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Start page FNSD - CharEditor | Dirk Prins from ForNextSoftwareDevelopment has developed a character editor for the Commodore C64 computer. You can make your char-set on your PC and produce a file for the Commodore C64. SidTool | SidTool is a C64 Music Player Emulator Frontend for Windows. The features are: WinVice, Sidplay/w, HVSC, search, shuffle and STIL. Changes in this version: Improvements for sidtool.ini, subsong and Next Sid. 8-Bit Show & Tell - I am the C64 | Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about the tutorial software I am the C64 from Creative Software. GEOS - BeamRacer | Maciej Witkowiak is working on a GEOS and BeamRacer integration. The features are: Fast screen graphics, fast swap (no disk), disk cache, RAM disk and fast booting. Magic Cartridge Generator V3.5 - C64 | With the Magic Cartridge Generator you can generate Magic Desk compatible Commodore 64 cartridges, or Magic-264 cartridges for Commodore 264 range of computers. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: A.E, Accilatem, Alladin's Cave, Hungry Dead, Roadburner and The Mad Scientist. Updated: Aurum, Blood Bowl, Covermount casualties, Force Of Four, Future Bike Simulator V1, Ladders To Learning, Murder!, Mutant Zone, Mythos, Otherworld, Penguin Tower, Super Thief, Tiger Road 2, Time Crystal, Trooper and Worron. KickStarter - Soulless | Koen De Brabander has started a KickStarter campaign to release the Soulless I & II album on double vinyl, CD & digital download. Nixy The Glade Sprite - C64 | Nixy The Glade Sprite is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game Nixy must cleanse the Gaia stone but she must travel through the forest avoiding deadly plants and creatures. LukHash - Outrun | LukHash makes music with the help of a Commodore C64. This time he made a new chiptune version of Outrun. VG64 | The VG64 is a hardware project to bring a second screen to the C64. The VG64 cartridge outputs a VGA compatible 31kHz signal. Kong - C64 | Kong is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Rulas International (code & pixels) and Narcisound (music). The game is based on the Game & Watch versie van Donkey Kong Jr. JSIDPlay2 - v4.4 | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Changes in this version: Support for SIDBlaster, ExSID, HardSID4U, Ultimate64, FLAC, AAC and SIDDump. Improvements for AVI/MP4, DnD and Oscilloscope. The Mad Scientist - C64 | The Mad Scientist is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Carsten Rhod Gregersen (code) and Jens Christian Thomsen (pixels). | The web page had an update. You can now find 7097 games on this web page. The new games are: Glücksrad Gold, Snoopy (Roeske Verlag), Snoopy II prv, Snoopy to the Rescue, Snoopy Writer, Snoopy-Puzzle, Snoopys Reading Machine, Snoopys Skywriter Scrambler, Super 81 Utilities, Wheel of Fortune (Sharedata), Wheel of Fortune - First Edition (Gametek), Wheel of Fortune - Golden Edition (Gametek), Wheel of Fortune - New Second Edition (Sharedata), Wheel of Fortune - New Third Edition (Sharedata), Wheel of Fortune - Third Edition (Gametek), Wheel of Fortune Gold and Wheel of Torture. Spred64 | Spred64 is a new Sprite Editor for the Commodore C64. The features are: 25 sprites, 5 layers, 20 frames (animation), export, shift, flip, clear, copy and paste. Dead Dinosaur - Ryo Kawasaki | You can now watch a new YouTube video from Dead Dinosaur. In this video: Ryo Kawasaki. Amiga Love - Handheld 64 | On the Amiga Love website 3D-vice wrote a blog about the Handheld 64 project. The Handheld 64 is a Commodore C64 computer in a Gameboy format. Nick Bild - C64 Watch | The C64 Watch is a customized T-Watch 2020 that was inspired by the Commodore 64 computer. It features a C64 theme and a built-in BASIC interpreter. C64 intros | The web page c64Intros has updated its intro database and added more new intros. Updates: 30 new intros and 2 new groups. C64 High-Score Challenge: Starforce | On the Everything C64 forum you can now participate in a new C64 High-score Challenge. The game of this month is Starforce (1990). SEUCK competition 2021 | The results of the SEUCK Compo 2021:
1. Droid Rumble - Alf Yngve
2. Robo Form X - Pinov Vox
3. Space Eggs - TND Games
4. UFO Invasion - TheReaperUK
5. Ray Fish - TND Games
6. Bee Insect Attacking - Roberto Ricioppo
7. Lagrangian Point 4 - Trip 2 Mars - Recycled Arts
8. Their Machine - Raul Gubert LukHash - Cyberchip | LukHash makes music with the help of a Commodore C64. This time he made a new SID called Cyberchip. Nils Retro Hobby Room - ATX64 | A new video from the YouTube channel Nils Retro Hobby Room. In this video Nils builds a ATX64. Bwack - VHDL6526 | Bwack is working on the VHDL6526 project. His goal is to make a FPGA version of the CIA chip in the Commodore C64. Doktor64 - C64 keyboard repair | There is a new YouTube video available from Doktor64. This time he shows how to repair a Commodore C64 computer with a keyboard problem. Hey Birt! - C64 NTSC - PAL | In this video from Hey Birt: The conversion of a Commodore C64 computer from NTSC to PAL. FREEZE64 - 46 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Bouncing Heads, Cred Breaks Out, Tran, Zzapback, The Last Ninja 2 & 3, Battle Kingdom, Hunchback, New & Exclusive Pokes 'n' Codes and Hidden Treasures. Randy Rossi - VIC-II replacement (5) | A new YouTube video from Randy Rossi is now available. In this video Randi shows a replacement for the VIC-II in the Commodore C64. Screen Shooters - SID switcher Modular64 | You can watch a new video from the Screen Shooters YouTube channel (German language). In this episode the SID switcher for the Modular64. JC64dis | JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG file of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows. DurexForth V3.0.0 | Johan Kotlinski released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and an assembler. Changes in this version: Improvements for Dictionary, Header data, Directory, Save, Top, Define and Drive. BMC64 v3.7 - Raspberry Pi | BMC64 is a C64, C128, VIC20, Plus/4 and PET emulator for the Raspberry Pi. Recent updates: Improvements for RCNTRL, C16 keymap, XBOX buttons, 8580 filter, gamepad input, dual SID C128, sound drive emulation and virtual devices.