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Start page C64 Power Game Mod Compo | The C64 Power Game Mod Compo is closed and here are the results:
1 - Coltfire (Jens Engel)
2 - Brain Delicacy (Dr Guru)
3 - Kikstart 2012 (V-12)
4 - Nibbly 2012 (Bimber)
5 - Power Dash (C64 Power Community)
6 - Crazy Dream 10 (Logic DeLuxe)
7 - Kolony Mod (Mikra) Arok 14 - results | Arok is a retro computer meeting in Ajka-Ajkarendek, Hungary. The meeting is for fans of the Commodore 64, plus4, Atari, ZX Spectrum and many more retro computers. There were several competitions: Music, Remix, Demo and a game competition. You can view all the results on the Arok web page. 2012 Summer Retrochallenge Competition | In this summer you can enter the RetroChallenge competition. You can submit anything that has to do with computers from the pre-Pentium era. Everything is allowed, hardware project, programs, multi media etc. Visit the RetroChallenge web page for more details. Best Amiga game 2011 | The result of the best Amiga game of the year 2011 are published. AmigaOS 68k: Mr Beanbag (Jigsaw Lounge). AmigaOS 4.x: 1941 Extreme Deluxe Dual Players 2.0 (Badblocks, Hugues Nouvel). MorphOS: Return To Castle Wolfenstein (ID Software, Gray Matter Interactive). AROS: UFO: Alien Invasion UFO (Alien Invasion Team). The complete results can be read on the Obligement web page. Best Amiga game 2011 | The Obligement website is organizing another best game of the year competition. You can choose your favorite from the list of games. The best 3 games of each systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS) will be revealed February 4, 2012. C64 POWER Game Mod Compo | This competition is for people who can make a alternative level for a Commodore C64 game. You can use a built-in level editor, use a special program like SEUCK, Creations or Game Maker or reprogram an existing game. You can read all the rules of the competition on the C64 Power web page. You can send in your game until 30 April 2012. Retrochallenge 2012 | In the month January you can enter the RetroChallenge 2012 competition. You can submit anything that has to do with computers from the pre-Pentium era. Everything is allowed, hardware project, programs, multi media etc. Visit the RetroChallenge web page for more details. Minigame compo 2011 | You can now vote in the Minigame compo 2011. The categories are: 1, 2 and 4 kByte. You can vote for number 1,2 and 3 in each category and leave a comment if you want. The games for Commodore are: Stop Stones by Charles Grey (C64), The Keep by Kweepa (VIC20) and  Fickle  by Malcolm Tyrell (VIC-20). Other systems in the competition are Odyssey2 / Videopac, ZX 81 / Spectrum and the Oric Computer. GOTO-less BASIC coding competition | The winner of the GOTO-less BASIC coding competition is S.E.S. And numbers 2 to 10 are: 247, Spider Jerusalem, Factor6, V-12, King Durin, IK, Sir Lightfoot, tfg and KC. You can download all the programs and read more details on the Lemon64 forum. Rambo Revisited - GFX Compo | The web page organized a competition. In this competition you could enter a improved picture of the loading screen from the game Rambo First Blood - Part II. You can now look at and vote for all of the 50 entries. GOTO-less BASIC coding competition | Jonnosan is organizing a BASIC programming competition. The goal of the competition is to use a BASIC program to scroll the text GOTO CONSIDERED HARMFUL on the screen continuously. But you can not use the command GOTO (or USR, SYS, RUN, THEN-linenumber).The size of the program must be so that it will fit on the screen after you do a LIST. For more details you can read the post on Lemon64. You can submit a program until the 28th of August. Sideways Seuck Competition 2011 | The result of the Sideways Seuck Competition 2011 are revealed. The winner is Alf Yngve with the game Forgotten Forest. The results are: 1 - Forgotten Forest - Alf Yngve. 2 - Heroes of Midgard / Anthony Burns. 3 - Action Def / Christian Siege. 4 - Flawshow / Anthony Burns. 5 - Missile Madness / Alf Yngve. 6 - Escape from the Annoying Chavs / Joshua Green. The winning game will be professional released with specially made music, a loading picture and a cover design. Commodore 128 - 4k Game Coding Compo | The web page is organizing a competition. In this competition you need to write a program for the Commodore C128 in 40 or 80 column mode. The rules are: Original programs not larger than 4096 bytes (4kb). Programs must work on a real C128 and VICE. The start of the competition is October 29th 2011 and will end at April 1st 2012. The prizes are from 25 $AU to 100 $AU. RetroChallenge 2011 | In the month July you can enter the RetroChallenge 2011 competition. You can submit anything that has to do with computers from the pre-Pentium era. Everything is allowed, hardware project, programs, multi media etc. Visit the RetroChallenge web page for more details. Chang's Adventure | Chang's Adventure is a new game for the Commodore C64. But it is not finished yet. The game needs 100 maps and you can make one or more of these maps. With the program Chang Mapper you can make your own maps and send them in to the maker of the game. The competition is open from 7th June until 22nd June 2011. A manual (English) for Chang Mapper is included with the program. AMIGA SEUCK competition | AmigaPd has launched a SEUCK competition for the Amiga. The rules for the competition are simple. The game has to be created using SEUCK for the Amiga and it must be an original game you made yourself or with a team. The competition will close on the 1 st of October 2011 and the winner will receive a cash price of £30. Sideways SEUCK competition | You can still enter a game in the 2011 Sideways SEUCK competition. At the moment there are three entries: Flawshow by Anthony Burns, Missile Madness by Alf Yngve and Heroes of Midgard by Richard Bayliss. If you win this competition your game will be professional released with specially made music, a loading picture and a cover design. You can send in your game until 30th of June. Sideways SEUCK Compo 2011 | TND has announced the SEUCK sideways 2011 game competition. The Shoot Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK) from 1987 is a system to create your own, vertical scrolling, games. The limitation of only scrolling vertical was removed by Jon Wells in 2008. Now it's possible to scroll sideways with SEUCK, you can develop new type of games. For all the details about this competition visit Richard's TND web page. Best Amiga game 2010 | The Obligement website is organizing another best game of the year competition. You can choose your favourite from the list of games. The best 3 games of each systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS) will be revealed February 9, 2011. Happy 2011 | Last week we had a little riddle for the New Year. This week we will give you the answers. The letters or numbers of Happy 2011 are: H = 3000H, A = Amiga 2000, P = MPS803, P = Plus/4, Y = VIC-1541, 2 = 1802, 0 = MCS801, 1 = PET 2001 and 1 = 1571. Happy New Year | We would like to wish all Commodore fans a Happy New Year. And for the real Commodore fans we have a little riddle. What are the Commodore devices on the picture that spell Happy 2011. We will tell the answer next week. Commodore Quiz | Test yourself if you know everything about this legendary computer brand. In the Commodore Quiz you will see a small picture of a Commodore related item. You can choose from 5 answers, but be quick because you get time bonus points. And the best quizzers get into the Top 50. Play the Commodore Quiz and proof you are an expert.
The Commodore Quiz is available in English, Dutch and German. U64 - Commodore C64, 1 hour under water | The team from  demonstrated a Commodore C64 on the Hobby und Elektronik 2010 in Stuttgart. Demonstrating a C64 is not so special but this time the C64 was under water! They submersed a C64 circuit-board in water, connected it to a power supply and a monitor and the C64 work without problems for 1 hour. Commodore elections | The yearly election of the best product and the best developers in the Commodore community is now open. You can vote for the best hardware and software, the voting will close at 2010-12-01 23:59:59 Central European Time. MiniGame Compo 2010 | Dr Beep made a web page for the MiniGame Compo 2010. You can send in your mini game for this year's competition. The rules are 1 kByte, 2 kByte, 4 kByte filesizes and only 8-bit computers are allowed. Take a look at the MiniGame Compo 2010 web page for all the details. Best Amiga Game 2009 | The results of the 2009 Amiga Games Award are available. In the four catgories AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS there were the following winners: Zelda Returns Of The Hylian, BOH, HyperCannon and BOH. Visit the web page for the complete lists and all the details. Sideways SEUCK Compo | TND has announced the SEUCK sideways game competition. The Shoot Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK) from 1987 is a system to create your own, vertical scrolling, games. The limitation of only scrolling vertical was removed by Jon Wells in 2008. Now it's possible to scroll sideways with SEUCK, you can develop new type of games. For all the details about this competition visit Richard's TND web page. 4k BASIC Compo | Forum64 is organizing a 4k BASIC game compo. The game must be written in Commodore BASIC V2 without assembler. The game must work on a normal C64 with a normal 1541 and a joystick. The maximum size is 4 Kilobyte, (4096 bytes). To enter you need to provide a screenshot and the game as a PRG and a simple manual. C16 - Highscore challenge | The Commodore16 web page has started a challenge. You can post your high scores. There are a few rules: 1. No Cheating, 2. Screen shot of your score, 3. Must be a C16/Plus4 game, 4. Most important, don't take it seriously and have fun. RetroChallenge 2009 | In the month July you can enter the RetroChallenge 2009 competition. You can submit anything that has to do with computers from the pre-Pentium era. Everything is allowed, hardware project, programs, multi media etc. Visit the RetroChallenge web page for more details. Mini Game Compo 2009  | The Mini Game Compo is a competition for game makers. There are three categories: 1k, 2k and 4k games. The games must run on a retro computer, for example the Commodore C64, Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, MSX, ORIC and many others. For the Commodore C64, Container by Charles Grey and Square Hunter by Richard Bayliss are in the competition. limiTED 2 | This is the second limiTED compo. limiTED is a on-line demo challenge, with three categories: 64 bytes, 128 bytes and 1024 bytes. And the program must run on a unmodified Commodore 264 series computer. You can send in your entries until April 4th 2009.