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Start page Antarta the Penguin - C64 | Antarta the Penguin is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64 made by Igor Errazkin. In the game you are Antarta the penguin and must run in the annual Penguin Marathon on the island Antarctica. Superfluid v0.2 - C64 / Retro Replay cartridge | Superfluid is a basic extension, freezer and machine language monitor for the C64 or C128 with a Retro Replay (or compatible) cartridge. Basic extension: Function keys, ON, OFF, KILL, OLD, MON and $. Freezer: RAM, I/O registers and colour RAM. JSIDPlay2 - v3.8 | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Escape from London, Moonstone, American GI, Fire Breath, Kung Fury: Street Rage, Renegade V1 and Uropa. Update: B.A.D, Fight Run, Lethal Xcess, Planets Of Death, Tour De Force and Twister. FM Radio app - GEOS | Timo Voutilainen has made a FM Radio app for GEOS. This app supports a RDA5807 module connected to the user port of the Commodore C64. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: WEC Le Man (Imagine) and Vigilante (U.S. Gold). Polyanna - C64 | Polyanna is a 8-channel music editor for the Commodore 64. Polyanna plays 3 regular SID channels together with 5 emulated SID channels on a stock machine with the 6581 SID chip. Main Ninja & Super ACE 1942 - C64 | Igor Errazkin released two new SEUCK games for the Commodore C64. In the game Main Ninja you must guide your ninja safely to his home. In the game Super ACE 1942 you must fly a WW2 fighter plane and fight against the enemy forces. Reset #09.5 | Reset is an pdf magazine for the Commodore C64 user. In this edition: 2017, Graham Axten, DubCRT, Craptastic Competition, Gazunta vs Jeff Minter, The Bear Essentials, Maze of the Mummy, Moonspire and My Life. The Hunter - C64 | The Hunter is a new game for the Commodore 64 developed by Igor Errazkin. In the game you take control of a submarine, which must go into the abyss and battle against mutant creatures. You also must collect spinning coins for bonus points. Border Blast 3 - C64 | Alf Yngve released a new game for the Commodore C64. In the game you must fight against your enemy and destroy the force-field. The game can be played with one or two players. Basic Battleships - C64 | Steveboy released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game Basic Battleships is a strategy game and is written in basic. Overlay64 v1.0 | Henning Bekel released a new hardware device for the Commodore C64. Overlay64 is a video overlay module that superimposes predefined text on an analogue video signal depending on the state of up to 24 digital input lines. Brotbox64 | Brotbox64 is a podcast (German language) about the Commodore C64 made by Philipp Lehmann. In this episode: Brotbox News, New in the collection, Sichtungen in der Bucht, C64 vs. NES, Merlin and Chrille (Giana Sisters Construction Set), Patrick from Retrokompott, Tetrisclone and SID of the month (LMan - Rastaline Dub). Key64tapper | Adam Podstawczyński developed a Commodore 64 keyboard emulator. This emulator makes it possible to type a text on a modern PC and send the key strokes via a serial connection to the Commodore C64. C64 Debugger v0.56 | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE v2.4 emulator. Changes in this version: Improvements for loading PRG, sprites, settings and audio. The following commands are added: pass, S PRG , L PRG and D. C64/VIC-20 power supply repair/upgrade | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair a C64/VIC-20 power supply. He installed a switching regulator inside the original power supply. FREEZE64 - 06 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Mastertronics, Paul Koller, Hackers Tutorial, Free Cheat Card (3), Games in the making, Hackersioft pads, Game Ending Focus: The Human Race, New Pokes 'n'Codes, Next Level: Chiller and Secret Squirrel's Enigma Code. Luna 3 - C64 | Luna 3 is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Rulas International (code), Baron Ashler (music), Bieno64 (graphics), Errazking (paper art) and Laddh (help). SD2IEC Kernal v1.0 | Clause made a modified kernal for the Commodore 64. This kernal supports the SD2IEC devices that based on the design of Ingo Korb. The kernal provides a file browser and a fast loader (10x). Hoxs64 v1.0.9.0 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Support for the Benjamin Rosseaux P64 1541 file format. Improvements for the CIA Time Of Day clocks and accesses to address $DD0D. NinjaTracker v2.04 | Cadaver and Spider Jerusalem made a new version of the NinjaTracker. Changes in this version: Added pause for long directories, F-keys in goattracker/sidwizard style and a new colour scheme. CCGMS 2017 Final | A new version of CCGMS is now available. Features in this version: User Port / UP9600 / Swiftlink / Turbo232 / Comet64 (300-38400 Baud). Support for 17xx REU, Phone Book, Ansi colours, Themes, Drive #8-15 and sd2iec/uIEC. SDBrowse - C64 | SDBrowse is a new program for the Commodore C64. With SDBrowse you can browse drives, copy files, edit filenames, etc. The program uses a special font (6 x 8) and the side borders to display the information. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: T-Bird (Virgin Mastertronic), Satan (Dinamic), Rastan (Imagine), The Bear Essentials (Pond Software), Pharaoh (CP Verlag), Oops! (The Big Apple), The New Zealand Story (Ocean), Mask of the Sun (Brøderbund), The Last V8 (Mastertronic), Killerwatt (Alligata), Jet Set Willy 2 (Software Projects), Impossible Mission (Epyx) and Heartland (Odin Computer Graphics). Mastermind - C64 | Mastermind is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64 made by Ron (code & charset), Fredrik (music) and Shine (graphics). The game can be played with the joystick. Kick Assembler v4.6 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for the null-pointer exception, symbols, variables, directives, error messages and the bytedump option. No More Secrets v0.91 | No More Secrets is a documents that describes the so called 'illegal' op-codes for the NMOS 6510 microprocessor. The document is maintained by Groepaz and gives you information on op-codes such as: RLA, LAX, ANC, ARR, TAS and many more. Commodore 64 Machine Language Game Project | Steve Morrow is making a series of YouTube video about programming machine language on the Commodore C64. In this series he explains how to program games. Falcon 23 - C64 | Falcon 23 is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer developed by Aleksi Eeben. CHIP 64 | Vincent John printed a case for the CHIP minicomputer. The case is in the shape of the Commodore C64. Hot Style #5 | Hot Style is a polish diskette magazine for the Commodore C64 user. In this edition: 2016 C64 4kb Game Coding Competition, RetroKomp 2016, Silesia Party 8 invitation and X'2016.