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Start page Bil Herd podcast | You can watch a new YouTube video from Bil Herd. In this episode Bil and Ben talk with Albert Charpentier about the VIC chip and the design of the Commodore C64. The Colouring Book of Retro Computers | The Colouring Book of Retro Computers from Neil Thomas is now available. The book contains 30 famous retro computers and is available as digital download or as a real book. 8-Bit Resurgence - 1581 | You can now watch a new video from the 8-Bit Resurgence YouTube channel. In this episode you can see how to build a 1581 disk drive replica. LLVM-MOS Toolchain v0.1.0 | The LLVM-MOS compiler toolchain is a backend for the Clang/LLVM compiler toolkit supporting the 6502. It includes a C and C++ Compiler, Assembler, ELF and LLD. The Commodore Show - 01 | The Commodore Show is a podcast for all Commodore users. In this episode: How to Commodore 64 in the 21st Century, Modern Power Supplies and why you need one, Interview with Brian Husek, author, No Reserve and Make a video cable for C64ing on modern TVs. Retro Asylum Podcast - 278 | In this episode Chris, Mads, Jim Middleton and Andy Gilmour talk about the game The Secret of Monkey Island from Lucasfilm Games (1990). The Retrogaming Times #37 | The retrogaming Times is a retro computer magazine (English language) for all retro computer fans. In this edition: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Going Rogue, Don's Desk - Vectrexenstein Revisited, RoboWarrior (NES), SMS Memories: Capitalism and Warfare - Tabletop Games Go 8-bit, Top Ten Retro Characters For The Next Smash Bros. Game Caught On Film - The Wizard, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ColecoVision Summer, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap and See You Next Game. Return #48 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: Dragon-Ball, 20.000 Pixel unter dem Meer, Evercade VS, Adam is me, Syndicate, Zelda, Briley Witch Chronicles, War of the Lions, The Shapeshifter, Persona 2, Road Blaster, Inviyya, Mortal Kombat II and Patrizier. RMC - Retro Hot Plate | In this episode of the RetroManCave: How to restore squashed, flattened, broken or torn cardboard game boxes. Jan Derogee - Floppy Clock | A new hardware project from Jan Derogee. This time he is working on the floppy clock. The floppy clock is a seemingly ordinary diskette-box that has the ability to rise the appropriate disks required to indicate time. DIY Chris - 1581 | You can order a new PCB for the Commodore 1581 3.5 disk drive. Besides the PCB you can also order the necessary component to build your own 1581. FairLight TV | You can now watch a new episode of the FairLight TV YouTube channel. In this episode: An interview with The Sarge of FairLight. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Captain Blood, High Speed Pascal User Manual & Technical Reference, Uchi Mata, Usagi Yojimbo, The Pawn, A Tale of Kerovnia Version II, Dragonriders of Pern, 35 Amazing Games for the C128 and Merlin 128. BASIC 10Liners 2022 | BASIC 10Liners 2022 is a competition for making a game in BASIC with only 10 lines of code. The rules are: The computer system must be 8-bit, the BASIC is line orientated and there is no machine code allowed. There are three categories: 80, 120 or 256 characters per line. Arctic retro - XUM 1541 | You can now watch a new video from the Arctic retro channel. In this video the build of a XUM 1541-II adapter that is based on the Zoomfloppy adapter. Jan Beta - 1764 | A new YouTube video from Jan Beta. In this video: Jan is restoring a Commodore 1764 RAM expansion unit. He also makes an upgrade from 256 kB to 512 kB. C64 / VIC20 Keyboard adapter | Levoman developed a keyboard adapter for the Commodore C64 or VIC20 computer. With this adapter it is possible to connect a PS/2 or 5 pin DIN AT keyboard to the commodore C64 or VIC20 computer. Commodore Computer Museum | Justin Mitchell has started a Kickstarter campaign to build a Commodore Computer Museum in New Zealand.
Bil Herd podcast | You can watch a new YouTube video from Bil Herd. In this episode Bil talks with Ben about the schematic of the Commodore monitors (1701/2, 1801/2, 1901 & 1084). VICE 3.6.1 | A new version of VICE (Versatile Commodore Emulator) is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for sound buffer, cartridge RAM, FFMPEG, RAMLINK, MMU, joystick/mouse, monitor and disk-drive. Support for Belgian/Dutch keymap and the 21sec backup parallel cable. Scene World - Andreas Escher | The web page Scene World had an interview with Andreas Escher. Andreas is a graphical-artist and was responsible for C64 games like Katakis, Turrican and many more. The Retro Hour | The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Activision and Acclaim: Inside Stories with Rod Cousens. | is a news website for retro computers. The website has been completely redesigned and it is now active again. You can read about the news, reviews, demo-scene, magazines and there is a forum (Czech language). Scene World Podcast #132 | Scene World Podcast is a podcast about the Commodore scene. In this episode: Simon Carless, GameDiscoverCo, Monotonik, Conor Kirby-Long, AHX Tracker,, Tucows PD/Shareware Collection, Glenn Rune Gallefoss and Hypnospace Outlaw. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Flashtro - Knightmare V1.1, Redrum - The Solver, The Company - Saxon Publisher, Vision - BBS Intro, Alpha Flight - Anim fonts 2, TRSI - Cracktro, Cave - BBStro, Scoopex - Gateway Ypsilon, Flashtro - Attack of the PETSCII Robots, Rebels - Midnight Resistance, Image - Midnight Resistance, Scoopex - Wrath of the Demon, Flashtro - Hard Wired Tribute and Leander - JS Remake. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Amiga 500 Service Manual, MPS-1000 Service Manual, Rom Kernel Reference Manual for OS 3.2, C128 Diagnostic Instruction and Troubleshooting Manual, C64 Diagnostic Instruction and Troubleshooting Manual, Diskette Diagnostics Manual Version 2.0, Teach Yourself Computer Programming with the Commodore 64, Programmørens Håndbog 1, MPS-802 User's Guide and Diagnostic Manual 1571/C128D. 8-Bit Show & Tell - WAIT | Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about how to pause in a Basic program. Retro Asylum Podcast - 274 | In this episode Chris and Mads talk about the Amiga game Sensible World of Soccer from 1994. Z64K | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, C64, VIC20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for C128 mmu, zero page, stack, and PIA. Scrubbly Morse Code Translator | Scrubbly Morse Code Translator can translate from text to Morse, or from Morse to text. The program is developed by 1xWurtzly and is available for the PET, VIC20, C16 and the C64 computer. FREEZE64 - 51 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: B.C. Bill, John Rowlands, Zzapback, Secret Squirrel Investigates, Marc Wilding, Robin of the Wood, The Mouldy Cupboard, New & Exclusive Pokes & Codes and Steve Collins. Wolfgang Kierdorf - Mr. SID | A new YouTube video from Wolfgang Kierdorf is now available. In this Wolfgang speaks with Mr. SID (Andreas Varga) about SONIC for the Commodore C64 computer.