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Start page C64 Studio 0.9c | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. You can also step through your assembly code with debugging using the VICE remote monitor. You can watch variables and jump to symbols. Digital Talk #91 | In this German language d64 magazine the following articles: Computer Szene, Talkies und Diskussionen, Hall of Fame, Das Auge Dagons, Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle, Heartlight 64 Preview and Pong! Vandalism News #55 | In this English D64 magazine the following items: The Charts, News, World of Demos, Sid Drinking, Interview with Archmage, Ecstatica and The List. CheeseCutter 0.4.0 | CheeseCutter is a Music Tracker program developed by Abbadon of Fairlight. The JCH Tracker was used as an inspiration and it uses the reSID engine by Dag Lem. A few examples of the changes in version 0.4.0 are: Autoconf script. Resid-fp for extra filter accuracy. You can exit from followplay / playback tracking without stopping the song. The playback position marker is now shown with sequence view and track mode. Real time sid-register dumping. Turbo Chameleon 64 | Peter Wendrich's is working on the new Chameleon cartridge for the Commodore C64. At this moment you can download the Chameleon Beta-4 firmware from his web page. Peter also revised the programmers manual for the cartridge. This 34 page pdf manual gives you detailed information about the possibilities of the Chameleon. DX5 messing with a Commodore C64 | Jose Maria Bara has made a video about playing with the MSSIAH midi cartridge and the Commodore C64. He explains how he works with the MSSIAH midi cartridge and plays DM Shake the Disease and Popcorn. Teen Dreams | Shadow of the group Noice made a new demo where he displays 1123 Sine dots, at the same time, on the screen in real-time. You can listen to the Airwolf Mix, Big Fun Mix, Heartland and Stroh SID while watching the demo. Char Pad 1.7 | Subchrist Software released a new version of CharPad. With CharPad you can design tiles for Commodore C64 games or demos on a Windows computer. You can now use 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 tiles. Pixel level editing of whole tiles. 80x50 and 40x25 map editor modes. Flood-fill, move and mirror. And you can load and save SEUCK compatible background files. DotBASIC plus | DotBASIC plus is a BASIC extension for the Commodore C64 that will give you more than 100 new BASIC commands. This program was developed by Dave Moorman. The 8-Bit Central web page has now permission from Dave to release DotBASIC plus as freeware. DotBASIC plus can be downloaded as a d81 or four d64 images and a user manual (80 pages, pdf) is included. Alien Flash | Stingray is building a new cartridge for the Commodore C64 called Alien Flash Cartridge. This is a 16MB Flash cartridge with USB and an AR Freezer Cartridge mode and EasyFlash compatibility. The first batch of this cartridge are now being made and will be available in the next couple of months. You can follow the progress on the Lemon64 web page. Neotunes | Neotunes is a collection of SID music that can be used with a NeoRAM or GeoRAM cartridge. The collection contains dozens of SID's. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 8 new game endings last two months. The latest additions are: The Dam Busters (U.S. Gold), Jaws (Screen 7), Murder on Mississippi (Activision), Monty Python's Flying Circus (Virgin Games), Robin Hood: Legend Quest (Codemasters), Rubicon (Hewson), Security Alert (First Star Software) and Scooby Doo (Hokuto Force). Fox - C64 | Fox is a game for the Commodore C64 that was never finished. The developers Lucas Pope and Pete Gonzalez worked on the game in 1996 and have now made the unfinished source code available. The game preview indicates a number of 2D multi-scrolling levels, with some 3D Doom-styled sub sections for certain parts of the game. You can read more about this game on the Games That Weren't web page. Decoding The Past | Slimex released a new SID called Decoding The Past. You can download this SID from the Commodore Scene Database. Lady Kakerlak | Jörg Heyltjes from the Technische Maschinenfabrik released a new game for the Commodore C64. This time he was inspired by the game Lady bug and made a game called Lady Kakerlak. The game includes a level editor. | LukasSid has started a new web page. On this web page you will find information about midi hardware and software. If you have any information, pictures, software or hardware related to making music with Commodore 64 computer, not mentioned on this web page you can contact the team of Basketball Preview | Leigh from the Genesis Project is working on a new basketball game for the Commodore C64. The game is not finished yet, but you can download a preview of this game from the Commodore Scene Database. Games That Weren't | The web page Games That Weren't found a game called: A Chance In Hell. The game was developed by Steven Flanagan. The team from Games That Weren't also found evidence of more games: Ground Zero by Roland R. Brown, Math Farm by Marlin Mason and Cops and Robbers from CRL but they are still searching for more information about these games. Turbo Demo Card | The TDC (Turbo Demo Cart) is a 2 MHz speeder for the Commodore 64. At the moment there is only a proto type but you can view two little demo's, Doom 64 and Black Hole, that are working on a 2 MHz C64. The trick is based on over-clocking the CPU and stopping the CPU when the VIC chip does its job. Lash - C64 | Lash is a new demo for the Commodore C64 made by the group Fairlight. The demo won the first place at Datastorm 2011. Code: Abaddon, Hollowman, Oxidy and Pantaloon. Music: Magnar Harestad and Wiklund. Graphics: Louie64 and Tempest. Linking and loader: Pantaloon and Krill. Dela IC-Tester | The Dela IC-Tester is a cartridge for the Commodore C64. This cartridge could recognize and test 74xx TTL IC's. Michael Sachse from the web page reverse engineered the cartridge and now the schematic of the cartridge is now available for download. How many C64's | Many of us asked themselves the big question, how many C64's were sold? Estimations are from 17 million until 30 million. To try to give an answer to the this big question, the blog did extensive research on this question. Tiger Disk #171 | Tiger Disk is a German diskette magazine for the Commodore C64. In this edition of TG: Editorial, Leserforum, Anleitungen, Anzis/Addies, Hitparade, News, Partys, Reviews: Pong Machine, Kung Fu II, 1541 Ultimate, VideoPac Base, 1st Co-Edition, Konsole. Interview with Paul Norman, C64 vs PC. BooBer | Apophis has started on a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a platform game, focused on a tiny little brown bear called Boo! You can follow his progress on his blog and you can leave feedback. Return #6 | Return magazine is a German print magazine about the 8-bit computers from A like Atari to Z like the ZX Spectrum. In this edition: TRON, Review: Katakis, 25 year ABBUC, Paul Allen, Flashmodule Atari, Spectrum: Gloop Troops, Sega: 8 Bit extras, 3D Monster Maze, Taschenspieler, C64-Diskmags and News. EasyProg V1.5.0 | There is a new version available of EasyProg. EasyProg is a program written by Berlios that can be used to program the EasyFlash cartridge. Changes in version 1.5.0: Fast loader for 1541, 1581, sd2iec and uIEC, Speed optimizations, User Interface improvements and detailed error reports. Space Trip | A new game for the Commodore 64 is now available. The game Space Trip is written by Achim Volkers. In the game you are Steve Zappa and you have to fight with the aliens on a star ship. Taipan! C64 | The web page organised a bounty for making a Commodore C64 version of the game Taipan! PeteD took on the challenge and he released the C64 version of the game. Taipan! is a turn-based strategy computer game for the Apple II and TRS-80 that was released in 1982. VirtualC64 0.9.3 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. New features are: Cheatbox. T64, PRG and P00 as virtual disk, Improved keyboard mapping, More different 1541 roms can be used, Improved CIA emulation, Cartridge support (.crt) and many more. Visit Dirk's web page for all the details. Pong Machine | Jörg Heyltjes from the Technische Maschinenfabrik released a new game. This time he made a new version of the classic game of Pong. The game Pong was developed by Atari in the year 1972 and was the start of the video game industry. This version can be played with 2 players. C64-Archiv v3.3 | C64-Archiv is an easy to use file manager for C64-files on your PC. This program can work together with emulators such as VICE, CCS64, HOXS64 and EMU64 to start programs. New in this version: G64 and D81-files can be stored, RAR-files can be stored, MRU lists and the main window and the import dialog were improved. Joe The Serif | This is a game that was released a long time ago in Hungary. The game was available for the Commodore C64 and the C16/Plus4. Pudva preserved this game and you can download it and play it.