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Start page Mix Box #8 | Richard Bayliss released another Mix Box with the following music: Island Trip, Laser Blaster, Techno Heat, Lovely Creatures and E.C.A Compacting. Bottom - C64 | Bottom is a new demo for the Commodore C64 from the group Bonzai. The demo is based on the TV-series Bottom with Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson. The demo is made by Walt (code), Drax (music), Dize (graphics) and Trap (text). Street Defender V1.6 - VR64 | Street Defender is a new VR game for the Commodore C64. The game has been developed by Jim_64 (code & graphics) and Nico Clone (music). The game can be played with the VR64. Changes in this version: Better support for Atari paddles. Bwack - C64 VICII | Bwack is making a video series about the analysis of the VIC-II die shot. In this part: The address generator. C64 intros | The web page c64Intros has updated its intro database and added many new intros. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: 4 Games, Abandon Ship S.O.S., Angry Birds Style, Any Craps 64, Babies of the Dirt, Bimz, Cybex Escape, Dynaboys, Flyboy, Galaxy Patrol, Heartlight64, Le Fantome Vert, Lumberjack Deluxe, Magic, Mekka and Symposium 2000 missing 32k games, Murdlok, Pinball Dreams, Push It, R.I.O.T, Roll-Out, Scramble 2010, The Official Everton F.C. Intelligensia, Top 20, Transforming Overland Robot, Zulp and triFACTa. Update: Academy, Am-Cup, American GI, Breaker, Buggy Ranger, Cave Wizard, Champions, Crossfire Canyon, Dark Sceptre, Dominator V1, European SuperLeague, Eye Of The Moon, International Soccer Challenge, Italian pirated games, Katia, Last Ninja V1, Megatanio, Meurtre À Grande Vitesse, Murder!, Opera House and The Pay Off, Outpost, PT-109, Pet Person, Prometheous, Proteus, Rex Hard, Rhyme Land, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Test Drive 3, Tour De Force, Toyota Rally, Traffico, Turbo Cup Challenge, Unknown shooter by Kernal and Victory Road (UK version). GIGABLAST - Gold edition - C64 | Alf Yngve released an improved version of his GIGABLAST game. In the game you must test the GIGABLAST, a devastating new superweapon. Fly your aircraft and drone across the robotic testing field, and take out as many machines as possible. HVSC #70 | There is an update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more than 51.300 SIDs in the collection. In this update 658 new SIDs, 66 fixed/better rips, 174 SID credit fixes, 27 SID model/clock info's, 1 tunes identified and 26 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Z64K v1.0.3 | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for the TestBench (drive and support for VICE & HOXS64), icons and screenshots. SpriteMate v1.10 | SpriteMate is an on-line sprite editor for the Commodore C64 developed by Ingo Hinterding. The features are: Fill, shift, flip, preview, grid, overlays, undo & redo, copy & paste, load & save, import & export and keyboard shortcuts. Wolfling - C64 | The game Wolfling for the Nintendo NES has been converted to the Commodore C64. The conversion is made by Lazycow (code), Zolionline (graphics) and Cyborgjeff (music). This version has many improvements and 60 screens. Sizzler - C64 | Sizzler is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Stuart Collier (code), Trevor Storey (graphics) and Saul Cross (music). In the game you must help Mik3 to create an arcade game. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6784 games on this web page. The new games are: Alien Zoo, Bomberland, Challenge (Unic), Conga4096, Cubes, Darkipede, Dungeon Warriors, Electra, Equinox (Micro Fantasy), G7000 Racer, Galencia, Gravitrix, Hazar, International Karate Ultimate Competition, Intruder - The Game, Orb, Plexonoid, Pulse Warrior, Schatz-Höhle, Schatz-Höhle II, Schatzraeuber, Schatzsuche, Schatzsucher (Markt und Technik 1984), Special Toddler, Spirit of Adventure (English), The Equalizer, This is E.F. IGES - Interactive Game Editor System and Toddler. C64-Archiv 4.1 | A new version of C664-Archiv is now available. Changes in this version: Improvement for the favourite files and GEOS. Support for LNX and DiskPacked ZipCode files. VirtualC64 v3.3 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. The changes in this version are: Improvements for preferences, CRT emulation, screenshot, audio (ReSID) and joysticks. Added support for the Expert cartridge. Digiloi - C64 | Digiloi is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Dr. TerrorZ. The game is a PETSCII platform game. StrikeWiFi - C64 | Geoanas is working on a new project. This time he built a WiFi modem for the Commodore C64. The modem connects to the user-port and is compatible with the CCGMS software. Ozmoo - C64 | Ozmoo is a new Z-code interpreter for the Commodore 64, written by Johan Berntsson and Fredrik Ramsberg. Z-code is the text adventure format invented and used by Infocom. With Ozmoo you can make your own text adventure game. Killer Bees - C64 | Killer Bees is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Flavioweb (code), DustBin (music) and Raffox & Sink (graphics). The game is a conversion from the Magnavox Odyssey 2 / Philips Videopac game. Dice8 - C64 | Dice8 is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by PCH (code & graphics), Aki (music) and Sillicon (text). Hoxs64 v1.0.16.0 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Improvement for G64 diskettes, VMAX4 loaders, CIA TOD, joystick settings and save state. FREEZE64 - 24 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Stuntman Seymour, Duncan Kershaw, The Interview, Barnsley Badger, Bits 'n Bytes, The Talkies (2), ZZAP!64, Peter Andrew, Pokes 'n Codes and Tim Drew. Kernal64 v 1.4.9 | Kernal64 is a C64 & C128 emulator developed by Alessandro Abbruzzetti and is written in the Scala programming language. Changes in this version: Improvement for VICII 2Mhz mode, ROM, drives & keyboard settings, Warp mode, RS-232, Z80 and VDC interlace mode. Commoflage - English Edition 09 | A new episode of Commoflage is now available. This podcast is in the English language and you can hear lots of SID music. In this episode: Rambo: Chris Abbott & the 8-bit Symphony. SEUCK competition 2019 | You can now submit your games for the SEUCK competition 2019. The closing date is 31 May 2019. Aviator Arcade II - C64 | Aviator Arcade II is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Mark Hindsbo, Saul Cross and Thomas Petersen. In the game you must fly your attack helicopter and destroy the terrorist unit X-Force. Denise v1.0.2 | Denise is a cycle accurate and platform independent C64 / Amiga emulator. This emulator is developed by piciji. At this moment the C64 emulation is working with cartridge, tape and prg files support. GeoDOS 64 V2.971 | GeoDOS was developed by DarkVision in 1990. In this new version: Support for the SD2IEC devices. HVSC 4 SD2IEC - #69 update | HVSC 4 SD2IEC is a project to convert the HVSC collection to a SD2IEC device. All files are converted to SID DNP files. You can also use the SD-BOX to listen to the SID music. C64Studio v5.9 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for labels, !ifndef, renumber, !zone, macros, !basic, map editor and the sprite editor. Z64K v1.0 | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for TAP, SID player, Expert cartridge, NMI logic cartridge, CP/M cartridge and Testbench UI. Ornament Man - C64 | Ornament Man is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a special Christmas edition and is developed by Iceout.