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Start page Hey Birt! - 1541 modifications | A new video from the Hey Birt YouTube channel is now available. In this video, Birt is modifying a Commodore 1541 disk drive to prevent it from getting too warm. PyDPainter - PC | PyDPainter is a pixel art program written in Python, developed by Mark Riale. The program is inspired by the Amiga version of Deluxe Paint released by Electronic Arts in 1985. PyDPainter will help you to create retro pixel art on a modern PC. Return #53 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: Street Fighter II, M.U.L.E., Test Drive, Adventures, SID, Aquabyss, Supercooked, Life on Mars, Muddy Racers, Shapeshifter 2, Wychweald, Gun Frontier, Durchgezappt XL and Congo Bongo. Tynemouth Software - IEC | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about diagnosing the IEC serial bus faults on the Commodore VIC20 and C64 computers. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Grand Prix Simulator (1987), Tenebra (2021), Panther (1986), Kid Niki: Radical Ninja (1986) and Mr. Seek - Kaivosseikkailu (1985). | The web page has had an update with many new items: Amiga Test Kit, Zounds for BASIC, Koala Pictures 1, 2 & 3, Wall of Sound II, Info-Writer, HES Writer 64, Story Machine, Disk Hacker, The Canonical Collection of Light Bulb Jokes, WRITE NOW! 64, Ivory BBS, Autorun Tape 64, Sprite Editor-64, 80 Columns for the Commodore 64, Post Notions, Super-C 128, D71 - D81 Writer, Meat-Loaf, GeoFetch, Mind, GeoSID and Loadstar GEOS Apps 1. RetroPIC - PC | RetroPIC is a picture converter for retro computers. It can turn your modern picture into a retro picture which can be displayed on real C64 or an Amiga. Input: jpg, png, rgb and bgr. Output: C64, ZX Spectrum 48/+, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST and the Amiga. Changes in this version: JPG to PETSCII converter and automatic contrast adjuster. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Audiogenic Forth Instruction Manual, Develop 64 V4.0, Turbocharging your Commodore 64, How to Write Picture Programs for the Commodore 64, The Commodore Programmer's Route Map, Disc Disector V5, Pocket Writer/Planner/Filer, Cardco Cardware C02 WriteNow! and Assembler Monitor 64. Immortal Joysticks | Andrew McCloud started a Kickstarter campaign for building a very high quality joysticks for retro computers. The features are: Aluminium alloy enclosure, Sanwa Denshi and Seimitsu parts, DB9, switchable auto-fire and right / left handed. Greaseweazle Tools v1.13 | Keir Fraser has released updates for the Greaseweazle hardware. The recent changes are: Support for new disk formats: ibm.scan, gem.1600, coco.os9.*, mm1.os9.* and commodore.1571. And a low-pass filter PLL stage to clean up noisy flux images (C64). The Retro Hour - Rob Jaeger | The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: An interview with Rob Jaeger, who developed the game Montezuma's Revenge. UNI64 USB Eprom Writer | With the UNI64 USB Eprom Writer it is possible to program Eproms like the AT28C64, AT28C256 and W27C512, that are used in the UNI64 computers. The Chrome browser is used to make writing to the Eprom easy by just drag and drop the ROM file and press the Write to Eprom button. | is a website where you can buy posters, mugs and mousepads with retro-game or TV/film pictures on them. There is a C64, ZX-Spectrum, arcade and TV/film section. FairLight TV | You can now watch a new episode of the FairLight TV YouTube channel. In this episode: An interview with Per HÃ¥kan Sundell. Commodore Users Europe | You can now watch the videos from the most recent online meeting of the Commodore Users Europe. The topics are: 3D game Amos creator - Matthew Anderson, Lair of the Lich King - Micah Bly, Amiblitz - Sven Drog, giftopetscii - Arturo Dente and the GEKKO C64 Emulator - Gennaro Gekko Coda. LEVEL UP 2023 | LEVEL UP is a gaming and eSports festival that brings the gamer community together in the real world. The event is in Salzburg, Austria with modern games and a Retro Area with: APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future, Digital Talk, DragonBox Shop, Dr. Wuro Industries, RETURN Magazin, Kautzner Computer Museum and Vintage Computing Carinthia. Natsume Mito - Eight Bit Boy | For all the 8-bit fans a special song from Japanese artist Natsume Mito, that is called Eight Bit Boy. Nybbles and Bytes - Assembly (10) | The YouTube channel Nybbles and Bytes makes videos about retro computers. In this episode: Smooth Scrolling. ACID 64 Player Pro V4.3.0 | Wilfred Bos released a new version of ACID 64 Player Pro. Changes in this version: Improvements for: Ultimate, SIDBlaster, zoom, load, search and touch displays. SID-Device v1.01 | SID-Device is a cross-platform Network SID Device, developed by Wilfred Bos, that emulates the Commodore C64 sound chip, a.k.a. SID chip (6581/8580). It runs in a local network or on your own machine. ZuluSCSI - v2023.05.24 | ZuluSCSI is a SCSI to SD-card interface. The ZuluSCSI can emulate a SCSI (1 & 2) hard disk or CD-ROM drive and stores the data on a SD-card. Commodore Users Europe | You can join the online meeting of the Commodore Users Europe this Saturday evening (03-06-2023 / 19:30). The meeting is free and is held via Zoom. The topics are: 3D game Amos creator - Matthew Anderson, Lair of the Lich King - Micah Bly, Amiblitz - Sven Drog, giftopetscii - Arturo Dente and the GEKKO C64 Emulator - Gennaro Gekko Coda. Raster Master | Raster Master is a Sprite/Icon/Map editor for Windows that generates RayLib code / Put image and map code for AmigaBASIC, Amiga C and Amiga Pascal. Raster Master is developed by RetroNick. - Markus Klein | The web page had an interview with Markus Klein. Markus is a music composer and remixer for the Commodore C64 and Amiga computers. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: GEOS Fontpack1, 1701 Monitor advert, System V Amiga UNIX - Using Amiga UNIX Draft, GeoWorks, GEOS 1.2 User's Guide, The Works Platinum Edition, Brainpower, Entrepreneur, Decision Maker and Project Planner. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to the browser. The most recent flashtro's are: Flashtro - Cyberpunks 2, The Predators - Wings of Fury, Insane - Flying Shark, Adept - Bomber Bob, Resistance - Relaxator, Dual Crew - Infestation, Zero Defects - Resolution 101, Zero Defects - Cracktro and TSK_Crew & Alcatraz - The Final Day. Commodore History - 1700 REU 512 kB | You can watch a new video from the Commodore History YouTube channel. In this video, the upgrade of a Commodore 1700 REU from 128 kB to 512 kB. TheRetroChannel - Disk drive repair | Mark Sawicki has made a new video for his YouTube channel. In this video, Mark will repair a number of Commodore disk-drives. CBM prg Studio v4.1.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: More support for Kick assembler, recording tool for SID keyboard, file merge tool, text to file option, CHARDEF (Mega65) and improvements for the Data Generator. RMC - PC20-III | In this episode of the RetroManCave: The restoration of a Commodore PC20-III computer that is very dirty on the outside. 65uino project | Anders Nielsen developed the 65uino. The 65uino is a 6502-based microcomputer in an Arduino Uno form factor. The features are: OLED screen, 6507 CPU and a 6532 RIOT (RAM-I/O-Timer). | The web page has had an update with many new items: Meat-Loaf (Bat Out of Hell), GeoFetch, Mind, GeoSID, Loadstar GEOS Apps, EZ-Loader, Spence XP BBS Manual, C64 Dreams, Wheels64, Disk List, DOS Menu, Flash-Back, geoPublish, geoTELEGRAPH, Gary's Graphics, BSW Customer Service Newsletter, ASCII Conversion 64, AutoMenu, Directory Re-arranger and Expander, Function Keys 64 and 1541 Speed Test.