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Start page Scene World - Tommy Tallarico | The web page Scene World had an interview with Tommy Tallarico. Tommy is a music composer and made music for the Amiga: Earthworm Jim, MDK, The Terminator, Cool Spot and Aladin. And he was also CEO of Intellivision. Human video game emulator | The Live Cabaret 4 has made a human video game emulator. The play a video game on stage. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: BASIC Wegweiser fur den Commodore-116 C16 und Plus-4 (DE), Programmieren in Maschinensprache 6502 (DE), Das VC-20 Buch (DE), Busy Bee Software, Run, Red Storm Rising Manual, Destroyer Escort Box, Profimat Profi-ass Profi-Mon Data Becker User Manual Commodore 64, The 1541 Repair and Maintenance Handbook, Micropower Series Multiplan for the Commodore-64, Bounty Bob Strikes Back, The Castles of Doctor Creep, Lavoriamo con il Commodore 16 (IT) and Linguaggio macchina per il C16 (IT). Nybbles and Bytes - Live Stream | The YouTube channel Nybbles and Bytes makes videos about retro computers. In this episode a live stream with questions and answers. Amiga Users Ireland Podcast | In this episode of the Amiga Users Ireland Podcast: AmiSpeedTest, vAmiga, OS 3.2, AmiProv, RKM - OS 3.2, Amiga Transfer, TF1230, AmIRC 3.8, MorphOS store Italy in Lockdown, IRC #amiga-ie, Lightwave 3D, Amiga User, WHDLoad, Amiga Metal Gear, Space Pilot of Death, Shadow Warrior, Hibernated 1, Fret Calc, Amiga 1000, CoolCalc, USENET, Cat, IBrowse, Search engine for vintage computers and aSCIIaRENA - ASCII. Sprite Castle - Ballblazer | Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Ballblazer from Lucasfilm Games (1984) for the Commodore C64. Komoda & Amiga Plus 18 | Komoda & Amiga Plus is a printed and a pdf magazine (English and Polish language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Good Old 8-Bit Games #5, The Sarge, Oyup!, Alien Storm, Stack 123, Lode Runner, Soul Force, Frankenstein, Survival Messenger Adventure, Tiny Quest, Spellbound Dizzy - Dizzy V, Overthrown, Tristam Island, Cheesy Trials, Outrage, GameDev Story: Bernd Buchegger, Zeta Wing, Katon: Returning to the scene, Gallery: Katon / Lepsi De, xum1541, Monster Catcher, Juanje Juega in Sinverland, Runn'n'Gunn, Up, Up and Away!, Demoscene: contest, Dune 2020, Fury of the Furries, Balance of Power 1990, The lost potential: A600 repair, My fights with the Amiga 400, The Amiga Workbench Simulation, Wiz: Quest for the Magic Lantern, WinUAE, Daniel Stephens, Santa Run 2020, Cabaret Asteroids, Magica, Goldfish, Press Space to Continue, Dave Haynie, Computer Graphics, New format and Papcio Chmiel. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Motos (Namco/Dempa, 1985), Rollaround (Mastertronic, 1988), Ninja (Mastertronic, 1986) and Horace Classics (Sinclair Research Ltd, 1982). Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Eurasia - Golf Shiyouyo 2, Paradox - Dino Crisis, Echelon - Sega Smash Pack Vol 1, Eurasia - Crazy Taxi 2, Word of Wonders - Megacom Anti Virus, Quartex - Heroes of Gorluth CD32, Accession - Lemmings CD32 and Flashtro - Rage. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Rom Kernel Reference Manual, Hackers Unit, Commodore 1764 RAM Expansion Module User's Guide, Software Prisliste, GP Tribute Invitation & Information, Photo albums from Incubus/TRIAD, F4CG, Milestone, Åtta Biter, The Final Cartridge III Svensk handledning, Action Replay MK IV Svensk Manual and An introduction to your new PET. Retro Asylum Podcast - 251 | In this episode Mads and Chris talk about id Software, C64 games released in the last 10 years and Shinobi games. Exomizer - 3.1.1 | Exomizer is a program that compresses files with efficient decompress time and file size. It can produce stand-alone self-decrunching files. In this edition: Added c65, -y, .BYTE(), .TEXT() and improvements for help messages. YDKF - Modems | Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is: Modems for retro computing. Return #45 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: Metal Slug, Soul Force, Alienation, Suikoden, The Abduction of Oscar Z, Phantasy Star Online, Paprium, After Burner, Dinosaurier, Battle Axe, Steinberg - Atari ST, Digimon World, Polymega, Road Runner and STE'86. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Commodore 64 Wargaming, Useful Subroutines and Utilities for the Commodore 64, Get More from the VIC-20, 6502 Assembly Language Programming Second Edition includes 65C02, Practical Microcomputer Programming The 6502, Adams 64 Software Inc., Super BASIC for the Commodore 64, Copy II 64 V1.0, Impariamo a programmare in BASIC con il PET-CBM, PET-CBM Guida all'uso Vol.1/2, Programmier Handbuch fur PET and Impariamo a programmare in BASIC con il VIC-CBM. Z64K | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, C64, VIC20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for IO dump and the SID-player. Amiga Users Ireland Podcast | Amiga Users Ireland makes podcasts for Commodore and Amiga users. In this episode: Dublin Maker 2021, TF1230, PiStorm, Raptor 1200, Fusion Magazine, TF1200 Adaptor, MediaVault, amigaXfer, Wayfarer, KA Plus, Knight Rider 77, Turrican 2 AGA, Kings Valley, Turbo Sprint, Wrong Way Driver, Tanks Furry, Kingdoms of Steam, 3 indie games AmigaOS 4, Inviyya, Plouf, Shadow Warrior, Scout, C64 - BitCoins, JST, Frontier: Elite II, NetBSD, IBrowse, Midnight Pub and August Lille. TrueTape64 | TrueTape64 is a Datassette to PC interface developed by Francesco Francescovannini. The TrueTape64 uses a Atmel ATTiny2313 microcontroller and can make a TAP file from a cassette using an original Datassette. C64 Screensaver & Desktop Toy | Mark Hart has written a Commodore 64 Screensaver and a Desktop Toy. They both simulate a Commodore 64 with someone doing activities on it. Like writing programs, formatting disks, getting directories, renaming files, drawing graphics, even making typos. CBM Tape Pi | CBM Tape Pi is a Raspberry Pi that is a fast storage device for your Commodore 8-bit computer (CBM/PET, VIC 20, C64, etc.) via tape port connector. The features are: Load / Save PRGs, Directories, List, Delete and Fast mode. Userport Saver | The website The Future was 8bit has released a new hardware product for the Commodore VIC20, Plus/4, C64, C128 and C128D. The Userport Saver provides an extra 5 VDC connection, reset button and a voltage monitor. The Retrogaming Times #32 | The retrogaming Times is a retro computer magazine (English language) for all retro computer fans. In this edition: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - The Bright Stars of Sirius Software, Don's Desk - Wii Fit Plus, Arcade Obscure - Space Panic, A Brief But Safe Theme Park Visit, Discovering the Intellivision, Caught On Film - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) How To Annihilate A Movie Franchise, Exploring the Developmental Lore of Sonic 3, Pyuuta Tutor - Monster Inn, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap and See You Next Game. TheRetroChannel - 1084 | Mark Sawicki has made a new video. In this video Mark shows how to repair a on/off switch in a Commodore 1084 monitor. Kick Assembler v5.20 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for asminfo.txt, added warnings and alias support for illegal opcodes. Revision 2021 | The Revision 2021 demo party was held online in April. You can watch all the demo's on the Revision YouTube channel. Ms Mad Lemon - Monitor repair | Ms Mad Lemon made a new YouTube video. This time the repair of a Philips RGB monitor for an Amiga 1200 computer. Doktor64 - Star LC-10C  | There is a new YouTube video available from Doktor64. This time he shows you how to restore an 30 year old Star LC-10C dot matrix printer. 8bit-Unity | 8bit-Unity is a cross-platform C language SDK for 8bit computers. You can write your game and deploy it on computers such as the Apple //e, Atari XL/XE, Commodore C64, Oric 1/Atmos or the Atari Lynx. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Flashtro - Inviyya, Defjam - Stellar 7, Redrum - Tony, Flashtro - Kings Valley, The Star Frontiers - Grid Start, Rebels - The Twilight Zone, World of Wonders - World Class Leader Board, OKS Import Division & MegaForce - Better Dead Than Alien and Flashtro - The Blues Brothers KEYGEN. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: VIC Revealed, Einführungskurs Commodore 64 (German), KIM Programming Manual and KIM-1 Manuals. LOAD #07 | LOAD is a German pdf-magazine for retro computer users. In this edition: Silicon Valley, IBM PC 5150, Olivetti M24, DIY 80486, HP Interface Bus, CosmacElf, Oberon Risc Station, C64 Micro/Laptop Board, IBM Palmtop PC110, TheVIC20 Emulator, AppleTV, ZX Spectrum Next, Sudoku in BASIC, Assembler - PET/CBM, SAMCONV 20, Deutsche Computergeschichte (2), Apple Collection Prague and IBM S1. Scene World Podcast #113 | Scene World Podcast is a podcast about the Commodore scene. In this episode: Oliver Lindau (The Eye Of The Beholder), Freaky Fish DX and Mini Zork II.