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Start page SEUCK competition 2025 | The SEUCK competition for the year 2025 has started. You can submit your game until the 30th of April 2025. The third entries is: Bang City by Pinov Vox. SEUCK competition 2025 | The SEUCK competition for the year 2025 has started. You can submit your game until the 30th of April 2025. The first two entries are: The Predators of the Valley - Roberto Ricioppo and 4,000 Kung Fu Maniacs - The Twerk of Destiny - Alf Yngve. BASIC 10Liners - 2025 | BASIC 10Liners is a competition for making a game in BASIC with only 10 lines of code. The rules are: The computer system must be 8-bit, the BASIC is line orientated and there is no machine code allowed. There are three categories: 80, 120 or 256 characters per line. SEUCK competition 2025 | A new year a new SEUCK competition. You can now submit your game for the SEUCK competition 2025. The closing date is 30th April 2025. Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 - Results | The Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 is a programming challenge for all retro computers. The goal is to produce a specific picture on the screen with the smallest program possible. You can now see all the results on YouTube. Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 | The Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 is a programming challenge for all retro computers. The goal is to produce a specific picture on the screen with the smallest program possible. The competition closes at the 25th of December 2024. Plus/4 - Game development competition | You can now compete in a game development competition for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. You can develop a game with the BASIC programming language or use machine language. The rules are: The game must be exclusively for this competition. File: .D64, .TAP or .PRG. And send in your game before March 31, 2025 - 23:59 hours. AmiGameJam 2024 | You can enter your game into the AmiGameJam for 2024. This time, the theme is The Sequel That Never Was, where you are invited to create a sequel to an Amiga game from back in the day. This contest ends on the 1st December 2024. 4 kB Craptastic game competition 2024 | The Reset 64 magazine 4 kB Craptastic game competition 2024 has ended. This year there are 31 new games developed fort his competition, and you can download all of them to try them out. Amigo Aaron's Pod Jam 2024 | Have you ever wanted to try making a podcast? Maybe you had an idea for a great show, but were discouraged because of the problem of finding an audience, or maybe you didn't want to commit to a regular schedule. Then Amigo Aaron's Pod Jam is for something for you! You can submit your own podcast until May 1st 2024. And you can win a gift card from 4 kB Craptastic game competition 2024 | The Reset 64 magazine 4 kB Craptastic game competition 2024 has started. This year's competition theme is once again... Craptastic! Submit your entries to RESET64 by 31st August, 2024. Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2023 | The Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2023 is a programming challenge for all retro computers. The goal is to produce a specific picture on the screen with the smallest program possible. You can now see all the results on YouTube. Only Sprites Compo 2023 | You can now look at all the entries from the Only Sprites Compo 2023 on the CSDb web page. The voting is open until the 23rd of December. Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2023 | The Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2023 is a programming challenge for all retro computers. The goal is to produce a specific picture on the screen with the smallest program possible. The competition closes at the 25th of December 2023. Only Sprites Compo 2023 | You can now compete in the Only Sprites Compo 2023 on the CSDb web page. The rules are: ONLY sprites, music is allowed, borders can be removed, D64 or PRG, no REU. You can make a demo, intro, game, magazine, etc. The competition closes on December 17th 2023. Amiga Tool Jam | The Amiga Tool Jam is a software development challenge, where the goal is to create new and interesting applications for the Amiga computer. The applications for this year are: DrawerGenie, Aurora Mystica, WhiteboardAGA, AmiAuthenticator, Wallpapers for the Amiga OS, Mnemosyne, SORThodontist, c2p.library and Closer. Vision BASIC Game Programming Contest 2023 | You can now participate in the Vision BASIC Game Programming Contest 2023. The contest period runs from January 8, 2023 to August 31, 2023. Amiga Art Contest 2023 | You can now compete in the Amiga Art Contest. The categories are: Hand drawn artwork, Digital photography, Animation, Ray tracing and Music. Vision BASIC Game Programming Contest 2023 | You can now participate in the Vision BASIC Game Programming Contest 2023. The contest period runs from January 8, 2023 to August 31, 2023. BASIC 10Liners - 2023 results | BASIC 10Liners is a competition for making a game in BASIC with only 10 lines of code. You can now see the list with the result of the competition with many items for the VIC20, C16, C64 and the Amiga. BASIC 10Liners - 2023 | BASIC 10Liners is a competition for making a game in BASIC with only 10 lines of code. The rules are: The computer system must be 8-bit, the BASIC is line orientated and there is no machine code allowed. There are three categories: 80, 120 or 256 characters per line. Vision BASIC Game Programming Contest 2023 | You can now participate in the Vision BASIC Game Programming Contest 2023. The contest period runs from January 8, 2023 to August 31, 2023. Amiga Art Contest 2022 | You can watch a new video from the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast. In this video the results of the Amiga Art Contest 2022. Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2022 | The Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2022 is a programming challenge for all retro computers. The goal is to produce a picture of a star on the screen with the smallest program possible. The competition closes at the 26th of December 2022. RetroChallenge 2022/10 | The RetroChallenge is a group of RetroComputing enthusiasts who collectively do stuff with old computers for a month. The theme of this month is endurance and the winner will get a mousepad. 4 kB Craptastic game competition 2022 | You can now look at the official compilation diskette from the Reset 64 magazine 4 kB Craptastic game competition. Amiga Art Contest 2022 | You can now compete in the Amiga Art Contest. The categories are: Hand drawn artwork, Digital photography, Animation, Ray tracing and Music. Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam | You can now participate in the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam. The game must be developed during the Game Jam and the game must work on a classic Amiga with AmigaOS. Dalek's Attack Game Jam | You can now try the new games in the Dalek's Attack Game Jam competition. This competition is organised by the Retro Programmers Inside webpage.
4 kB Craptastic game competition 2022 | You can now look at the games for the Reset 64 magazine 2020 4KB game coding competition. At the moment 13 games are available, the deadline is June 30th 2022. C64 High-Score Challenge: Empire Strikes Back | On the Everything C64 forum you can now participate in a new C64 High-score Challenge. The game of this month is Empire Strikes Back, the C64 fan version by Megastyle (2022). C64 High-Score Challenge: Sheep in Space | On the Everything C64 forum you can now participate in a new C64 High-score Challenge. The game of this month is Sheep in Space (Llamasoft, 1984).