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Start page IntroBase v2 | K.C. has updated his IntroBase64. All (9350) intros available at are now available in IntroBase64. The intros will have screenshots, music/sound info (SID file) and a link to the online version. The VICE, CCS64 and Hoxs64 emulators are included and pre-configured. Battle Khaos II - C64 | Battle Khaos II is a multiplayer strategic war game inspired by the games like Magic: The Gathering, Dark Legions and Chaos - The Battle of Wizards. The goal of the game is to kill the enemy wizards. The game is developed by Asterion and Trompkins from the group Tinnitus. The Adventures of Alain - C64 | The Adventures of Alain is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Martin Piper (code), Fredrik (music) and wile coyote (graphics). In the game you are Alain and must escape from an hotel in the countryside. It looks simple but watch out for surprises. Govert Fredrik Rico Blom interview | The web page had an interview with Govert Fredrik Rico Blom. Rico started in the Commodore scene with the group Silver Rom Crackers. Later he was a member of Triumph 2001, Agile and Pretzel Logic. You can read the whole interview on the web page. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Captain Power (Box Office Software), Devastating Blow (Beyond Belief), Deja Vu (Mindscape), Dark Star (Mastertronic), Epsilon IV (Loadstar) and Fi$tful of Buck$ (Ocean Software). VirtualC64 0.9.8 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. Changes in this version are: Supports for multiple keyboard & joystick mappings. Improvements for the VIC II and USB devices. Visit Dirk's web page for all the details. Afterlife #16 | Afterlife is a English language diskette magazine for the Commodore C64 users. This weekly disk magazine is dedicated to the NTSC news and phreaker Scene. Oldschool style. Spreaddisk with latest releases compiled for each issue. HVSC #62 | There is a update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more then 46.000 SIDs in the collection. In this update 639 new SIDs, 168 fixed/better rips, 181 SID credit fixes, 7 SID model/clock infos, 12 tunes identified and 26 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Mastertronic Chronicles | Mastertronic Chronicles is a blog of witchfinder dedicated to the Mastertronic games for the Commodore C64. The most recent reviews are: Top 15 Mastertronic Game Tunes, Developer Focus - Mr Chip Software, Pigs in Space (1984), The 5th Quadrant (1988), Star Race (1984), Rugby Manager (1990), Sub Hunt (1984) and Hyperforce (1987). SID Known v1.09 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC (#62). SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Boxing Manger 2, 3D Roam, Black Knight 2, Blackshagger, Blown Away for $50, Bounch!, Boxes, Boxing game, Brickout, Brickwall, Busta, Candyman, Cola Quest, Crystalopis, Cyberiad, Cyberworm, Deep in Space, Detroit Invader, Dozo Quest, Dr Bongo’s Safari Park, Dump, Dungeons, Empire Vision, Evasion, Eye Of The Beholder, Fantastic Voyage and many more. Scene World Podcast #3 | In this episode of the Scene World Podcast the following: AJ and Joerg talk to Lobsang Alvites (Mr. Byte) about the Peruvian Scene, Twin Eagles Group, Rocket Ranger Reloaded, Retro Fair Mannheim, Sven Voessing and Ralph Baer. Star Trek: The Next Generation - C64 | Jason Orriss released a new tactical game for the Commodore C64. He wrote the game in the late 90's in the programming language BASIC. The game includes the LCARS interface which stands for Library Computer Access / Retrieval System. BitJam #195 - X-2014 | In this BitJam the music from X-2014: Alpha Bitch, Andropolis, Archangel, Arctic Circles, Bitter Swede, Break the Cycle, Channels, Chronicles, Edge of Disgrace, Eskimonika, Flowerguy's Pool Party, Gaijin, Gloria, Goldie, Good Enough, Hexadecimal, Legoman, Listen and Learn, Live Forever, Lois Lane, Mekanix, Melonade, Metamorphosis, Moroder, Revolved, Scarlet, Shorty, Smashing, Valentine and Videogamer. Total playing time: 1:11:05. F64 Game Competition 2015 | The web page started a new adventure game competition. You can make an text or graphical adventure, RPG, action adventure or action RPG. The rules are: The platform is a C64 with a 1541. The game must be a new game. You must sign up before 1-15-2015 and the game must be finished on 18-06-2015. RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Competition 2014 | The games for the RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2014 are now available. You can test the following games yourself: Fickle, Penultimate Fantasy, Tiger Claw, Honey Bee Redux, Falling, Brick Buster, Aviator Arcade, Race, C-2048, Pixel City Skater, Voivod Attack, p0snake, Mini Arcade: Climax, Toyz and Tutti Frutti 64. Chris Collins interview | The web page had an interview with Chris Collins. Chris got an Commodore 64 from his father when he was 14 years old. Later he worked for the company Binary Design as a graphical artist. A few games he worked on were: Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear, Bosconian 87, Motos, Double Dragon, Puzznic, Sly Spy Secret Agent, Gauntlet III, Energy Warrior, Magic Johnson's Fast Break and Roadwars. SD-BOX Cartridge v1.14 | The SD-BOX is a cartridge for the Commodore C64 with an SD card interface. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Faster directory scrolling via the keyboard. You can now use the joystick in the menu and the diskette directory. Updates for the manual and a few small errors are removed. Geoff Phillips interview | The website Games that weren't has had an interview with Geoff Phillips. Geoff programmed games in the 70s 80s and 90s. He worked for the game companies Tangerine, Orpheus, First Star Software and MSU. A few examples of the games he worked on are Mighty Bombjack (C64), Elidon (MSX) and Boulderdash construction kit (Spectrum). Honey Bee - Redux - C64 | This is the 16KB cartridge version of Honey Bee. In this arcade adventure you are a Honey Bee and must go to 16 different worlds and pick up pollen from it. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss, the graphics are from Wayne Womersley (Sprites), Steven Day (Graphics) and Richard Bayliss (Charsets) and the music is from Joachim Wijnhoven. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Autotest (Daisysoft / Byte-Back), Arachne (Tony Espeset), Black Night (Timesoft), Bionic Commando (US) (Capcom), Blood Brothers (Gremlin Graphics), Better Dead Than Alien (Electra Software), Bell Ringer 3 (G. Straume, S. Connolly), Bushido (Firebird), B.A.T. (Ubisoft) and Moving Target (Players Premier). c64asm - Ruby | Piotr Staszewski released an MOS6502 assembler as a Ruby DLS, with focus on the Commodore 64. Features: Write MOS6502 assembly and have the full power of Ruby, C64 BASIC compiler built in, generating tool, output of source code and disassembler code. The Vice Squad - C64 | Psytronik Software and RGCD are proud to present The Vice Squad, a thrilling and action packed driving shooter from Achim Volkers and Trevor 'Smila' Storey. Featuring super-fast and silky-smooth scrolling, assorted weapons, multiple levels to blast your way through, superbly designed background graphics and amazing music. PlayIt64 V0.9 | PlayIt64 is a tool to generate an .PRG file from a .SID file. The program reads the PSID header information, starts the interrupt player routine and shows information on the screen. PlayIt is meant for PAL systems only and adjusts NTSC tunes to the right speed. Kick Assembler v3.37 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: The following illegal nop opcodesare added: nop #$01 - nop $02 - nop $03,x - nop $1000 - nop $1000,x. Paper Plane - C64 | Roy Fielding made a new game for the Commodore C64. In this game you must guide your paper plane through the hazards. You can use left / right to steer and adjust your speed. The music in the game is from Timo Taipalus. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6207 games on this web page. The new games are: 3D Roam, Boxmatch, Burnin Pen 64, Ciphoid 9, Donkey Kong Junior, Eggland, Fifth Axis, I can remember, Indoor Games Pack, Krakout - Doreco-Edition, Mega-Pack (Prism Leisure), Savage Island (Savage Island 1+2), Sports Mix, The Dogs and The Lost Caves 9. Vandalism News #63 | In this English D64 magazine the following items: The Charts, News, World of Demos, Market, Last days of Comoland, X2014, The X-Factor, CHCC Medieval, Sceners in the Sun, Matt Gray, Anders Reutersworld, The Crime Scene, Donkey Kong Jr., Hardware corner, het C64GS project and the list. Donkey Kong Junior - C64 | Donkey Kong Junior is a new game for the Commodore C64. The programming is from Mr. SID, the music was made by Encore and the graphics are from STE'86. The game is a accurate port of original Arcade version from the year 1982. In the game Donkey Kong Jr. must rescue his father from Mario. On his way to his father he must avoid the obstacles and dangerous animals. Mastertronic Chronicles | Mastertronic Chronicles is a blog of witchfinder dedicated to the Mastertronic games for the Commodore C64. The most recent reviews are: Kentilla (1986), Fist II: The Legend Continues (1989), Kickstart 2 (1987), Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (1989), Kane 2 (1988), Dan Dare II (1989), Space Walk (1984) and UCM: Ultimate Combat Mission (1988). Rabid Robots - C64 | Alf Yngve made a new game for the Commodore C64 with the help of SEUCK. The city of London is taken over by UKRAP (United Kingdom's Robots Against People). You must help Vikram and his dog in the fight against those evil robots. Vikram can shoot water at the robot's and the dog can scare the robots away. X-Force - C64 | Richard Bayliss made a new game for the Commodore C64 with the help of SEUCK. In the game you must escape from a glass prison with the help of your laser beam. When you have escaped the prison you must find your space ship and fight the aliens. You must fly through 16 different zones in the underworld.