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Start page Popular Retro - 5 | Popular Retro is a English magazine for the retro computer user. In this edition: Retro News, The original Breadbin, Steve McCrea, THEVIC20, Killed by a mushroom, Eugene Evans, City Crusher, DOOM, 20 hits for the VIC, Astro Nell, Future 1999, Great moments, Meet the team and Next issue. LOAD #06 | LOAD is a German pdf-magazine for retro computer users. In this edition: GUI, Apple Macintosh, Amiga 1000, Atari, Sinclair QL, Jef Raskin - Canon Cat, AlphaTronic, Macintosh Apple //e, P2000, Amiga34, Hypercard Macintosh Fanzine, Kill The Bit, Apple Disk Transfer Pro, HP Lasjet 2100, HX-20, RS-232, DDR Computer, Commodore Museum Braunschweig and Classic Computing 2019. Retrobits - PlastiDip | A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video how to paint your Commodore C64 computer. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Lemmings The Complete Manual, The Anatomy of the 1541 Disk Drive, The Micro Enquirer Commodore 64, Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices, GEOS Tips and Tricks and GEOS Inside and Out. Nybbles and Bytes - Assembly (8) | The YouTube channel Nybbles and Bytes makes videos about retro computers. In this episode: Emulators and Assemblers. Operation 8-Bit - Mini 1702 | A new YouTube video from Operation 8-Bit. In this episode you can see how to build and assemble a working mini replica of the Commodore 1702 monitor. Bread Box - Rally sprint | A new video from the Bread Box Commodore Computer Museum. In this video the 1989 New Zealand National Rally sprint sponsored by Commodore Computer NZ Ltd. Amiga Users Ireland Podcast | In this episode of the Amiga Users Ireland Podcast: An interview with CS-Labs hardware about the Warp 1260. Hey Birt! - Okidata Okimate 20 | In this video from Hey Birt:The  Okidata Okimate 20 colour printer for the Commodore 64 computer. Sprite Castle | Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is: Joysticks, the MiST, arcades and Retrobriting without Retrobrite. | The web page has had an update with many new items: Digitalker 128 program and manual. | is a hardware shop for retro computers like: Commodore, Amiga and Atari. A few examples are: AV-breakout boxes, cables, power supplies, cartridges, etc. Sprite Castle - Lode Runner | Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is: The Broderbund classic Lode Runner. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Digitalker-128 Instructions, Your 64 Cassette Book, Timeworks Writer 64, Stack VICkit, Stack VICkit-II Users Guide, Stack VICkit-4 and Stack VICkit-5. - Oceanic OC-118 | made a new YouTube video. In this video he is installing JiffyDOS in an Oceanic OC-118 floppy disk drive. The Retro Hour - The Games That Weren't | The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Frank Gasking with his new book The Games That Weren't. The Retrogaming Times #28 | The retrogaming Times is a retro computer magazine (English language) for all retro computer fans. In this edition: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Type-In Listings, Apple II Incider - Show and Tell, Arcade Obscure - Intrepid, FDSStick - Reviving The Famicom Disk System, TurboGrafx-16 Review: Neutopia, Protective Cases From RetroProtection, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap and See You Next Game. Retrobits - SD2IEC | A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video the SD2IEC, a modern mass storage device for Commodore 8-bit computers. Nybbles and Bytes - Assembly (7) | The YouTube channel Nybbles and Bytes makes videos about retro computers. In this episode: SID Basics. RCEU530 - reArcade | The RCEU530-reArcade is a new PCB for the Arcade joystick, developed by Carsten Jensen. The features are: All functions have a microswitch including the fire-button. And an auto-fire function with a 555 timer. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Ross - Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons, Defjam - Maxiplan, The Band - Populous, Scoopex - Yogis Great Escape, Tarkus Team - Junior Ice Mines, The Cardinals - Celica GT Rally, Scoopex - LeaderBoard, Flashtro - Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons FINAL, Flashtro - Else We Get Mad, Flashtro - Super Wormy and Redrum - Tricycle Racer. The Retro Hour - Text Adventures | The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Text Adventures. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: SAMs Computer Facts CD12 - Commodore Model 1571, Compute!'s Telecomputing on the Commodore 64, Compute!'s Kids and the Commodore 128 and Compute!s Commodore sixtyfour & 128 collection. Return #42 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: Ninjas, Cave, Ultima, Canon, Wild Arms 2, The Lord Of Dragonspire, The Queen's Footsteps, Knockout Boxing, PlayStation-Magazine, Alpine Racer, BEEP, Evercade, Windows, MetroCross and Odyn1ec. Mark Fixes Stuff - Amiga mouse de-yellowing | A new video from Mark Fixes Stuff. In this video Mark shows us how to de-yellow an Amiga mouse. Scene World Podcast #93 | Scene World Podcast is a podcast about the Commodore scene. In this episode: NeoHabitat, Commodore Retro Expo, Macintosh.js, QuantumLink Reloaded and Second Life. DLH's Commodore Archive | DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Inventory Control, Lottey 64, Script-64 Word Processor, IEEE-488 Poly-Play, Party-Quiz, Q-Link Newsletter, Assembly Lines, Beach Blanket Volleyball, Your Second Commodore 64 Program, Compute!'s Gazette and Turbo 40-50 Manual. Komoda & Amiga Plus #16 | Komoda & Amiga Plus is a printed and a pdf magazine (English and Polish language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Good Old 8-Bit Games, Skulls, Demon-s kiss, Fix it Felix, Ghost town, Wormhole, Caveman, Commodore Nintendo Arcade, Mega Tank Blasta, Curse of Rabenstein, Atic Atac, Krakens, Retro systems and family bonding, Force Seven, Old Tower, Bucket Wars, Joystick Destroyers, Turtle RescueBot, Z-Riot, Porting Commodore BASIC code, Demoscene history of Wacek, Inviyya, Raid over Moscow, SVLCSSD, Tiny Galaga, Jaguar vs Lotus, Rotator, Hidden Gems: Lost Patrol, WinUAE, Plexilaser, Argue - Refresh, A1200 as a server, Console Zone: Reshoot R, Amibian, Fresh News, Anatomy of sentiment,, Blits & Bobs, Retrolife, On another subject: Robin Hood, Talking Heads: Demoscene AD 2020 and Johnny presents: Punisher. TZX Cassette Mod | TZX Cassette Mod is a project from jamhamster. He made a comprehensive guide how to put a TZXDuino inside a real cassette. With this cassette it is possible to load your own computer games from a cassette into a computer with a cassette player. The Micro Museum - Fruity (1) | A new YouTube video from the Micro Museum. In this video the relationship between fruit and the computer industry. NOVA64 - C64 | NOVA64 (Neatly Organized Vintage Archives for the C64) is a front end for browsing and loading tape images from archives created with Tape Manager. | The web page has had an update with many new items: BackBit Firmware, SuperFORTH 64 I/O Utility Package Manual, SuperFORTH 64 Micro Manual, SuperFORTH 64 User Manual and Commodore Round Table with Joe Buckley.