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Start page Load & Run - 6502 ASM | Greg Naçu from the webpage has written a very comprehensive blog abut what happens after you turn on a Commodore C64 computer and load a program. SID Factory II | SID Factory II is a cross-platform editor for composing music that will play on a Commodore 64. SID Factory II uses the reSID emulator and is still in development. FREEZE64 - 39 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Swamp Fever, Bits 'n' Bytes, Badlands, ZZAP!64, Spindizzy, Planet Qwarrk, Hummdinger and new & exclusive pokes 'n' codes. RapidNews #13 | Rapid News is a diskette magazine (English language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Back to..., Atwoods Summer Open-Air 2020, news and rumours. Flying Saucers - C64 | Flying Saucers is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Neils (code), Decoder (music) and Orion (pixels). Hey Birt! - 8701 | In this video from Hey Birt: The designing and engineering of a MOS8701 clock chip replacement for the Commodore C64 computer. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Ball Breaker, Black Tiger V1, Bushfire, Counting Bees, Eskape, Fighting Survivor, Humpy64, Nuclear War, Spin Out, The Last Commando and The Magic Garden Talking Book Series. Updated: A Chance In Hell, Argonautica, Barbarian 3, Batman Returns, Blast, C64GS cartridge titles, Cyclone, Danger! High Voltage, Dragon Slayer, Dragon's Lair 2: Timewarp, Eye Of The Beholder, Infer, Inspector Gadget, Joe Blade 3, Joust, Mega Games, Mega Moto, Mishun, Molar Madness, Move Out, Nodule, Orcus, Outrun 2, Paperboy 2, Penguin Tower, Penguin Tower V2, Phantom Rider, Scooby Doo V1, Space Ace, Tusari 2, Warrior Of Darkness, Your Computer Software Exchange and Zolo. Retro Recollections - C64 REU | A new YouTube video of Retro Recollections. In this episode: The Commodore C64 RAM Expansion Unit (REU) and the EasyFlash cartridge. Jumpin' Jalopies Extended Version - C64 | Jumpin' Jalopies Extended Version is a game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by MicroBit (code), Magnar Harestad & Rotteroy (music), Rotteroy (pixels) and Docster (linking). Grid Pix - C64 | Grid Pix is a new puzzle game for the Commodore 64, developed by Carleton Handley. In the game you must reveal the picture hidden within each grid by using number clues to work out which pixels should be painted. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6997 games on this web page. The new games are: Deadly Evil, Deadly Messengers, Deadly Rain, Elevator Eric, Infinity Worlds in the Space, Marios Cement Factory, Match Up, Maxi Golf, Maximum Overdrive, Maximum Overdrive, Mega Tank Blasta, Naddando, Roulett, Roulett, Seuck Compo Prize Pack 2020, Ski Weltcup, Ski Worldcup, Y-Quest, Zambeezi and Zzapped in the Butt. Everything C64 - Forum | The Everything C64 forum is still growing and has reached 350 forum members. If you do not want to miss anything about the C64 than join the forum today. There are sections for news, hardware, software, programming, emulators, BBS, SX64, The64 Mini and much more. LOGITrumps Ultimate - C64 | LOGITrumps Ultimate is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game has been developed by Logiker (code & pixels) and Wil (Music & Linking). FREEZE64 - 38 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Rambo - First Blood Part II, Readers' Rambolings, Badlands, ZZAP!64, Secret Squirrel Investigates, Andrew Davie, Hunchy, Pokes 'n' Codes, Tony Savona - Fix It Felix Jr. and Phil Wheatley. Overshadow #35 | Overshadow is a Hungarian diskette magazine for the Commodore C64 computer.  In this edition: News from the Hungarian scene, reviews, games and videos. 8-Bit Show & Tell - C64 cartridges | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about Commodore C64 cartridges. SideKick64 | Sidekick64 is a versatile cartridge/expansion for the C64, C128 and C16/+4 whose functionality is entirely defined by software running on a Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi). Recent cjanges: Updates for the PCB and the software (new fancy display, more C128 support). LukHash - Alien | LukHash makes music with the help of a Commodore C64. This time he made a remix of Alien. MW ULTRA - C64 | MW ULTRA is an improved version of the Metal Warrior game released in 1999. The game is PAL / NTSC compatible and supports REU and SuperCPU. A manual and city map is included. C64Studio v6.5 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for the binary editor, macros, replace, renumber, export, rename, sprite editor and breakpoints. Retro Recollections - Tapecart SD | A new YouTube video of Retro Recollections. In this episode: The Tapecart SD that can load PRG and TCRT images on a Commodore 64 via the cassette port. SEUCK competition 2020 | The results of the SEUCK Compo 2020:
1. Sythia in the Cyber Crypt - Eleanor Burns
2. Spearhead - Alf Yngve
3. Guillotine - The Doom Machine - Richard Bayliss
4. Fish Pond 2 - Robovox by Pinov Vox
5. Space Fighter - Pinov Vox
6. Lagangrian Point 3 - The Earth Elevator - Recycled Arts CityXen - The Smokerdore 64 | CityXen has built a system to control an old Masterbuilt smoker with a Commodore C64. They also show how to build the controller and how to make the program. Bread Box - Smart Homes | A new video from the Bread Box Commodore Computer Museum. In this video Justin shows how to control your home with Commodore C64. Bounce 20 - C64 | Cout games converted the game Bounce from the Commodore VIC20 to the Commodore C64. The game is written in Basic. Simone Says Basic - C64 | Simone Says Basic is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Steveboy in the Basic programming language. Naddando - C64 | Naddando is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is made with the help of SEUCK. The game is developed by Commodore Spain. Retroterm TURBO56K | Retroterm is a new C64 terminal compatible with the TURBO56K protocol, which can connect to BBSs with 57600 bps. With Retroterm and a TURBO56K BBS you can view images, listen to 4-bit PCM audio and download programs. JITT64 v1.04 | There is an update of JITT64 available, you can read the details on the JITT64 web page. Java Ice Team Tracker 64 is a java-based music tracker (editor) for creating music for the SID chip of Commodore 64. Instruments are totally based onto tables for full control of sound generation. Power Basic v2.1 - C64 | Mdraith released a new version of his Power Basic for the Commodore C64. A few examples of Power Basic command are: CLS, OLD, AUTO, HIRES, PLOT, ADSR, WAVE, SPRITE, DIR and DISK. We Love C64 - Demo | We Love C64 is a demo for the Commodore C64 computer. The demo is developed by Richard, Dr.J & Mythus (code), Mythus, Richard, Bordeaux & Logiker (pixels), Richard, Dr.J & SigmaZeven (music) and Baracuda & Richard (text). Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Apocalypse, Early Days, Mad Mission, Mirage, Molar Madness and Sidewinder. Updated: Advanced Soccer Simulator, Alliance, C64GS cartridge titles, Catacombs, Circuit Man, Earth Mover, Escape From Colditz, Findit, Forestland, Habitat, Iron Hand, Living Dead, Make My Day, Mastertronic Loader 3, Mega Games, Megatanoï, Miner Willy Meets The Taxman, Mishun, Nighthunter, Orpheus in the Underworld, PHM Pegasus - Advanced Battle Disk, Race Drivin', Rainbow Educational Software, Red Arrows, Shoot Out!, Slap Fighter, Thunder Hawk and Unknown Tony Crowther game.