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Start page Tynemouth Software - IEEE-448 port tester | Tynemouth Software has developed a IEEE-448 port tester for the Commodore CBM/PET computers. Chuck Hutchins - PET keyboard repair | Chuck Hutchins made a video about repairing a PET 8032 Business keyboard. He cleaned the contacts, checked the resistances and repaired a broken circuit trace. Iz8dwf - PET 2001 repair | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a PET 2001. The PET 2001 needed new 6550 and 6540 IC's. Software Library: Commodore PET | The Software Library: Commodore PET is a collection of software for the Commodore PET. At the moment the collection contains 339 programs and games. Tynemouth Software - PET replacement keyboards | Tynemouth Software has developed a replacement keyboard for the Commodore PET computers. The replacement keyboards are available for the graphics keyboard and the chicklet keyboard. The keyboard is now also available with a black circuit board. Commodore Pet Tape Recovery | Galb2x2 made a video about recovering a cassette tape for the Commodore PET computer. He uses a C2N Datasette and an Arduino. Dave Bradley - Super PET | Dave Bradley made a video about the repair of a Commodore Super PET. Tynemouth Software - PET replacement keyboards | Tynemouth Software has developed a replacement keyboard for the Commodore PET computers. The replacement keyboards are available for the graphics keyboard and the chicklet keyboard. Iz8dwf - PET RAM/ROM board | Iz8dwf made a video of the development of his Commodore PET RAM/ROM replacement board. The specifications are: 2 x ROM (24Kbytes) and 2 x 4K ($F000 - $FFFF). Iz8dwf - PET 2001 repair | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a PET 2001. The PET 2001 needed a new daughterboard with RAM and ROM. PET De Lux - The Commodore PET tribute | Love Hultén made a tribute to the Commodore PET 2001. The PET De Lux is handmade from American walnut. But it has a modern computer inside, emulating video game systems such as Commodore 64, NES and many more. Iz8dwf - Commodore C64 & PET 2001 repair | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a Commodore C64 and a Commodore PET 2001. The C64 had a faulty PLA and a bad RAM chip. The PET 2001 needed a new RAM and ROM chip. Tynemouth Software - PET 3032 | Tynemouth Software has repaired two Commodore PET computers. The one PET had a couple of bad IC sockets and the other PET had damaged tracks on the circuit board and a bad capacitor. Iz8dwf - PET 4032 | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a Commodore PET 4032 computer. This time the fault was a ROM and a VIA 6522. Iz8dwf - PET 3032 | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a Commodore PET 3032 computer with faults in the video generation and a bad MOS-6522 chip. Commodore PET Datassette repair | Tynemouth Software has repaired a Commodore PET 2001. This time he repaired the digital counter of the Datassette. Commodore PET Video RAM problems | Tynemouth Software has repaired a Commodore PET.This time he repaired the video part by replacing it with a Video RAM replacement board. The 8-Bit Guy - Commodore PET | The 8-Bit Guy made a video about cleaning and repairing a Commodore PET computer. Commodore PET 2001 repair | Tynemouth Software has repaired a Commodore PET 2001.This time one of the 74LS157 multiplexers was the problem. PET 2001 clone | Glen Kleinschmidt is working on a clone of a CBM PET-2001. The specifications are: 32 KiB RAM, BASIC#2, WDC65C02N (CPU), WDC65C21N (PIA) and a WDC65C22N (VIA). Multi-EditorROM - CBM/PET | Steve Gray started a new project for the CBM/PET computers. The Multi-EditorROM is a adapter board that allow you to select any one of 16 different 4K Editor ROMs on a Commodore PET/CBM machine. The Editor ROM is responsible for all screen, keyboard, clock and IRQ processing on BASIC4 PET/CBM computers. Retro Gaming Couch - CBM 3016 | Retro Gaming Couch is an YouTube channel for the fans of retro computing. The most recent video is about repairing a Commodore CBM 3016 computer. Commodore 8096 repair | Tynemouth Software has repaired a Commodore 8096. For the repair he used his prototype PET LCD diagnostics board. The fault was in the RAM chips. Iz8dwf - PET 3032 | Iz8dwf made a video of the repair of a Commodore PET 3032 computer from the year 1979. The faults were: ROMs, PIA 6520, MC3446 (IEEE488) and two DRAM chips. PET keyboard - USB | AkBKukU developed an interface that makes it possible to connect a Commodore PET keyboard via USB to a modern PC. AkBKukU uses a Teensy++ for the interface. The source code is available on Github. Mini Commodore PET | Adafruit Industries developed a miniature version of the Commodore PET computer. The 9 x 16 LED matrix is combined with the IS31FL3731 and can show many animations. The files for a 3D printer are available. PEDISK II | The CGRS MICROTECH PEDISK II was an early floppy disk system for the Commodore PET/CBM computer. The PEDISK did not use the IEEE bus like the Commodore disk drives, but instead used a standard floppy disk controller chip. Members of the web page have built a clone of this system. PET Diagnostic | Tynemouth software has developed a new diagnostic system for the PET / CBM computer. The diagnose system is placed in the socket of the 6502 CPU and runs a number of tests. Space Chase - CBM II | Space Chase is a new game for the Commodore CBM II developed by Christian Krenner. The game is programmed in assembler and has a graphical resolution of 160 x 50. Space Chase is not finished yet, it still contains a few bugs, but it is already fully playable. Rohde & Schwarz PUC | NatureAndTech made a video about the Rohde & Schwarz PUC Process Controller. This piece of retro computing is based on the Commodore PET, and is used for control of test equipment using a built-in GPIB controller. Abre los ojos - CBM 8032 | Abre los ojos is a new demo from the group oobc for the CBM 8032. The name of the demo Abre los ojos means Open your eyes in English. The demo reached the first place in the Wild compo at Zoo 2015. Commodore PET 2001-8 Mainboard repair | Tynemouth Software is repairing an Commodore PET 2001-8. After testing the 6550 RAM chips it was discovered that 14 of the 18 chips were defective. Other defective components: ROM, CPU, a transistor for the Datassette, capacitors for the rectifier diodes and a power connector.