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Start page Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: 3D Starfighter, 3DCK missing games, 4 Emelet, 7DShoot, Another Kingdom, Avoiditic, Boost, Cold Devil, Core, Crazy Carson Cousins, Cyclone Blower, Excalibur, Gape, Knightshift, Moses: Old Testament Adventure #1, Plopp, Prime Time, Princess of Dark, Pushover64, RISK! V1, Real Speed We Need, Saper, Secret of Robert Roy, Sigma Wing, Space Out, Space Shooter, Spy vs Spy II V1, Super Mario Bros, Super Stardust, The Fallen - Special Edition, Think Twice, TuSh - Tube Shooters, War Deal, Who Carez, Whole Brain Spelling series, Xane, Yloa's Complex and Ze-III. Update: Anna, Batman Returns, Born In Space, Chopperman, Clod Jumper, Commodore Juicer, Daffy Duck, Deadlock, Death Pit, Deathstalker, Devious Designs, Dr Who and the Warlord, Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n Everythin', Evolution Cryser, Fungus 2, Game Got No Name, Habitat, Hex-Bert, Judge Death, Lord Mc Sun, Mattie Goes Mining, Mike The Dragon, Mission Jupiter, Murder!, Nether, Orcus, Panic Button, People from Sirius, Phantom Club, Qrazy Qber, Rip Off, Scramble 2010, Stoo Fotheringham art assets, Tamagotchi, The Lost World, Worron and Xiphoid. BastichB 64K - Handson gaming #6 | You can now watch a new episode of the Handson gaming podcast with Bastich B and Daz. In this episode the game Stunt Car Racer (Microprose/1989). | The web page had an update. You can now find 7162 games on this web page. The new games are: 1581 Toolkit, Atari Soft Collection, Boom, Boulder Dash Junior 5 & 6, Bundesliga Manager V1.1, Crapoid, Cross Bomber, Diamond Jones, Diamond Jones II, Dot Gobbler v3, Duell-Tris, Galaxian DX, Galaxian I, Galaxian II, Galaxian of Xiabex, Galaxians, Luna - Xmas Edition, Main Frame, Newquarts, P1X3ILPushr, Park Adventure, Petscii Lemmings, Phoenix Recovered, Pic-Man and Popeye. Apeshit - C64 | Apeshit is a one button game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game you jump from tree to tree while you try to avoid the scary insects. The game is developed by the group Megastyle. ChiCLI - C64 | ChiCLI is a Commodore C64 command line interface terminal, inspired by AmigaDOS, MS-DOS and Linux. The program is developed by Chiron Bramberger. JC64dis v1.6 | JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG file of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows. Daniel Renner - C64 Userport | A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Connecting devices safely to the user-port of the Commodore C64 computer. Music Studio | Music Studio is a Windows-based SID music creator software. For an accurate C64 sound, it utilises the newest RESID-FP emulation available, both the old (6581) and the new (8580) SID chips. C64 2022 Calendar | The Back to the 8 bit website has made a C64 customizable Bitmap calendar for the year 2022. You can use the VICE emulator to customize your calendar and print it as a pdf file. HVSC #76 | There is an update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now 55,067 SIDs in the collection. In this update 681 new SIDs, 26 better rips, 279 SID credit fixes, 100 SID model/clock info's, 12 tunes identified and 32 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Sonic the Hedgehog - C64/128 + REU | Sonic the Hedgehog is a new game for the C64/128 + REU. The game is a port of the SEGA Master System 8-bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog. This game needs a 256 kB REU (RAM Expansion Unit). The game is developed by Mr. SID (code), Encore (music), Veto (pixels), Krill (loader) and JackAsser (test). Tenebra - C64 | Tenebra is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64 computer and is developed by Haplo. The game contains 25 levels and can be used on PAL and NTSC computers. SID Known v1.22 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC. SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files. No More Secrets v0.96 | No More Secrets is a documents that describes the so called 'illegal' op-codes for the NMOS 6510 microprocessor. The document is maintained by Groepaz and gives you information on op-codes such as: RLA, LAX, ANC, ARR, TAS and many more. Snow Force - C64 | Snow Force is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Sarah Jane Avory and Paolo Rathjen. The game has 18 levels, 7 bonus items, 4 weapon systems, upgrades and boss fights. RapidNews #21 | Rapid News is a diskette magazine (English language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Back to …, 30 Years Excess party, Syntax 2021, Transmission64, Luhecon #14, news and rumours. JSIDPlay2 - v4.5 | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Changes in this version: Improvements for C64 breadbox/PC64, Composer, WhatsSID, SIDDump and GameBase64. Added support for FLV, Live Video Streaming and startSong. C64Studio v7.0 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. In this version improvements for the Mega65, VIC20, Find Reference, math, FCM, PETSCII, Sprite Editor, Palette Editor, BASIC Import, Charscreen Editor, Find/Replace and Drag&Drop. Hi-Score - C64 | Hi-Score is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Mika Keränen (code) and 8-bits high (music). In the game you are the pilot of an space ship and you must try to save the universe. Mediterranean Air War - C64 | Mediterranean Air War is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by huffelduff and is inspired by the arcade game 1942. Snowdown - C64 | Snowdown is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Henning Ludvigsen. In the game you are a Santa and you must win the gun duels. Chameleon 64 - 9q | A new core is available for the Chameleon. Changes in this core: Improvements for mountlist, configuration, textentry, swaplist, disk images, ROM-saver and the mus player. Straight Up - C64 | Dr. Wuro released the game Straight Up for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game there are four vegetables - Tomato, Onion, Lettuce and Eggplant - that want to get as high as possible. You can play the game with 1 to 4 people. C64 High-Score Challenge: Bah, Humbug! | On the Everything C64 forum you can now participate in a new C64 High-score Challenge. The game of this month is Bah, Humbug! (2009). Cabygame - C64 | Patagonia released the game Cabygame for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game you are riding on an electric skateboard and must avoid all the obstacles. There are different speeds, bonuses and the seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. Randoom - C64 | Randoom is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Dozznar (code), Narcisound (music), Toni Galvez (pixels) and Bieno64 (test). Sprite Castle - Movie Monster Game | Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Movie Monster Game from Epyx (1986) for the Commodore C64 computer. Zapped to the Past | You can now listen to a new episode of the Zapped to the Past podcast. In this episode: Gauntlet, Highlander, Harvey Headbanger, Hypaball, Sky Runner, Breakthru, Heartland, Firelord, Psycastria, Infodroid, Paperboy, Storm and Avenger. C64 intros | The web page c64Intros has updated its intro database and added more new intros. Updates: 20 new intros and 4 new groups. Sprite Pad Pro v3.09 | Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of Sprite Pad Pro. With this (Windows) program you can edit and animate your multi-colour and high-resolution sprite images. Recent changes: High quality import for bitmap modes. Seaquest - C64 | Seaquest is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a remake of the Atari 2600 game and is converted to the C64 by H4plo. In the game you must rescue the divers, avoid sharks and enemy submarines. Pickled Light - Commodore 64 Guides | Pickled Light has rewritten the Commodore C64 User's Guide and Programmer's Reference Guide. You can download the pdf or print a copy via an online printing service.