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Start page F64 Game Competition 2016: Strategy | On Forum64 you can now read all about the new game development competition for the year 2016. The theme of the year 2016 is a strategy game. The start of the competition is 1st of January 2016 end the game must be finished on 31st of October. Sideways Scrolling SEUCK Compo 2015 | The New Dimension web page is organising a Sideways Scrolling SEUCK competition for the year 2015. The rules are: C64 PAL or NTSC. Music for the intro is allowed, but for the game you can only use sound effects and send in your games before the November 30, 2015. AROK - 2015 | The AROK party for this year is scheduled for 14-16 August 2015 in Ajkarendek, Hungary. This year they have the following competitions: Demo (Max: 10 minutes), Graphics (Runnable, no animation), Music (Runnable, no covers, max 3 minutes), Streamed music (mp3, 128kbit) and Wild (anything else). SEUCK competition 2015 | The results of the SEUCK competition 2015 are:
1. Abyssonaut - Anthony Stiller - 171 points
2. Gigablast - Alf Yngve - 158 points
3. T-UFO - Errazking - 157 points
4. Snatch McBlagger - 156 points
5. S-F-S - Wile Coyote - 141 points
6. Shamai - Slavia - 134 points
7. META14 - Errazking - 130 points
8. Shoot or Die - Tommy Nine - 116 points
9. Ocean Ninja - Slavia - 113 points
10. Scoff - PieVSPie - 99 points
11. Naait Raider - Fritske - 87 points SEUCK competition 2015 | You can now vote for your favourite game in the SEUCK competition 2015. The entries for this year are: GigaBlast, S.F.S (Special Forces Soldier), Snatch McBlagger, Shoot or Die, Abyssonaut, Naait Raaider, T-UFO, Shamai - Return of Myths, META14, Payback Time, The Ocean Ninja and Scoff. SEUCK Compo 2015 | There are more new games for the SEUCK competition 2015: Abyssonaut by Anthony Stiller, Naait Raaider by Fritske, Return of the Myths by Slavia, T-Ufo by Errazking and META14 by Errazking. The voting will start on 09-May-2015. Shoot or Die - SEUCK Compo 2015 | This week another game is added to the SEUCK competition for the year 2015. This time a game from Tommy Nine. This time you are a part of the computer game. Your mission is to go through the game world and shoot down any enemy and find the game creator. You can also compete in this SEUCK competition, the closing date is 30-04-2015. SEUCK Compo 2015 | This week another game is added to the SEUCK competition for the year 2015. This time a game from Alf Yngve. In the game Snatch McBlagger you are a bank robber who tries to escape from prison. You can also compete in this competition, the closing date is 31st 31-03-2015. SEUCK Compo 2015 | The New Dimension web page is organising a new SEUCK competition for the year 2015. The rules are: C64 PAL or NTSC. Music for the intro is allowed, but for the game you can only use sound effects and send in your games before the 31st March 2015. A new entry is a game inspired by Capcom's Commando. This game is made by Shaun Pearson and is called Special Forces Soldier. Amiga game of 2014 | The result of the best Amiga game of the year 2014 are published. AmigaOS 68k: Tales Of Gorluth: The Tear Stone Saga (Amiworx Software). AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Raven Software / LucasArts). The complete results are on the Obligement web page. Amiga game awards 2014 | The Obligement website is organizing another best game of the year competition. You can choose your own favourite from the list of games. The best 3 games of each systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS) will be revealed February 7, 2015. SEUCK Compo 2015 | The New Dimension web page is organising a new SEUCK competition for the year 2015. The rules are: C64 PAL or NTSC. Music for the intro is allowed, but for the game you can only use sound effects and send in your games before the 31st March 2015. At the moment there are already two games in the competition: Gigablast by Alf Yngve and 3000 Kung Fu Maniacs Demo by Psytronik Software. F64 Game Competition 2015 | The web page started a new adventure game competition. You can make an text or graphical adventure, RPG, action adventure or action RPG. The rules are: The platform is a C64 with a 1541. The game must be a new game. You must sign up before 1-15-2015 and the game must be finished on 18-06-2015. Retrochallenge Competition 2015/1 | The winter edition of the Retrochallenge competition will be held from 1-12-2014 until 31-1-2015. Everybody with a retro computer project can compete. Examples of the entries are: Urbancamo - KIM Uno with keypad, Michael Sternberg - Serial port, Eric Smith - Restoration of a 1976 computer, Paleoferrosaurus - Building a classic computer from crap. Tape loader tune competition 2014 | You can now vote for the Tape loader tune competition 2014. The aim of the music competition is simply to compose a tune which would be suitable to listen to when loading a game from tape or disk. You can choose from more than 30 SIDs. SEUCK competition 2014 | You can now vote for your favourite game in the SEUCK competition 2014. The entries for this year are: Another Day, Another Zombie (Carl Mason), Hero time 2 (IndyJR/FanCA), Double or nothing (Alf Yngve), Noxus (Alf Yngve), Shaken - The Tale of the Swordless Ninja (Roberto Dillon), Vampire Hunter 2 (IndyJR/FanCA), 1941 - The Secret Conflict (Gibranx) and Last Hope (Gaetano Chiummo). You can vote until the 31st of May 2014. RGCD 16KB Cartridge Competition 2014 | The RGCD web page is organising a cartridge development competition for the fourth time. You can enter a game until the 30th of November 2014. The prizes are: 2 times a 1541 Ultimate II Cartridge, donated by Gideon Zweijtzer and another £200 of prize money. Forever 2014 awards | The results of the Forever 2014 party are available. The winners are C64 demo: homunculi by dream, C64 music: Lethargic by stinsen/genesis, C64 graphic: Anima et animus by jailbird/booze design and C64 1kb intro: SIL1K01 by Busy & Noro. Amiga game awards 2013 | The Obligement website is organizing another best game of the year competition. You can choose your own favourite from the list of games. The best 3 games of each systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS) will be revealed February 8, 2014. SEUCK competition 2014 | The TND64 web page announced the new SEUCK competition for the year 2014. You can send in your games from January until March. The voting will be in April or May. The rules are similar to last year's competition, but this time round, no enhancements or music is allowed to be added to the game for the competition. Retrochallenge Competition 2014 Winter Warmup | The winter edition of the Retrochallenge competition will be held from 1-1-2014 until 31-1-2014. Everybody with a retro computer project can compete. Examples of the entries are: TCP/IP stack Macintosh 128K. New game for the hand-held toy from Mattel. New programming language for the C64. Apple II Prince of Persia. ViewData BBS system. An 6502 based computer. Memotech MTX512 rebuild. Apple /// programming project. RGCD 16KB Cartridge Competition 2013 | The games that are competing in the RGCD 16KB Cartridge Competition 2013 are: Bellringer III (Geir Straume & Sean Connolly), Candle Burner 1.1 (Dirk Schmitt), Cosmic Ark (Max Hall), Devil Ronin (Georg Rottensteiner), Invert (Richard Bayliss), Kobo64 (Kajtár Zsolt), Linus Vs Simon (Simon Quernhorst), Magic Duel (Jörn Ruchmann), Micro Hexagon (Paul Koller & Mikkel Hastrup), Monster Buster (
Powerglove (Matthias Bock), Revenge Of The Tomato (Richard Bayliss), Rocket Smash (John Christian Lønningdal & Saul Cross), S-Blox (Payton Byrd) and Vallation (Jason Kelk & Sean Connolly). Plain PETSCII Compo 2013 | You can now view the results of the Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013. The top 10 titles are: Gary (Mermaid), I HAS FLOPPY!! (Redcrab), Victor Charlie (Mermaid), N00NEFUKWITEN0NE (Archmage), The Game is Apaw! (iLKke), PETSCII & Pilt (Pal), Daft Robot (wile coyote), Voodoo Love (wile coyote), Mikulas vs. Krampusz (Hermit) and Mantis Compo Version (Slayer Grafix). 8 Bit Hardware Sound Quiz | Mistertentpole made a small quiz about retro computing. He made a video with 10 sounds of old hardware. It is not only Commodore hardware, but also Apple, Tandy, Texas Instruments, Atari, etc. You can now test your knowledge about old hardware. PETSCII Competition | The web page CSDb (Commodore Scene Database) has a competition for making of PETSCII art. At the moment there are 6 pictures in the competition: Gary by Mermaid, Hidden Violence by TheRyk, Tapes Don't Smile by q0w, PET8 by q0w, Snails PETSCII by JSL and Flowers PETSCII by JSL. You can enter your own PETSCII until 31 October 2013. 2013 Summer Retrochallenge Competition | The 2013 summer edition of the RetroChallenge is almost at an end. In this competition every computer is allowed from before the Pentium era. Examples of this year: Restoring an 18-bit DEC PDP-9, Online KIM-1 Simulator, Breadboard 6502 computer, Apple IIe web server and many more. SEUCK 2013 Compo - Results | The results of the SEUCK 2013 Compo are available:
1 - Sheer Earth Attack by Gaetano Chiummo.
2 - Dodo's Deep Doo-Doo by Carl Mason.
3 - Realms of Midgard by Anthony Burns.
4 - Zombie Brain Eaters by Andy Vaisey.
5 - Synergy by Alan Simek. SEUCK Compo 2013 | You can now vote for your favorite game in the SEUCK Compo 2013. The games for 2013 are: The Dark Within, Dante's Department Store, Gold Quest 5, Sheer Earth Attack, Spy Rider, Realms of Midgard, Zombie Brain Eaters, Aufwaerts (Going Upwards), Dodo's Deep Doo-Doo, Synergy and Amazon Gold. Amiga game awards 2012 | The Obligement website is organizing another best game of the year competition. You can choose your own favourite from the list of games. The best 3 games of each systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS) will be revealed February 6, 2013. SEUCK Compo 2013 | TND has announced the SEUCK 2013 game competition. The Shoot Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK) from 1987 is a system to create your own, vertical scrolling, games. The limitation of only scrolling vertical was removed by Jon Wells in 2008. Visit Richard's TND web page for all the details about this competition. Cover Compo #2 | The web page organises another SID cover competition. Your SID must be based on exciting music you can hear on the radio, or can buy in a shop. The SID will be available on the web page, but it will be anonymous. Later the voting will start. CeviCompo I | Dienstagstreff and Stehrs Softwareschmiede are organizing a game development competition for the Commodore C64. The rules for the competition are: The game must work on a standard C64 with an 1541 disk drive. Maximum size of the game is 664 blocks and must have a splash screen. The competition closes the first of February 2013.