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Start page Karl Hörnell interview | The web page had an interview with Karl Hörnell. Karl worked on the following games for the Commodore C64: Fruity, Ronald Rubberduck, Velocipede, Clean-Up, Velocipede II, Fungus, Melonmania, Toad Force and Clean-Up Service. Dual Core C64 | Telmo Moya replaced the standard 6510 CPU of the Commodore C64 with a dual core CPU. The first core is a 6510 and the second core is a Z80. This makes it possible to use CP|M on the C64 without the original CP|M cartridge. C64Studio v4.8 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for highlighting, memory information, sprite editor, key mapping, Pi and lots of other smaller improvements. Check64 | Thomas developed a new test-system for the Commodore C64. The test-system will be available as a kit: printed circuit board, electronic parts and a EPROM (programmed). The available tests are: C64 Dead Test ROM, C64 Diagnostic ROM, 1541 DIAG ( and C128 Diagnostic ROM. Yatzy - C64 | Yatzy is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Ron (code /graphics), Fredrik (music) and shine (graphics). The game can be played with 1 to 4 players. Reset #09 | Reset is an pdf magazine for the Commodore C64 user. In this edition: Hyper Sentinel, Four5Six Pixel, Andrew & Rob Hewson, News, Hints & Tips for Videogame Pioneers, Barnsley Badger, Tiger Claw, Paradroid Redux, GTW64, 3D Lunattack, Hessian, Rack-It, Freedom Expansion Board and Insects in Space. Attitude #17 | In this English diskette magazine the following: Editorial, Scene news, News from the groups, Ultimate II+ cartridge, interview with HCL/Booze Design and the Gubbdata 2016 party report. SEUCK competition 2016 | You can now submit your games for the SEUCK competition 2016. The latest entry is F-Clash 64 from Canseco. In the game you must fight with your jet-plane over the city and the sea. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Mancopter (Datasoft), The Last Ninja 3 (System 3), KGB Agent (Pirate Software), Jaws (Screen 7), Imagination (Firebird), Hawkeye (Thalamus), Gates of Dawn (Virgin Games), Fighting Soccer (Activision), Elvin (Rainbow Arts), Dark Caves (CP Verlag), Captain Power and The Soldiers of the Future (Box Office) and Barbarian (Psygnosis/Melbourne House). Sprite Castle | Rob Flack O'Hara has a web page for all his podcasts. Besides the podcast you can also find the links of web pages mentioned in the podcast. The most recent games are: Sword of Fargoal (Epyx) and One on One (Electronic Arts). States of Brazil - C64 | States of Brazil is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer developed by Cout Games. Kabura - C64 | Kabura is a new arcade game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Rulas International (code & graphics), Baron Ashler (music), Errazking (graphics), Bieno64 (test). In the game you are in Japan in the year 2113 and you must take back the control over the energy supply. Breakaway 2016 - C64 | Matteo Angelini made a new game for the Commodore C64 with the help of SEUCK. This is a puzzle game, in which you move counters A, B and C around the grid, in order to prevent counter D from getting to the most bottom point. Ultimate-II+ | Gideon has announced a new version of the Ultimate II cartridge. The new specifications are: More USB ports, but no more MicroSD, integrated Ethernet, dual Flash, loudspeaker, external power supply connector, improved audio, tape connector and a faster FPGA. Clone-a-Dore: C64 Micro ATX | David Maurer is working on an replacement for the Commodore C64. The features will be: USB keyboard, dual SID chip support, internal IEC header, cassette port, RAM expansion, Amiga clock port, Ethernet and much more. SX64 keyboard cable | Flowerking made new connectors for the Commodore SX64 keyboard cable with his 3D printer. Besides the plastic shapes you will need the pins and some cable. Flowerking made more 3D designs for the Commodore and Amiga: C64 keyboard mounts, Amiga disk drive button, 1541 disk drive handle, etc. Regenerator 1.6 - C64 | Regenerator is a program made by Tomaz Kac, that will disassemble a Commodore 64 machine code program on your Windows PC. Changes in this version: Improvements for .WORD Lookup tables, Go To Reference Label, Remove Parameter Label, Add Hi/Lo & Lo/Hi Label and a Jump To button. C64 Debugger | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE v2.4 emulator. C64 Debugger is made by Slajerek and tested by Don Kichote, ElfKaa, Isildur and Mr Wegi. Excalibur - C64 | Excalibur is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Laddh (code), el sid (music) and Errazking (graphics). The SID in this game is Carmina Burana (O Fortuna). CGSC v1.32 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 15130 MUS, 4211 STR and 5303 WDS files. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Java Jim in Square Shape Trouble (Creative Sparks), Ikari III: The Rescue (SNK), Havoc (Players Premier), Garrison (Rainbow Arts), Fight Night (U.S. Gold), Elven Warrior (Players Premier), Dark Castle (Mirrorsoft), Captain Kidd (Bug-Byte), Bangkok Knights (System 3), After Burner (USA) (Mindscape), Warrior (Living Colors Software), Vendetta (System 3), Uninvited (Mindscape), Uninvited (Mindscape) and Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo (Firebird). Honey Bee - C64 | The game Honey Bee for the Commodore C64 is now officially released. Can you help Buzzy Bee impress Queen Bee by gathering loads of honey, and dropping it into the bee hives in 16 different zones. You can download the game for free on the TND web page or you can buy a cassette or diskette from Psytronik Software. Tron Digidrum | Bart van den Akker made a YouTube video about the Tron Digidrum. The Tron Digidrum is a sound sampler and drum machine module from 1985. The Digidrum audio is completely unedited. C64 intros | The web page c64Intros has updated its intro database and added 100 new intros. The new or updated groups are: Tuerk's Cracker Incorporation [TCI], The Cyborg Power System+Strike Force, Crash '90, Danish Science, Fastest Australian Supply Team [FAST], Fear, Idiots+Soldiers, Just Us, Lap Dancers, The Magic Cracking Service, Software Dreams International Crew [SDI], Shit, Slave Cracking Group [SCG], The Audion Industries [TAI], Tankard (AT), The Guardian, Triad+Genesis Project and The Supply Team. Evil Garden - C64 | Evil Garden is a game for the Commodore C64 that was made in 1989 for Demonware. The game was made by Lutz Vieweg (code) Joachim Rosenögger (graphics) and Dennis Sarratou (sound). The game was never released in the eighties, but now after more than 25 year you can play the game. QWAK 1.2 - C64 | QWAK 1.2 is a game for the Commodore C64. The game is one of the competitors in the C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition. The game is made by Oziphantom (code), Saul Cross (music / graphics), Didi (NTSC-Fix) and TheRyk (testing). Regenerator 1.5 | Regenerator is a program made by Tomaz Kac, that will disassemble a Commodore 64 machine code program on your Windows PC. Changes in this version: Improvements for the GUI, HI/LO and LO/HI LOOKUP tables, LOAD OFFSET and improvements for the keyboard handling. Reset Game Compo | Reset Magazine is organizing a 4k game competition. This year's competition theme is: Craptastic! The rules are: Deadline is 1st October, 2016. Maximum size is 4k, executable on a C64 from tape, disk or cartridge. SEUCK competition 2016 | You can now submit your games for the SEUCK competition 2016. The latest entry is 1917 from MiniMoog/Slavia. In the game you can help Vladimir Ilyich Lenin with the Russian revolution. Rush through the Winter Palace, find tsar and fight him. Arthur the Viking - C64 | Roberto Ricioppo made a new SEUCK game for the C64. This time you are Arthur the Viking. In the game you must destroy the enemy and his ships. Shotgun - C64 | ZeHa developed a new game for the Commodore C64. The game can be played with four players! In the game you can collect guns and shoot at each other, but each gun only has 3 bullets. It is a very fast game and perfect for a retro or demo party. ZIF Socket C64 | On the web page you can see a ZIF socket modification for a Commodore C64 motherboard. When you try to repair an C64 it is possible to change a few ICs when they are placed in a socket. But most of the time they are soldered in place. This motherboard has now almost all ICs in ZIF sockets.