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Start page Kernal64 v1.7.2 | Kernal64 is a C64 & C128 emulator developed by Alessandro Abbruzzetti and is written in the Scala programming language. Changes in this version: Improvements for the CPU with the branch instructions and SLO. More compatibility for BeamRacer. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: PC10-1/PC10-2 Service Manual Preliminary, MPS 801 Printer Service Manual Preliminary, Amiga A590 harddisk/RAM udvidelse, PC60-III System Schematics, GENLOCK Service Manual, PC40-III Service Manual, System Schematics A2000, A2052, A2088, A2090 and Commodore 1541 Floppy Drive Diagnostician. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Zero Boys - Toyota Celica GT Rally, HotStuffers - Wendetta 2175, Crux - Wendetta 2175, Melon - Welcome, Melon - Cortez, ACU - Import, Redrum - Dreamball Pins, ACU - It Came From The Desert II, Silents - Multiplayer Soccer Manager, Skid Row - Cracktro, Subsoftware - Caligari II, Zenith - SAS Combat Simulator, bastards - Amiga Tanx and Iceman - Leeds. Denise v1.1.2 | Denise is a cycle accurate and platform independent C64 / Amiga emulator. This emulator is developed by piciji. The recent changes are: Improvements for full-screen, fastloader systems: SpeedDOS, DolphinDOS, ProfDOS, PrologicDos Original / Classic, Turbo Trans and ProSpeed. Added drive sounds and a hungarian translation. Tentelian Retro - Joysticks | Tentelian Retro is a new YouTube channel for retro computer users (German language). In this episode: Joysticks. Return #47 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: Loom, Sega Game Gear, Intrepid Izzy, Battle Kingdom, Parasite Eve, Metroid Prime, 80s Actionfilm Games, Breath of Fire, Policenauts, Heidelberg 1693, Amstrad CPC, Alien Syndrome, AmigaOS 3.2, Retron SQ and Gorf. Vintage Computer Federation - C256 Foenix | You can now watch a new YouTube video from the Vintage Computer Federation channel. In this episode Stefany Allaire talks about the development of the C256 Foenix. Basic Bites - NIB files | You can now watch a new Odysee video from Basic Bytes. In this episode: Using NIB files in emulators. CLASS 2021 | You can now watch videos from CLASS 2021 - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show: Rifkin - Amiga graphics manipulation, Brewster - Amiga VBS, The Allers - C= CompuLearn, Brewster - PiStorm, DiNunzio - PET 2001, Rifkin - CBM & Scala, Roach, Van Pelt - C64 CAD-M, Gourgourinis - Amiga graphics, Sokianos, Retronic Design, David Pleasance and many others. 8-Bit Show & Tell - DAC-612 | Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about the Commodore DAC-612 calculator from the year 1969. Propaganda #30 | Propaganda is an English diskette magazine for the Commodore scene. In this edition the following articles: Editorial, News & Gossip, Mr. Z, Pirasoft, The Punisher, There and back again, Trap's Refelction, Function 2021 Party and Jukebox. VirtualC64 & vAmiga - online | Christian Corti made a web based version of the vAmiga & VirtualC64 emulators. These emulators, developed by Dirk Hoffman, can now be used with a recent version of Chrome, Edge or Firefox. You can use the original ROMs or the Open ROMs / AROS. Tentelian Retro - Power supplies testing | Tentelian Retro is a new YouTube channel for retro computer users (German language). In this episode: Power supplies testing. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Tapper Instruction Manual, Sol-20 AD Small Computer Systems, Supertax 128, Star Seeker Instructions, Abracalc Manual, Mini Jini Record Keeper Manual, VIC-Data Manager User's Guide, Personal Publisher Users Manual, Publishers Choice Advertisement Expert Software, Avalon-Hill Games and Parts Price List 1988, Under Fire Rulebook, MapMaker Rulebook, COMvoice, The Pet Personal Computer for Beginners Book 2, Maxi-Golf Manual and Bouncing Kamungas Manual. | The web page has had an update with many new items: Music Raster-Time Cruncer v1.5, Push Puzzler, Creating Chiptunes with Sid Wizard, MadLibVic, U64 Streamer, Enhanced Sidplayer, GeoPlayer v1.1, PCVIC v1.19, Ultimate 64 Firmware, RetroLoader 128 v0.5, InfoWorld's Essential Guide to the Commodore 64, Personal Publisher, PETSCII Lemmings, TheC64 Firmware, Denise, Z64K, Commodore 128 Programmer's Reference Guide, Archon - The Light and The Dark, Cross Chase 128 and Cross Bomber 128. Saul Cross - Build | Saul Cross released his new album Machines. On this album: PG, Programmed, In the Rough, Coin-Op, Dragon, In the Clear, Circle, Midnight, Hot Red and Build. Steve Guidi - DB9 to USB joystick adapter | You can now watch a new YouTube video from Steve Guidi. In this video the Retronic Design Universal DB9-to-USB joystick adapter. Hey Birt! - Flat Flex cable repair | In this video from Hey Birt YouTube channel: Birt talks about how to repair a Flat Flex cable in old computers. The Retrogaming Times #35 | The retrogaming Times is a retro computer magazine (English language) for all retro computer fans. In this edition: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64!, Apple II Incider - The Original Magazine, Looking Back At Thirty Years of The Rocketeer (NES), The Retrogaming Times 2021 Holiday Gift Guide, Battletoads (NES), 20 Great GameCube Games For 20 Years, Cellophanes, Super Mario Land (Game Boy), Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap and See You Next Game. Scene World Podcast #126 | Scene World Podcast is a podcast about the Commodore scene. In this episode: Lucas Lund - The Detective Novel, Richard Bayliss - Blazon C64, Sure Instinct (SNES), Nick Vivid - No More Secrets and Thomas Daden. The ultimate Competition Pro joystick mod | Mageb made a number of improvements for the legendary Competition Pro joystick from the 80s. The improvements are: Beter joystick centering and microswitches and a better mounting frame for the switches. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Dual Crew - Interchange, Dual Crew - Sly Spy, Dual Crew - Lemmings 2, Fairlight - Mortal Kombat, Nostalgia - Death Ride, Crystal - OverDrive, Nostalgia - Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Fairlight - Muddy, Fairlight - Kings Ransom and Alpha Flight - Fliptris. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: 286/386 Laptop box, C1551 Diskettedrive box, Disk-Dobler box, The Arcade box, CD32 Critical Zone, Magic Disk 64, BMP Copy 2000 Brugsvejledning, BMP Copy 2000 Box, Joystick Boxes, Epson LQ-100 Brugermanual, STAR LC24-100 Users Manual and Dansk Manual and Commodore PC40-40 HDD Info.
65f02 | Jürgen Müller wrote a blog about a 6502 CPU that can work on 100 MHz. He uses a small circuit board with an Spartan-6 FPGA to emulate the 6502 CPU. The 65f02 is tested in various chess computers, the Apple II and a Commodore 8032 computer. Bil Herd & Ben Jordan podcast | You can watch a new YouTube video from Bil Herd. In this episode Bil talks about VCF East and Ben talks about PCB West. Amiga Users Ireland Podcast | In this episode of the Amiga Users Ireland Podcast: Sonos - Amiga, VirusZ-III, XTD - NEXT, .Amiga, MediaVault, MiSTer, WBDock, Amiberry, PunyJam #2, Night Knight, AmigaLive, Catch It, AmiGemini, Amiga Bill, vAmiga, IBrowse, Eftegarie and The Ultimate Electronics Book. | The web page has had an update with many new items: Commodore Public Domain Collection, The Write Stuff v2 - Featuring BB Speller, The Write Stuff 128 - Reference Manual, The Write Stuff 128 - Startup Instructions, The Write Stuff C64 Keyboard Overlay, MicroSpec Checkbook Manager, Mach 5 Program Disk, Mach 5 Instruction Manual, Quantum Link v3.0, Genealogy 64, QuickType 1520, Comtronics 64-Tekst, packetTERM 4.8 and Modem Chess v2.0. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Zip Drive on a 64, Little Computer People Deed, Home Comptuter Magazine (Persian), Hawaii Online, Arizona Commodore Users Group Input/Output, First Steps in Machine Code on your C64 and Graphics & Sound on the Commodore 64. Nivbot - 4116 RAM Tester | Nivbot developed a tester for 4116 RAM chips. The tester uses an ArduinoNano microcontroller and a LCD screen to test the chips. cc1541 - v3.3 | A new version of cc1541, the cross platform command line tool for the creation and editing of disk images, is now available. Changes in this version: Added Transwarp PETSCII printer and non-standard interleave scheme. Improvements for files and the directory. Z64K | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, C64, VIC20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for the Machine monitor, debugging, modem, user-port and REU. Amiga Users Ireland Podcast | In this episode of the Amiga Users Ireland Podcast: M68k plugin, ZZ9000AX, HippoPlayer, Deniser, Gemini Browser, TheA500Mini, Vampire, Amiga Ray Tracers, Inca Man, Turbo Tomato, Super Cars 2, Amiga Game Jam 2021, Dread, Briley Witch Chronicles, Green Beret, Sydney Hunter, Amiga Passione, ASCII composer, Ugly Duck and Made You Look.