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Start page Zatacka - C64 | Zatacka is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by insane (code), 505 (music) and Titus (graphics). The game reached the second place in the WiLD Demo Competition at Nordlicht 2017. Versa64Cart | Bwack is testing his new Versa64Cart. The Versa64cart is a printed circuit board for a 27512 EPROM with many configuration options. Aphexteknol - C64 repair | Aphexteknol made a video about the repair of a Commodore C64. This time the on/off switch was the problem. The Ultimate-64 | Gideon Zweijtzer announced the Ultimate-64. This circuit board will replace the original circuit board in the Commodore C64. Features: FPGA SID / real SID, HDMI PAL/NTSC, cartridge, tape, user, serial, video and joystick ports. The price will be around 200 Euro. HVSC 4 SD2IEC | HVSC 4 SD2IEC is a new project to convert the HVSC collection to a SD2IEC device. All files are converted to SID DNP files. You can also use the SD-BOX to listen to the music. Stranded - C64 | Lft released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is an adventure game with graphics and was released at the Gubbdata 2017 meeting in Sweden. Ultimate1541 Sid Remote v1.1 | With Ultimate1541 Sid Remote you can send SID music to the Commodore C64 from a PC. The program is developed by L.A.Style and tested by hedning. Vault Man 2 - C64 | Vault Man 2 is a new game for the Commodore C64 developed by Iceout. In the game you must collect all the gold bars and bring them to the door. The game has 24 levels. The best looking C64 games | On the YouTube channel Old style gaming you can see the best looking games for the Commodore C64. A few examples are: Armalyte, Barbarian, Creatures 2: Torture Trouble, Defender of the Crown, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, Flimbo's Quest, I.O., Katakis, Last Ninja 3, Mayhem in Monsterland, Nebulus, Nobby the Aardvark, Rainbow Islands, Summer Games 2, Turrican, Winter Games and X-Out. SD-BOX v1.19 | The SD-BOX is a cartridge with an SD card interface for the Commodore C64. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Improvements for the SD2IEC (fast read during disk copy), auto-swap, disk drive, manual and the SID Player. PGC 2017 | The Protovision Game Competition 2017 has started. The goal of the competition is to encourage the development of new C64 games. You can enter your game until the 30th of April 2018 and the theme for this year is sports. Jan Beta - C64 repair | Jan Beta has made a video about the repair of a Commodore C64. The fault of this C64 is a wrong video display and two blinking cursors. HVSC #67 | There is an update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more than 49,500 SIDs in the collection. In this update 600 new SIDs, 139 fixed/better rips, 313 SID credit fixes, 299 SID model/clock info's, 25 tunes identified and 32 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. SID Known v1.13 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC (#67). SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files. C64 Debugger v0.60 | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version: Improvements for reset, VIC colour palette, settings menu, CIA timers and key mapping. Added: Vice 3.1, VIC display / editor screen, music notes (SID), the following of code jumps, branches and code cycles. Steve Morrow - Commodore 64 Machine Language (3) | Steve Morrow is making a series of YouTube video about programming machine language on the Commodore C64. In this episode he explains how to use LDA and STA. YACE64 | YACE64 is Yet Another Commodore Emulator for Windows and iPhone/iPad. Changes in this version: 3D mode, detailed traces, disassembler and a visual VIC debugger. Blackbird v1.1 - C64 | Blackbird is a modern and powerful music editor for the Commodore 64. The exported music contains a highly efficient play routine and has a small memory footprint, 9-12 pages of memory. Improvements in this version: buffers, realtime clock and birdcruncher. FREEZE64 - 10 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Andrew Braybrook, view sprites utility (Action Replay Cartridge), Uridium, The mouldy cupboard, Free cheat card (7), Martin Piper - Citadel 2, New & exclusive pokes & codes, Gribbly's Day Out, Secret squirrel and Hackersoft pads. The Sky Is Falling - C64 | The Sky Is Falling is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Stuart Collier (code), Trevor Storey (graphics) and the music is from Richard Bayliss. In the game you must explore many caves. You have the tools to smash the sharp stalactites, but be aware for the big boulders. VirtualC64 v1.5.1 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. Changes in this version are: Improvements for audio, Swift, fullscreen mode, joystick emulation, snapshot and diskdrive memory. Super Kernel 24 in 1 | RetroJeck, Tommi_NRW and KiWi developed a Kernel replacement for the Commodore C64. With a menu you can choose between 24 different Kernels. Retrohax: C64c | On the Retrohax web page you can see how to restore a very dirty Commodore C64c. Modifications: SD2IEC, red keyboard and a black case. A SID Adventure - Gaetano Chiummo | GeoAnas had an interview with the SID musician Gaetano Chiummo. Gaetano makes games and music for the Commodore C64 such as: The Rocket Man, SEA Soft Loader, Il Mago, Sheer Earth Attack, Acoustic Freedom and Filtered Feelings. Spyders - C64 | Mr. NOP released a new game for the Commodore C64, the music is made by Richard Bayliss. The game is a Space Invaders clone for the C64 but Mr. NOP is also developing a PET version (ASCII). C64Studio v5.2 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for rebuild, !pet and 40 track .d64 images. Support for VICE 3.1, 1bit image import and CBMPrgStudio. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: The Jetsons (Hi-Tec Software), Impossible Mission 2 (Epyx) and Heatseeker (Thalamus). La Carretera - C64 | La Carretera is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is in the Spanish language. The game is made by Rulas International (code), Richard (music) and the graphics are from Errazking. 326298 Rev A board | Bo Herrmannsen is working on a replica of the 326298 Rev A motherboard. This motherboard is the first motherboard for the Commodore C64. He has now made the PCB layout in Sprint-Layout and wants to produce the new motherboards. The Final Cartridge III - replica | Greisi made a new version of the Final Cartridge III. The new version also has improvements such as a FLASH chip instead of an EPROM a fuse and more decoupling capacitors. Multipaint - Metal Edition | Multipaint allows you to draw pictures with the colour limitations of some typical 8 bit computer platforms. Changes in this version: New paint colour behaviour, pre-set dithers and improvements to mouse events. Virtuoso 1.01 - C64 | Hein has released an update for his music tool for the Commodore C64. The features are: Main editor: sequencer, patterns, instruments, step and FLO programs. Jam mode: mono, poly or layered. Selection of instruments, song, octave or song speed and a diskette menu.