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Start page Steve Guidi - 1581 kit | You can now watch a new YouTube video from Steve Guidi. In this video Steve talks about building a replica of an Commodore 1581 disk drive. UNITHOR | UNI-joy started a Kickstarter campaign to make the UNITHOR. A brand new joystick for retro computers. Z64K | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for VDC, Mouse, c1541, c1571, g71, C128 chargen ROM and IMD. Luigi Di Fraia - CBM Flux Studio | Luigi Di Fraia has made a new YouTube video. In this video Luigi shows a new version of CBM Flux Studio. AROK - 2022 | Arok is an annual demo scene event (01-03 July 2022) for retro computer and video game console fans. This is the oldest gathering of this kind in Hungary, organized for the 22nd time now. It attracts over 150 enthusiasts to Ajka/Hungary from all around Europe. TPUG - Pico 64 Cartridge | You can now watch the TPUG (Toronto PET Users Group) April meeting. This time Kevin Vance talks about his Pico 64 Cartridge. Denise v1.1.3 | Denise is a cycle accurate and platform independent C64 / Amiga emulator. This emulator is developed by piciji. The recent changes are: Improvements for newtronics drive, FPS counter, rendering, sync, scrolling, window size, datassette, auto fire and support for FreeDSB / MacOS M1. Tynemouth Software - Commodore Tapes | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about creating Commodore tapes for the Datassette. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Moog Song Producter Technical Service Information, SECC Sioux Empire Commodore Club, 6502 Professional Development System Instruction Manual, President Elect Manual, The Speris Legacy Manual, Gadget II Carolina, Blitz Basic 2.1 User's Guide and Blast Off with BASIC Games for you Commodore 64. JSIDPlay2 - v4.6 | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Changes in this version: Improvements for USB drivers, SID Recordings, SID Player, Live videos and C64 Jukebox. CLASS 2022 | The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show will be held on 25 & 26 June 2022 in Burbank, California USA. At the show you can see demos and presentations on and about the C128, C64, Plus/4, DTV, VIC20, PET and the Amiga. Old School Gamer - 28 | Old School Gamer is a magazine for retro consoles gamers. In this (free) edition: The retro computers of the 80s such as the: Commodore C64, Tandy-1000, Apple II, etc. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Milk Race (Mastertronic, 1987) and The Island of Dr. Destructo (Mastertronic, 1987). Hey Birt! - 1581 Refurb | In this video from Hey Birt! the refurbishment of a Commodore 1581 disk drive. Birt also found a problem with reading and writing to the diskette. ReMETA #11 - Moonshine Dragons 2022 | ReMETA is a diskette magazine for the Commodore C64. In this episode: Moonshine Dragons 2022. Core32 - PET, C64, VIC20 & Plus/4 | The Core32 is a device that emulates a Datassette for the Commodore 8-bits computers (Commodore PET, C64, VIC20 & Plus/4). The Core32 stores the files on a Micro SD card and can connect via Wi-Fi to a PC. Scene World - David Pleasance | The web page Scene World had an interview with David Pleasance. David worked for Commodore and talks about his book Commodore - The Inside Story (German translation). Algemene Computerclub Hoorn | The Algemene Computerclub Hoorn is a computer club for modern computers, but also for the retro computers from Amiga, Commodore, Atari, MSX and many others. The next meeting is on June 11, 2022. Bil Herd podcast | You can watch a new YouTube video from Bil Herd. In this episode Bil and Ben talk about the Commodore LCD computer. This computer is a prototype and Bil is trying to get it to work. | On the webpage you can read about repairs for the Amiga computers. A few examples of the repairs are: A4000 grey screen, Amiga CD32 Laser calibration, Amiga Recap, Vampire 600 v2 Sync issue HDMI, etc. Epictronics - PC10 repair (2) | You can watch a new video from the Epictronics YouTube channel. In this episode the repair of a Commodore PC10 computer PCB with copper-tape. LowSpecGamer - The first LowSpec Processor | You can watch a new video from the LowSpecGamer channel. In this video the story of the 6502 processor. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: ROG - Bob, Phantasie - Cabal, TSK - STAG, Flashtro - Coco Banana and Scoopex - Air Supply. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: DISKMON 1.0, Lär dig programmera Commodore VIC64 Steg for Steg Tredje boken and Commodore 64/128 Hardware Udvidelse. Return #49 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: Shootin' 64, Spiele zu Cartoonserien der 80er, Metal Dragon, Tokimal, Omni 128HQ, Empire Strikes Back, Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney, Klonoa - Door to Phantomile, The Global Village, Shovel Knight, Vindicators, Barbarian, Nintendo 64 Cartridge Album, 30 Jahre Lunar, Game Cube and Pac Mania. Dalek's Attack Game Jam | You can now try the new games in the Dalek's Attack Game Jam competition. This competition is organised by the Retro Programmers Inside webpage.
4 kB Craptastic game competition 2022 | You can now look at the games for the Reset 64 magazine 2020 4KB game coding competition. At the moment 13 games are available, the deadline is June 30th 2022. Dave's Garage - Albert Charpentier | You can watch a new video from the Dave's Garage YouTube channel. In this episode an interview Albert Charpentier who designed the VIC chip for the Commodore VIC20 and C64 computers. GTUltra V1.2.0 - PC | GTUltra is an extensively modified GoatTracker Stereo (2.76) version. Changes in this version: Display, undo, instrument-counter, transport-bar, 3, 6, 9 or 12 channels, song-pattern, song-playback, Jam mode and much more. Z64K | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Support for 1571 burst MFM and improvements for load, G71, G64 and diskSYNC detection.
Computer Club Limburg | The Computer Club Limburg (the Netherlands) will have a meeting on Sunday, May 22, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The Computer Club Limburg encourages everyone to bring their own retro computer to participate actively. Entrance: €3.00 per person. LOAD #08 | LOAD is a German pdf-magazine for retro computer users. In this edition: Workstations, Uhrenchips, Sun Solaris, Iomega, vi, UNIX - AMIGA, RISC, Sun Ultra­1, Atari Transputer Workstation, Texas Instruments Voyage 200, TI­84plus, Sinclair QNET, Micro­PET, Commodore Max Machine, PC ­ Emulatoren - Apple Macintosh, Atari ST, dBASE, SuperNOS, Temperaturfühler - Apple ][, Universal Cartridge - Commodore 64, Commodore 1541, Fluxcopy and Classic Computing 2021.