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Start page André Fachat - 8bit-times #23 | You can now watch a new YouTube video from André Fachat. In this episode of 8-bit-times: The Micro-PET has now support for USB keyboard / mouse and a SD-Card. The graphics for the Ultra-CPU board have been improved. ANT&TEC - CBM 8050 repair | You can now watch a new video from the ANT&TEC YouTube channel. In this episode: Repairing a Commodore CBM 8050 disk drive. The self-test is indicating a fault with the MOS 6502 CPU or the MOS 6530 RRIOT IC. Chuck Hutchins - PET Companion | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he is talking about the Commodore PET Companion. This is a composite video output device for the PET computer. Tynemouth Software - PET 8032 repair | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about the repair of a Commodore PET 8032 computer. The problems were a faulty 74154 chip, damaged circuit board traces and a bad ROM chip. Tynemouth Software -  Mini PET | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about building a Mini PET B kit. The Mini PET B is the version of the Mini PET designed to act as a drop in upgrade / replacement board for a Commodore PET or CBM. Tynemouth Software - PET IEEE-488 Diagnostics | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about the updated version of his diagnostic-tool for the Commodore PET/CBM IEEE-488 port. PETSCII Side-Scrolling Platformer - CMB/PET | PETSCII Side-Scrolling Platformer is a new game for the Commodore CBM/PET computer, developed by jimbo. In the game you must jump, collect coins, crush henchmen, battle the bosses and rescue friends. Chuck Hutchins - PET monitor repair | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he is talking about the repairing a 12 inch monitor from a Commodore PET computer. Dave Bradley - PET keyboard cleaning | You can watch a new YouTube video from Dave Bradley. In this video: Dave is cleaning the keyboard from a Commodore PET computer. Some Like Em Curvy Like a Mountain Road - PET | You can listen to, and watch, music that is made on a Commodore PET 8032 computer. The song is called Some Like Em Curvy Like a Mountain Road. Commodore History - 6502 binary to assembly code | You can watch a new video from the Commodore History YouTube channel. In this video, you can watch a tutorial to transform 6502 binary code into assembly code. Mass:werk - PET 2001 emulator | You can now use an updated version of the online PET 2001 emulator from Norbert Landsteiner. The changes are: Support for ROM installation (drag & drop). PETSTRIP - PET/CBM | PETSTRIP is a new game for the PET/CBM 3032 and 4032 computer. This game uses a special graphics-mode called PECBM11 which provides a resolution of 88 x 200 pseudo-hires pixels. Bill Fixes Everything - C2N repair | You can watch a new video from the Bill Fixes Everything YouTube channel. In this episode, the repair of a C2N datasette. PETaxian - CBM/PET | PETaxian is a new game for the Commodore CBM & PET computers. The game is developed with prog8 by Milasoft64, and is tested on the 3032 and 4032 models. Mass:werk - PET 2001 keyboard | Norbert Landsteiner wrote a very comprehensive blog about the keyboard in a Commodore PET 2001 computer. Hans Otten - KIM-1 simulator v1.3.2 | Hans Otten released a new version of his KIM-1 simulator. Recent changes: Improvements for the K-1008 memory and video display (File/tapeload & debugger). ANT&TEC - PET/CBM 8032 repair | You can now watch a new video from the ANT&TEC YouTube channel. In this episode: Repairing an PET/CBM 8032 computer with a bad filter in the power supply. Hans Otten - KIM-1 simulator | Hans Otten released a new version of his KIM-1 simulator. Changes in this version: The Write memory is now restricted to real RAM areas. Back to the Pet - PET/CBM | Last year shiru8bit released a demo for the Commodore PET/CBM computer. The demo reached the first place in the category LowEnd at CAFePARTY 2022. Super Star Trek - CBM/PET | Super Star Trek is a new game for the Commodore CBM/PET (40 columns) computer. The game is based on the mainframe terminal-based games from the 70s, and is developed by electron.greg. Iz8dwf - 8050 repair | A new video from Iz8dwf. In this video: The repair of a Commodore 8050 disk-drive. Chuck Hutchins - PET power supplies | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he is talking about the power supplies in the Commodore PET computer. André Fachat - Benchmarking the Micro-PET | André Fachat made a new YouTube video about benchmarking the Micro-PET computer. He also explains how the Commodore PET is measuring time, and how we can use that to measure benchmark execution. The Commodore Room - PET/CBM keyboard repair | A new video is available from The Commodore Room YouTube channel. In this video the cleaning and repair of a PET/CBM keyboard. André Fachat - xcbm | André Fachat has made an update to his xcbm emulator for Commodore computers. This new version supports the C64, CBM/PET and the CS/A computer. It also has a monitor, and you can use GeckOS 1.3 with it. Tower and Dragon - CBM/PET | Tower and Dragon is a new game for the Commodore CBM/PET computer, developed by Jason Cook. Tower and Dragon is a classic dungeon crawling adventure with weapons, armour, quest storyline, moving walls, teleportation and monsters for each dungeon level. Commodore History - 8050 repair | You can watch a new video from the Commodore History YouTube channel. In this video, the repair of a Commodore 8050 disk drive that belongs to former Commodore employee Neil Harris. PET Panic! - PET/CBM | PET Panic! is a new game for the Commodore PET/CBM computer. The game is developed by jimbo and is based on the game Space Panic. Commodore GameBase | The Commodore GameBase is a web page with a large collection of software for the Commodore CBM/PET computer. At the moment there are 750+ CBM/PET games available. The web page also provides links to Gamebase 64. Iz8dwf - PET 2001 | A new video from Iz8dwf. In this video: The rebuild of a Commodore PET 2001 computer, and testing if you still can play Space Invaders on it. Space Invaders 2 - CBM/PET | Space Invaders 2 is a new game for the Commodore CBM/PET computer, developed by jimbo. The game is based on the original Space Invaders arcade game from Taito (1979). The game has been tested on Commodore CBM/PET 3032, 4032 and 8032 computers.