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Strona startowa C64 Endings | Strona ma 24 nowych zakończeń gier: After The War (Dinamic), Battle Command (Ocean Software), Halcyon (Kingsoft), Sun Star (CRL), Sigma Seven (Durell), Stack Up (Zeppelin Games), Son of Blagger (Alligata Software), Spy vs. Spy 3 (First Star Software), Spore (Bulldog/Mastertronic), Sidewinder 2 (Virgin Mastertronic), Slicks (Codemasters), Sly Spy: Secret Agent (Ocean Software), Serpent's Star (Brøderbund Software), Spooky Castle (Atlantis Software), Trance Sector (TND Games), Tropical Fever (Headbanger), Thomas the Tank Engine (Alternative Software), Ultima IV: Quest for Avatar (Origin Systems), Valentino (System Editoriale), Wing Commander (Mastertronic), Warlok (Calisto Games), Xain D'Shleena (Sputnik World), X-Terminator (Novagen) i Zaga (Kingsoft). Lumber - SID | Lumber to nowa muzyka SID dla komputera Commodore C64. Muzykę tworzy NecroPolo. | Nowe gry są: Hangmans Hazard, Hessian (Preview), Kim Pong, Labyrinth of Crete, Magic Voice Classics, MAH, Master-Word, Megatron (Technische Maschinenfabrik), Pixel Pix, Pour le Merite, Rockmaze, Rowly, S.F.S. - Special Forces Soldier, Sankara Stone, Scramble (Thomas Kite 2015), Sexy Ghosts n Goblins, Space Business, Space Goblins, Sweatman, T-Ufo, The Vice Squad, The Wall, The Worm (Magna Media), Tiger Claw, Worm! (Gris) i Worm! C64 Endings | Strona ma 20 nowych zakończeń gier: Grayhawk (TND Games), Necromancer (Synapse Software), Neuronics (Thalion), Olypic Skier (Mr. Chip Software), Pixel City Skater (Digital Monastery), Prison Riot, (Players), Para Assault Course (Zeppelin Games), Pulse Warrior (Mastertronic), Psych Soldier (Imagine Software), Quest for the Holy Grail (Mastertronic), Radax (Firebird / CP Verlag), Raid 2000 (Mirrorsoft), Starforce Fighter (Mastertronic), Shadow Skimmer (The Edge), Spike's Peak (HesWare), Skatin' USA (Atlantis Software), Shell Shock (Beyond Belief), Shaolin (Psytronik Games), Shanghai Warriors (Players) i Schizofrenia (Quicksilva). C64 Endings | Strona ma 5 nowych zakończeń gier: Lazer Tag (Go!), The Last Gladiator (Electronic Arts), Maximum Overdrive (Techno Tribal Designs), The Magic Candle (Minecraft) i Magnetron (Broderbund). HVSC #63 | Aktualizacja dla HVSC (High Voltage SID Collection).Łączna liczba SID są: 46.500. Nowe identyfikatory: 798. Dzięki zwiększonej: 121 SID. Kredyty: 412. Informacje o modelu / zegara: 67. Zidentyfikowane: 27. Przeniesiony: 46. Disco Band - C64 | Disco Band to nowa muzyka SID dla komputera Commodore C64. Muzykę tworzy Deizi. C64 intros | Nowe intra są: Chaos Industries, Cyclotron [CTN], Dexion + New Life + Zargon, Advanced Dynax SidRiders [ADSR], Empire Software, Euratom, FCG (DE), Kraekers, Organisation for Software Swapping [OFSS], Sense Designs, Sphinxs, Vector, The Web Incorporated, Wicked+Burp i Zzap. Vandalism News #64 | W tym magazynie dyskowym znajdziesz następujące pozycje: The Charts, News, World of Demos, History of SID, SIDTracker64, Interviews: Rock, Sphinx i Hedning, Ramblings of an Madman, RGCD, Gubdata 2015, Bruce Lee II, Revision 2015 i list. C64 Endings | Strona ma 6 nowych zakończeń gier: Humpty meets the Fuzzies (Artic), Interview (Andromeda Software), Infernal Runner (Loriciels), ohn Lowe's Darts (Gremlin Graphics), Killerwatt (Alligata) i Mission Impossibubble (Hewson). | Nowe gry są: Abrasco Golf, Block n Tropic, Break64, GAC - The Graphic Adventure Creator, Geisterhaus, Geisterjagd, Ocean Ranger, Rebound (CCI), Rebound (David Kinder), Rebound (Markt und Technik), Rent-a-cop Reloaded Preview, Return of Heracles, Simulgolf, Starslayer, Swoop (Ahoy) Swoop (Micro Power), Swooper, Tazz, The Adventures of Alain, The Marlo Files, Tornado (Multisoft), Toyz, Tropical Fever i Tropical Fever II. Violinski - Clogdance - C64 | Violinski - Clogdance to nowa muzyka SID dla komputera Commodore C64. Muzykę tworzy Saul Cross. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Colorasaurus, Deadly Summer, Fall Guy V1, House of Changes, Number Stumper, Pony Express, Ronin, Show Jumping i Sqaut Bot. Aktualizacja: Bloody Kids, Catch 23, DDT: Dynamic Debugger, Fantasy, Flok, Food Feud, Gremlins, High Memory, Jet Boat Simulator, Lethal Xcess, Mindbending Aliens From Hyperspace, Nefarious, Paranoid Pete, Prototype, Samurai Dawn, Snare V1, Space Monkeys, Spirit Of Adventure, Strobe, Trigger Happy i Vitrus, Wolf. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): CREATURES II: Torture Trouble, Fast Tracks: The Computer Slot Car Construction Kit, Bath Time, Scarabaeus, O'Riley's Mine, Rick Dangerous i LED Storm. | Nowe gry są: Bodesen Spiel, Break64 Preview, Bruce Lee II, Bumble Games v1.3, Bumble Plot v1.2, Carrera F1, Color Confusion, Commando Arcade SE, D-Bug, Knuckle Buster (Knucklebusters), Nibbler (Loadstar), Nibbler (Tronic), Populous Preview, Scooby Doo (MicroIllusions), Stinger!, Tutti Frutti 64, Voivod Attack i X-Force. Reset #06 | Nowa edycja English pdf, czasopisma jest już dostępny. W tej edycji, co następuje: Redakcyjny, Reset Remembers, Reset Mix-i-disk, RGCD CGDC, News, Games Scene, High Scoring Heroes, Blast From The Past, Donkey Kong Junior, Andreas Varga, On The Road, Where Are They Now?, They Were Our Gods, Gravitrix, Ready A Commodore 64, Games That Weren', The Net, Reset Mini-Bytes, Format Wars - Scumball, Whether it be Slings and Arrows...,Brisbane C64 Night, Deep Thoughts i Getting Online With Your C64. C64 intros | Nowe intra są: 3lux, The Bionic Force [TBF], Buddha the Trainer God, Cannon, Comtec, Density, The Expert Group [TEG], Fart, Hamburger Software Group 2112, Inferno (NL), The Infiltrators (DK), Lightning, Maximum Cracker, Poison (1990), Promise [PRS], Promise+Zenobits, Raspacho, Sitzgruppe, Sunset, Tomorrow Soft Group [TSG] i The Wild Boys Crackings [TWBC]. C64 Endings | Strona ma 4 nowych zakończeń gier: Heisse Luft (CP Verlag / Game On), Rasterscan (Mastertronic), Super Cars (Gremlin Graphics) i Star Slayer (Silverbird). The SID Station | 10 REM Commodore 64 internet radio
20 REM SID music
30 REM 24/7 for free
40 REM Go to homepage
50 POKE 54296,15
60 REM Tune in to stream
70 GOTO 40 Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: ALA, Black Gold 2, Bounce'n, Droid Alert, Grapevine i Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers. Aktualizacja: Behemoth, Bible Baseball, Boxing Champion, Bushido Warrior, C64GS cartridge titles, Candyman, Charlie Chaplin, Crossfire Canyon, Gi Hero, Italian Night 99, Jimmy's Grandprix, Mag Max V1, Mars Cops, Nighthunter, Pool Game, Populous, Programming Paintset, Shellshock, Shove Off, Snare V1, Soccer Game, Soldier One, Star Scaper, Super Wonderdog, T-Runner, Under The Ground i Unknown Educational game. C64 Endings | Strona ma 4 nowych zakończeń gier: Gaplus (Mastertronic), Psych Soldier (Imagine Software), Street Warriors (Silverbird) i Star Slayer (Silverbird). Special Forces Soldier - C64 | Special Forces Soldier to nowa gra na komputer Commodore C64 opracowana przez Chris Yates, Charles Deenen i Wile Coyote. Sajtron Theme - SID | Sajtron Theme to nowa muzyka SID dla komputera Commodore C64. Muzykę tworzy Robric. | Nowe gry są: Bumble Bee, Bumble-Bee, C64hess, Charlie and the Jugs, Clef Climber (Carousel), Demoni, Die Ringe von Coplar, Finders Keepers (Carousel), Follow the Leader (Carousel), Frenzy (Micropower), Frenzy (Zzap 64), Jet-Power Jack, Q10 Tankbuster, Quo Vadis (Data Media), Santas Christmas Capers (Santas Xmas Capers), Ski Jumping (Tronic) i Stock Car. C64 Endings | Strona ma 7 nowych zakończeń gier: Android Control (ECP), The Fury (Players), Fred's Back II (CP Verlag), Footballer of the Year (Gremlin Graphics), Footballer of the Year 2 (Gremlin Graphics), Golden Pyramids 2 (64'er) i Scuba Kidz (Silverbird). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Populous, Blue Sun, Telmar's Gold i Wendellwood Estates.  Aktualizacja: All Terrain Gardener, Arcade Classics 2, Bushido Warrior, Escape From Mars, Hope To Hopp 2, Hydrogenese, Rebelstar, Rebelstar 2, The SuperCan i Your Computer Software Exchange. | Nowe gry na stronie Attack of the Mutant Aliens, Aviator Arcade, Blackjack aka Twenty-One, Boxing Manager 2 (Cult Games), Brick Buster (Software of Sweden), Brillant Maze, C-2048, Centipede Junior, Cherry Picker, Confused, Cowboy Duel - Live your Dream, Cowboy Duel Junior, Cowboy Kidz, Crillion Xmas 2014 Doreco Edition, Darkland, Darkland - The Lost Realm, Eelona the Warrior Princess Preview, Falling, Fickle, Foren Huren, Head-On (Compute), Heli Attack Preview, Honey Bee, International Karaoke Plus, Invader Alert, Kanga i Kings Valley Preview. Games That Weren't 64 | Games That Weren't 64 aktualizacja: Baffle, Catch 2, Eye Of The Moon, Force Of The Vulcan, Hangman Deluxe, Hydrogenese, MiniDon, Reflect, The 4th Dimension, The SuperCan, Your Computer Software Exchange i Zaxon. C64 Endings | Strona ma 6 nowych zakończeń gier: Captain Power (Box Office Software), Devastating Blow (Beyond Belief), Deja Vu (Mindscape), Dark Star (Mastertronic), Epsilon IV (Loadstar) i Fi$tful of Buck$ (Ocean Software). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Boxing Manger 2, 3D Roam, Black Knight 2, Blackshagger, Blown Away for $50, Bounch!, Boxes, Boxing game, Brickout, Brickwall, Busta, Candyman, Cola Quest, Crystalopis, Cyberiad, Cyberworm, Deep in Space, Detroit Invader, Dozo Quest, Dr Bongo’s Safari Park, Dump, Dungeons, Empire Vision, Evasion, Eye Of The Beholder, Fantastic Voyage i wiele więcej. BitJam #195 - X-2014 | W tym BitJam muzyki z X-2014: Alpha Bitch, Andropolis, Archangel, Arctic Circles, Bitter Swede, Break the Cycle, Channels, Chronicles, Edge of Disgrace, Eskimonika, Flowerguy's Pool Party, Gaijin, Gloria, Goldie, Good Enough, Hexadecimal, Legoman, Listen and Learn, Live Forever, Lois Lane, Mekanix, Melonade, Metamorphosis, Moroder, Revolved, Scarlet, Shorty, Smashing, Valentine i Videogamer. Czas: 1:11:05. C64 Endings | Strona ma 10 nowych zakończeń gier: Autotest (Daisysoft / Byte-Back), Arachne (Tony Espeset), Black Night (Timesoft), Bionic Commando (US) (Capcom), Blood Brothers (Gremlin Graphics), Better Dead Than Alien (Electra Software), Bell Ringer 3 (G. Straume, S. Connolly), Bushido (Firebird), B.A.T. (Ubisoft) i Moving Target (Players Premier).