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Strona startowa Assemble IT | Kurs języka maszynowego od Richard od TND. Komoda & Amiga Plus #10 | Nowe wydanie magazynu Komoda & Amiga Plus: Assembloids Basic, Shield Command, Pets Rescue, Excavation zone: Battle, Slicks, Wasteland, System MACS, Sam's Journey, Chester Kollschen, Genius 2 - Into The Toy Caves, Iceblox Plus, Dr. Wuro Industries, Christian Gleisner, How I got to The Island, C64 football, Starfysh, SuperKernal, Nibbly '92, Else We Get Mad!, José A. González, Highway Sprint, Neverball, Eye of the Beholder, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Amikit 8, CD32 Xmas Disc 2017, MF Tanks, Kingdoms of England II - Vikings, Thomas Boissé, RLS, C64 vs Amiga: David against the Goliath..., Europe in 8 bits, Mike Battilana, A letter to Cosmo, Memories from the past, Pekka Kana 2, Talking Heads: Crossing the technical boundaries i Johnny presents: Metacom. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Motorola 68000 Reference Card, Blue Angels Instruction Card, Amiga User International, Turtle Toyland Jr Manual, OSI Tech Newsletter, GeoRam 512 Manual, Nick Hardy Adventures, VIC-1010 Expansion Module User's Guide i Monster Maze Instructions. | Aktualizacja na stronie WiFly Firmware v0.13, Durex Forth 1.6.4 i C64-Forth79. The 8-Bit Guy - Historia Commodore (3) | Nowy wideo z The 8-Bit Guy: Historia Commodore. W tym odcinku: Commodore C64. Retro Asylum Podcast - 184 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Gry, czasopisma i film dokumentalny: Retro Gaming the Movie. LOAD #04 | LOAD to niemiecki pdf dla retro użytkowników komputerów. W tym wydaniu: Retro Termine, Agenda VR3, Kleine Rechenhilfen, IDE und RAM für Atari TT, USB Interface für Atari, Interview mit den Atari Entwicklern, PC Board für Amiga 500, Wie der Apple II polyphon wurde, WLAN für klassische Computer, Das CCC Modem Datenklo, Minimales Z80 System, Wiederbelebung eines AIM65, Neue Akkus für den Epson HX-20, Iomega ZIP Drive als Festplatte, Spieleklassiker Stellar 7, Amiga C Programme entwickeln, Zahlenmemory für Apple II, Messen mit dem Oszilloskop, Jahre Apple LISA, Little Man Computer, CP/M Quick Reference Card, Unsere Veranstaltungen, Neues aus dem VzEkC e.V., Das Computermuseum Visselhövede, Der Verein über sich i Mitgliedsantrag. Pi1541 | Nowy produkt sprzętowy: Pi 1541, emulator dysków. EightBall | Nowy język programowania: EightBall Virtual Machine. Amiga user Ireland podcast | Podcast dla użytkowników Amiga i Commodore: Amiga Magazines, History of Amiga: Red vs Blue, WinUAE, Iris, Objective-C, AmiCast, SMBFS 68k, MorphOS SDK, Road Avenger i Chris Hülsbeck. The Retrogaming Times #14 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Metroid Style, Retrogaming at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, The Controller Chronicles - Nintendo Virtual Boy, Arcade Obscure - Blood Bros, The Magical Kick Off - Starring Dad and His Army of Ninja Cartridges, Sakura Wars 6: The Revival Hits The Stage, Forgotten Famicom - Jumpin' Kid, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap i See You Next Game. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: SuperScript til Commodore 64, PET Computer Main Logic Schematic, Commodore C2N Datasette Schematic, Amiga 3D Graphics Programming in BASIC, AMIGA Priskataloget for kvalitetsudstyr 1994, Landschafts Malerei mit Deluxe Paint, VIC Revealed, Advanced Machine Language book for the Commodore 64, Machine Language book for the Commodore 64, Getting acquainted with your VIC20, Commodore 64 Använderhandbok, Assembler gjort Simpel, 1802 Monitor, Alphatron EX 4M, Commodore 8010 Modem, Commodore 1960 MULTISCAN Color Monitor User's Guide, AmiTech SilenDrive Manual, Amiga 500 Quick Connect, Privat COMputer, Amiga 500 Benutzerhandbuch, Amiga Format Exploring Real 3D, Commodore plus/4 User Manual, Creative Commodore User's Club, Star LC-10 Multi-Font User's Manual, Højt Spil med Commodore 64, Extras to A590 Hard Disk Drive, Revision and Addendum, Service Manual for 1084P, 1930 VGA Monitor Service manual, Simulation techniques on the Commodore 64, Dr. Ruprecht Kommentiertes ROM-Listing, BASIC på Commodore, Compute!s All about the Commodore 64 volume 2 and AmigaBASIC Inside i Out. KiloByte magazine 2018/1 | KiloByte magazyn (PDF, język angielski) dla 8-bit Komputer domowy i konsola gier wideo. W tym wydaniu: Floppy-sleeves, Computer Warriors, Dun Darach, Nintento i Atari, Diskettes, Alf Yngve, Legend of Silverpeak, Luftrauserz, Pet Resque i Hyberbnated. Jan Beta - Tapuino Reloaded | Nowe wideo z Jan Beta: Tapuino Reloaded (C64, C16 i VIC-20). Brian Bagnall - Commodore: The Final Years | Nowa kampania Kickstarter od Brian Bagnall: Commodore: The Final Years. Scene World Podcast #46 - Robert Bernardo | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: Robert Bernardo - Fresno Commodore User Group. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Monster Maze Instructions, Fun-Play, Infestation, Archipelagos Enviromental Purfier's Guide to the Earth, Aegis, Pictionary The Game of Quick Draw Players, Swooper, Golden Oldies, Knights of the Sky, Gravis Advanced Mousestik, ChartPAK-64 v3, Free Spirit Software, EPYX 1980, Robots of Dawn, Sketchpad 128, The Fourth Protocol, Slinky, Simon and Schusters Computer Study Guide for the SAT Box, Mastering your Vic-20 Through Eight Basic Projects, The Kickstart Guide to the Amiga 3rd Edition, A Shortcut Through Adventureland Vol 2 Infocom i Freedom Assembler 128. | Aktualizacja na stronie BDoing SID FX Tool, PETSCII Edit 4.61, Paint Magic, Stepper Test, 64 Exchange BBS v2.0, 64 Exchange BBS v1.5, Outdial Directory Utility v1.0, Picture Display, Move 80f i Partition128 v3.1. Jan Derogee - Licznik na Youtube i zasłona prysznicowa | Nowe filmy z Derogee: Licznik na Youtube. Attitude #18 | W tym angielskim magazynie dyskietek następujące: Datastorm 2017, Fjalldata 2018, HDMI up-scalers, Quod Init Exit, Spot/Up rough, Stormfront, Excess, Protect your data i Unit testing. Retrogame Talkshow | Retro gier podcast z : Bob Engstrand i Jari Karjalainen: Arcade Adventures & In the beginning. TapEx - v1.2 | Nowa wersja TapEx dla Commodore C64. Update: Power Load, Wilcox, Pavloda, Gremlin/GBH, Digital Integration, Cascade, American Action, EA, Freeload, Visiload, Imagine, Orpheus Ltd, Mikrogen 2, Software Projects, Pirate Software, Adventure International, ACE 64K Slow / Fast, Masterfast, Buckley, HCG-LK, Burner, Jiffy-Load, ODEload, Blue Ribbon i Mega-Save. Jan Derogee - Więcej przygód z dyskietkami | Nowe filmy z Derogee: Drzwi. PLAdvanced+ | Nowy projekt sprzętowy dla komputerów Commodore: PLAdvanced+ 9-1. Retro Asylum Podcast - 181 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Telewizja do gier, Digitiser The Show i Biffo - Revival 2018. Retro Computing Roundtable #168 | Retro Computing Roundtable podcast (język angielski) dla komputerów retro. W tym odcinku: Shopgoodwill, RC2014, Retroconnector, Tynemouth Software, GGLabs, Totally 80s Rewind, Geekwire writeup, Samia Halaby, Oregon Trail, TI/99 ET-PEB, CC-40, Hexbus, Banderstv, Macrofab, Make BASIC Fast Again, Retrochallenge, Tetris, eSheep i VIC-20 kariery. Amiga user Ireland podcast | Podcast dla użytkowników Amiga i Commodore: Bambi Amiga, Riva, AmiSSL, Aweb, LightView, KwaKwa, DcRaw, Apollo Core 2.7, David Pleasance, MORPHOS 3.10, Amigarama, Bomberman 64, Spencer, Pets Rescue Plus/4, Wyrmsun, Stunt Car Racer, Epic Skidmarks, Amiga online MineSweeper, Eraser,, Revision 2018 and Ask Amiga. RVG Podcast - Chiptune Special | W tym odcinku RVG Podcast: Chiptune Special z Electrocop - Atari Lynx, Black Hornet - Atari ST, Commando - Rob Hubbard - C64, Missile Command 3D - Jaguar, Raiden - Rough And Tumble - Arcade, Shadow of the Beast - Main Theme - Amiga, Time Trax - Title Tune (Tim Follin) - Sega Mega Drive, Turrican II - Main Theme - Amiga, Xenon - Amiga i California Games (Surfing) - Atari Lynx. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Top Secret for SOFT 1988, The PET Revealed, Mastering your VIC-20 through eight BASIC projects, The Final Cartridge III Manual, Monteringsvejledning for dansk karaktersæt til Commodore 128, Mapping the VIC i A590 Hard drive brugervejledning. The Retrosaurus Podcast - C64 | The Retrosaurus Podcast: Commodore 64. DarkWolf80s - 1084 Wyłącznik zasilania | DarkWolf80s - 1084 Naprawa przełącznika zasilania. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Nebulus (Hewson Consultants, 1987), Frankie Goes To Hollywood (Ocean Software, 1985), Crack Down (Sega, 1989), Zenji (Activision, 1984) i Unique Games! (11).