new games are: Alien Attack, Ann Gong, Bolnar, Cosmic Combat, Danger Valley, Delta Man, Dot Gobbler v1, Flubble and Squij, Frogman, Hit the Brick, Lights On, Mr. Dynamite, Peace Patrol, Peter, Philippic, Pyramid Pete, Space Pope, The Spaceball II, War in Space, Whizzy and Z-Zone. Schlimeisch Mania - C64 | Schlimeisch Mania is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game was released at the Schlimeisch 2013 meeting in Fryšták in the Czech Republic. The game is programmed by Ray, and Factor6 and PCH made the music, graphics and the character set. The game can be played by eight people at the same time with the help of the 8 joystick adapter Inception. Crazy Cartridge | Frank Buß is working on a new hardware project. He is building a cartridge system for retro computers. The system is divided in two parts, an controller board with an microcontroller, CPLD and SRAM. The second part is a board that can be inserted in the computer (adapter). The cartridge data can be supplied on a SD card or via the USB connection. The microcontroller will simulate a ROM (game cartridge), RAM (RUE) or another application. sID JAm | sID JAm is a Battle of the Bands style Commodore 64 music player. You can listen to two randomly chosen SID's and decide which tune is the winner. The current High Voltage Sid Collection has 43116 song so you can listen to the music and judge for a long time. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW web page has had an update. New: Castle Boy, Lemonoids, Shuttle, Starburst, Stratagos, Terravasion and Zuid. Update: Ball, Cosmic Shock Absorber, Cyber Attack, Kid Saviour, Last Ninja V1, Mole Squash, Ski Run, Solaris, Spix, The War of the Dragon and a unknown Educational game. War Under Sea  - C64 | Roberto Ricioppo made a new game for the Commodore C64 with the help of SEUCK. In the game you are the captain of a warship. Your mission is to clear the sea from all mutant sea creatures and other enemies. Good luck captain! Sheepoid DX and Woolly Jumper  - Cartridge | RGCD and Psytronik Software have released a new cartridge for the Commodore C64 with the games Sheepoid DX and Woolly Jumper. In the game Sheepoid DX you must save the world from Space Goats and in Woolly Jumper you must help the sheep Pepito to escape from Mindspace. Both games are PAL and available as a standard version and as a deluxe version. Escape from London - C64 | Escape from London is a new text adventure for the Commodore 64 made by CBM64novo. In the game you are in the city of London. After 4 or 5 explosions the electrical power fails and there are many wounded. You need to find your family, and escape from London. The game is available as a cassette, diskette or as a deluxe version with a cassette, diskette and a CD. Inception - 8 joysticks for the C64 | Inception is an hardware expansion that makes it possible to use 8 joysticks on the C64. Specifications: Support for 8 joysticks (multi-player games). Support for 8 PS2 PC mice. C64 mouse emulation. Plug and Play (joystick port) with automatic detection. Lotek64 #45 | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: Lo*bert, Editorial, News, Videos on the Amiga 500, The Legend of Zalda, Stupid Invaders, LucasArts, Magnetic, Katakis, Commodore Meeting 2013, Ctaegis, Electronic museum in Wien, Chipmusik, SIDologie, Videogame Heroes (11), Interviews: Stefan Meier, René Meyer and James Monkman. Pallino - C64 | Pallino is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Roberto Ricioppo. In the game you are the green ball Pallino on a pool table. But the pool table is invaded by enemy balls. It is your task to destroy the enemy balls before they take over the pool table. CGSC v1.24 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 12511 MUS, 3707 STR and 4480 WDS files.