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Start page New PAL core for the C-one | The Dutchman Peter Wendrich had already published a PAL C64 core for a Xilinx FPGA but now he has ported it to the C-One with a bit of help from Tobias Gubener. There is a long way to go as this is still an alpha version. It's missing sprites but has a working IEC bus and can access the real SID. C-one - Turbo CPC | The Turbo CPC by Tobias Gubener has experienced another update, this time with a new graphics mode that is provided by a new version of the system flash V0.47. The new mode increases the pixel rate to 33Mhz (before: 25Mhz), giving the possibility to display a higher resolution. VIC 20 lives inside the C-One | Tobiflex has transfered the VIC20 PAL Core from MNikeJ into the C-ONE. The IEC Support is included. PAL DTV | Finaly a word about the PAL version of the DTV. Basicly is it's the same as the NTSC version but the games are different.  New games are Alleykat, California Games (full version), Head the Ball, Marauder, Maze Mania, Mission Impossibubble and Netherworld.