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Start page - 20 Years | will turn 20 years old on April 17th, 2021. For this occasion, there will be an online competition! C64 High-Score Challenge: Sprite Invaders | On the Everything C64 forum you can now join the C64 High-score Challenge. This month the game is Sprite Invaders from Booze Design. SEUCK Compo 2021 - Their Machine | The game Their Machine is a new game in the SEUCK Compo 2021. The game is developed by Raul Gubert. In the game you must stop the evil machines. The C64 Cassette 50 Charity Competition | This competition is about creating a brand-new compilation tape - with any proceeds to be donated to charity - featuring games by C64 developers with the look or feel of a Cassette 50 game. SEUCK competition 2021 | A new year a new SEUCK competition. You can now submit your game for the SEUCK competition 2020. The closing date is 30th April 2021. The C64 Cassette 50 Charity Competition | This competition is about creating a brand-new compilation tape - with any proceeds to be donated to charity - featuring games by C64 developers with the look or feel of a Cassette 50 game. Amiga Art Contest 2020 | You can now view the entries of the Amiga Art Contest 2020. The categories are: Hand drawn artwork, digital photography, ray tracing and music. SEUCK competition 2020 | The results of the SEUCK Compo 2020:
1. Sythia in the Cyber Crypt - Eleanor Burns
2. Spearhead - Alf Yngve
3. Guillotine - The Doom Machine - Richard Bayliss
4. Fish Pond 2 - Robovox by Pinov Vox
5. Space Fighter - Pinov Vox
6. Lagangrian Point 3 - The Earth Elevator - Recycled Arts Amiga Art Contest 2020 | You can now compete in the Amiga Art Contest 2020. The categories are: Hand Drawn Artwork, Digital Photography, Ray Tracing and music. 4 KB Craptastic game competition | The Reset 64 magazine 2020 4KB game coding competition has ended. The compilation diskette is now available. A few examples are: Al-Bert, Cover Fire!, Fall, Kugel Blitz, Orcapult, RodMän Jr., Star Lair and Zzaped in the Butt! SEUCK competition 2020 | You can vote for your favourite game in the SEUCK competition 2020. The games are: Guilotine - The Doom Machine, Synthia in the Cyber Crypt, Spearhead, Chode Loader, Wild Wafers Deluxe, Fish Pond - RoboVox, Space Fighter, Terminus and Lagrangian Point 3 - The Earth-Moon Elevator. SEUCK Compo 2020 | The SEUCK 2020 competition is now closed. One game was  entered at the last moment: Lagrangian Point 3 - The Earth-Moon elevator by Recycled Arts. SEUCK Compo 2020 - Space Fighter | The game Space Fighter is a new game in the SEUCK Compo 2020. The game is developed by Pinov Vox. In the game you must save your home planet, Zaryon. SEUCK Compo 2020 - Fish Pond - RoboVox | The game Fish Pond - RoboVox is a new game in the SEUCK Compo 2020. The game is developed by Pinov Vox. In the game you must help Fish Pond save your friends from an evil villain. BASIC 10Liners 2020 | BASIC 10Liners 2020 is a competition for making a game in BASIC with only 10 lines of code. The rules are: The computer system must be 8-bit, the BASIC is line orientated and there is no machine code allowed. There are three categories: 80, 120 or 256 characters per line. 4 KB Craptastic game competition | The Reset 64 magazine 2020 4KB game coding competition has started. This year's competition theme is once again... Craptastic! The deadline is 23:59 GMT on the 30th June, 2020. Commodore Creative Competition 2020 | You can now look at the winners of the Commodore Creative Competition at the Amiga Ireland 2020. The categories are: Pixel Art, 3D Scene and MOD. SEUCK Compo 2020 - Synthia in the Cyber Crypt | The game Synthia in the Cyber Crypt is a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2020. The game is developed by Eleanor Burns, and it is a platform adventure game. SEUCK competition 2020 | You can now submit your games for the SEUCK competition 2020. The closing date is 31 May 2020. Commodore Creative Competition 2020 | The Amiga Ireland website is organizing the Commodore Creative Competition 2020. The competition will have three categories: MOD / AHX, Pixel Art and 3D Raytracing. The competition closes at January 8th 2020. Janne Hellsten - C64 Coding Compo | Janne Hellsten wrote a blog about his C64 coding competition. The challenge was the shortest program to draw a cross on the screen. And the winner only used 34 bytes. SEUCK competition 2019 | The results of the SEUCK Compo 2019:
1. Pagoda Warrior 2 - Stefano McValdermar Canali
2. Legion of the Damned - Eleanor Burns
3. Fulgur - Alf Yngve SEUCK competition 2019 | You can vote for your favorite game in the SEUCK competition 2019. The games are: Nucleo 447, Robo Form X, Protox-1, Summit Fever, Fulgur, Snake Eyes a.k.a Iliinois Jones, Legion of the Damned 3, Star MIG, Squibblies 3 - Mucus's Revenge, Demonstar 2 - Interstellar Overdrive, Pagoda Warrior 2, Lagrangian Point and Araignee. SEUCK Compo 2019 | The following new games have been added to the SEUCK Competition 2019: Langrangian Point - The Messgeger from Outer Space - Recycled Arts and Soccer War - Commodore Spain. SEUCK Compo 2019 | The game Vortex is a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by Pinov Vox, and it is a vertical scrolling shooting game. SEUCK Compo 2019 | The following new games have been added to the SEUCK Competition 2019: Squibblies (TND Games) and Pagoda Warrior 2 (Stefan Canali). SEUCK Compo 2019 - Star MIG | The game Star MIG is a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by VG VOX, and it is a vertical scrolling shooting game. SEUCK Compo 2019 - Legion of the Damned | The game Legion of the Damned is a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by Eleanor Burns, and it is a horizontal scrolling shooting game. SEUCK Compo 2019 - Fulgur | The game Fulgur a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by Alf Yngve, and it is a vertical scrolling shooting game. SEUCK Compo 2019 - Summit Fever | The game Summit Feveris a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by PIEVSPIE and it is a vertical scrolling shooting game. SEUCK Compo 2019 - PROTOX-1 | The game PROTOX-1 is a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by VG VOX and it is a vertical scrolling space shooting game. Reset64 Magazine Game compo 2018 | The people behind the Reset 64 magazine have chosen the best Commodore C64 games of the year 2018. The top 5 is:
#1 - Rocky Memphis
#2 - Hunter's Moon Remastered
#3 - Space Moguls
#4 - Shadow Switcher
#5 - Hibernated 1: This Place is Death