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Start page sz81 - AmigaOS4 | sz81 is a Sinclair ZX80/ZX81 emulator for AmigaOS4. The features of sz81 are: Virtual keyboard, Control bar, Save state system, Joystick configurator, Screenshots, Keyboard, mouse and joystick support. Window and full-screen support. The emulator is available for: Linux, AmigaOS4 and Win32. CCS v3.9 | Per Håkan Sundell released a new version of his Commodore C64 emulator. Changes in this version: Support for the Comal 80, SnapShot 5, Magic Formel, Ross, Structured BASIC, Dela-EP64 and the Serpentine cartridges. Frame-skipping. Full-screen anti-aliasing. Support for the HardSID sound card. Drag-and-drop for D64, G64, T64, TAP, PRG and P00 files. New Machine Code Monitor commands: CD and DIR. C2N Noise option. And many more additions and enhancements. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: Improvement of the G64 reader/writer routines. Optional filter for NRZI transition pulses. Enhanced settings for VIC-II audio leak sound. Added on/off setting for OpenGL canvas texture interpolation. FPGA Arcade - Amiga | The FPGA Arcade is a FPGA computer that can emulate many 8 and 16 bit computers. For emulation of the Amiga you can now order your FPGA Arcade from Laurent Zorawski. The system can emulate the following: 68000, 68010, 68020 and 68020EC processors, OCS, ECS and AGA chip sets, 2 MB Chip-RAM / 9,5 MB Fast-RAM, Kickstart 1.3 - 3.1, hard disks and diskette drives. For the future an expansion with a 68060, Ethernet and USB is planned. RedPower 2 | RedPower 2 is an 6502 emulator inside Minecraft, made by Eloraam. This mod gives you the possibilities to build your own 8 bit computer based on the 6502 processor. The available blocks are: CPU, monitor, disk drive and ribbon cable to connect them all together. The CPU can be programmed in assembly or with Forth programming language. WinUAE - v2.4.1 | A new version of the Amiga emulator for Windows is available. Solved problems with: CDFS, Software filter, D3D, USB joysticks with multiple buttons, Legacy VSync, Bsdsocket, 68020 cycle-exact mode and Chip RAM. New or improved: Fastest possible CPU mode, Display buffering system, Sound sync, Debugger and Auto-scaling. FS-UAE v1.2.0 | FS-UAE is a multi-platform Amiga emulator for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X based on UAE/WinUAE. Changes in this version: Improvements in the rendering performance. Input devices and options can be changed in the menu while running FS-UAE. Added the A4000/040 model. Support for mounting CD images. Better net play support. UAE core from WinUAE 2.4.0. Many other fixes and improvements. JS VIC-20 | The Javascript emulator of the VIC-20, made by Matt Dawson, has been updated. This emulator works best with the latest Chrome or Firefox browsers. Changes in this version Full-screen support. New debug screen with VIC and VIA info. Edit or view a Basic or machine-code program. Choice between 100% speed or no-limit. Datassette emulation (Load) with support for TZX, CSM and PRG files. UAE-Wii v9 | UAE-Wii is a Amiga emulator for the Nintento Wii. The emulator is based on the UAE emulator and can emulate the Amiga 500, 600, 1000 and 1200. Changes in this version: Added dms and zip support and disk drive sound. On the WiiBrew web page you can read all the details about installing the emulator on your Wii. AmiArcadia - v17.61 | AmiArcadia is a emulator of early game consoles like the PHUNSY, Elektor TV Games Computer, Interton VC 4000, Emerson Arcadia 2001, Central Data 2650 and others. Ami Arcadia is available for the 68k Amiga, Amiga OS4, MorphOS and Windows. Recent changes are: Fire and auto fire improved for Laser Battle. Solved a problem with playback and sub windows. Improved translations (Italian, Spanish, German). Improved teletype sound effects. Added more Arexx commands. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: More settings for VIC-II audio leak sound. Improved the VIC-II emulation. Better low level 1541 emulation. Added on/off setting for OpenGL canvas texture interpolation. And a HLT is jam on/off setting. WinUAE - v2.4.0 | A new version of the Amiga emulator for Windows is available. New in this version: VSync support for the fastest CPU and JIT modes. Built-in CD file system. Commodore A2024 monitor, Graffiti and PCMCIA IDE hard file emulation. PC keyboard mode. Input configuration qualifier key / button support. Many improvements and bug fixes. Hoxs64 v1.0.7.4 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: The application is now DPI Aware. This will re-render all text in Windows 7 when a users uses the make text bigger option. The bitmapped rendering of the C64 is non DPI aware. Breakpoint listview with context menu options Show Address and Delete All Breakpoints. Improved emulation of illegal opcodes. Removed an error with reading G64 files with custom speed zones. Oricutron v0.9 | Oricutron (formerly known as Oriculator) is an emulator for the Oric series of computers. This emulator is available for AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, MacOS and Windows. Changes in this version: Icons for OS4, MorphOS and AROS. 6502 emulation now includes all illegal opcodes. CPU speed: 1 - 64 Mhz. Tape save is now implemented. Added NMI, reset and IRQ vector display in the debugger. Added experimental snapshot functionality and the Oric light pen is now emulated. TAWS v0.19 | TAWS (The Amiga Workbench Simulation) is a JavaScript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.x - 3.x for IE, Firefox, Opera and WebKit-Browsers. With TAWS you can work with the Amiga Workbench inside your favorite web browser. Changes in this version: New Windows layouts with transparency and drop shadow. Bug-fixes in all browsers for more accurate emulation. New Presets. FPGA64 | Sabbi is still working on his Commodore 64 inside a FPGA chip. He wanted to add a expansion port to his FPGA, but the old board did not have enough I/O. The new board has enough I/O and Sabbi can now also use the Flash IC on the board to store the Kernal, BASIC and Charset. He also added a Arduino micro controller to control the Joysticks and the video output has now 3 bit RGB colours. Whdrunner | Marcel Unbehaun released whdrunner for Linux. With this program you can easily start Amiga games on your PC. Just double click on the zipped WHDload file and the program will start the game inside the fs-uae emulator. All the necessary settings for the emulator are set automatically when the game is started. FS-UAE | FS-UAE is a multi-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE, specially made for playing diskette and CD-ROM games. The emulator can be controlled with a gamepad using a on-screen GUI. This emulator has many default settings making it easier to use. FS-UAE can be used on a Linux, Windows or Mac OS X computer. jAMOS | jAMOS is a Java version of AMOS BASIC. Because jAMOS is written in the Java language it can be used on many different computer systems. The features of jAMOS are: BASIC-like interpreter. Script editor. Single JAR file. Amiga-style screen and scrolling engine. AMOS sprite bank viewer. MequaScript with supports for BASIC-style and C-style syntax. Multiple jAMOS programs can be run at the same time. AmiArcadia – v17.42 | AmiArcadia is a emulator of early game consoles like the PHUNSY, Elektor TV Games Computer, Interton VC 4000, Emerson Arcadia 2001, Central Data 2650 and others. Ami Arcadia is available for the 68k Amiga, Amiga OS4, MorphOS and Windows. Changes in this version are: Pipbug: Added teletype sounds and support for the Vector Magnetometer program. AmiArcadia: ARexx commands: OPENOPCODES and CLOSEOPCODES added. Added a FAQ to user manual. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: Added a 64-bit version for Windows. Added a Mac OS X version with full screen mode. Many improvements in the VIC-II emulation. And there is now an alternative very exact 1541 disk drive emulation. Visit the Micro64 web page to read more about the changes. UAE-Wii - v8 | UAE-Wii is a Amiga emulator for the Nintento Wii. The emulator is based on the UAE emulator and can emulate the Amiga 500, 600, 1000 and 1200. Changes in this version: Added rumble support and configurable aspect ratio. Reduced font size of the list file menu and UTF-8 font support. On the WiiBrew web page you can read all the details about installing the emulator on your Wii. TAWS v0.18 | TAWS (The Amiga Workbench Simulation) is a JavaScript-Simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.x - 3.x for IE, Firefox, Opera and WebKit-Browsers. With TAWS you can work with the Amiga Workbench inside your favorite web browser. Changes in this version: MagicMenuPrefs, Italian language added, Topaz-Fonts and many more small changes and improvements. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: Improvements to the 1541 and the VIA6522 emulation. Better emulation of the VIC chip (sprites and light pen). Visit the Micro64 web page to read more about the changes. AmiArcadia v17.2 | Amigan Software released a new version of the AmiArcadia emulator. With the AmiArcadia you can play games from Signetics-based consoles. Recent changes: New options for Coins-ops. Improved Cat and Mouse emulation. Improvements on translations. New IM command for the debugger CLI. Added sound support for Laser Battle. And various other bug fixes. Oricutron v0.8 | Oricutron (formerly known as Oriculator) is an emulator for the Oric series of computers. This emulator is available for AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, MacOS and Windows. Changes in this version: Solved the problems with OVRAM, ROR ABS,X, Cycle counting during a IRQ or with DEC ABS, Update to the ROM files, Disk sector writes now start with 0xfb instead of 0xf8, Chain loading multiple tape images no longer disables turbo tape. C64 v2.2 - iPhone | Manomio released a new version of the C64 emulator for the iPhone. Support for your iCADE controllers such as iControlPad or Gametel. The emulator is compatible with iOS 5. The latest games are: The Last Ninja I, II, III, International Karate and Armalyte. You can also see if you are the best in a game with the global leaderboards using OpenFeint. UAE-Wii - v7 | UAE-Wii is a Amiga emulator for the Nintento Wii. The emulator is based on the UAE emulator and can emulate the Amiga 500, 600, 1000 en 1200. Changes in this version: Improved the Hardfile and virtual file system. Added a virtual keyboard. Menu options for immediate blits, collision level, real CPU speed, scanlines, NTSC and sound. Reorganized the menus and other small improvements. On the WiiBrew web page you can read all the details on installing the emulator on your Wii. Vamos - The Virtual AMiga OS emulator | Vamos is a new project from Lallafa. He wants to make a Virtual Amiga Operating System for the Apple Mac. If the project is complete it will be possible to run Amiga software on a Mac. Vamos will trap all the library calls and redirect them to native library calls on the Mac. You can follow the progress of Vamos on the blog of Lallafa. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. Changes in this version: Improvements on the SID emulation. Added instable illegal opcode modes. Improved keyboard matrix emulation. Cycle-exact datasette and REU emulation. GeoRAM / NeoRAM emulation. UAE - v0.8.29 | There is a new version of UAE available. UAE is a software emulation of the hardware of the Commodore Amiga 500/1000/2000. UAE is written for Unix systems by Bernd Schmidt and many contributors. It's developed on a Linux machine but it should compile and run on any Unix-like operating system. Hand BASIC - CBM Flavor | Hand BASIC - CBM Flavor is a BASIC programming language for the iPad, iPod Touch or the iPhone. It is compatible with Commodore 64 BASIC V2. You can load and save your files. You can use the text editor for your programs. A help function and sample programs are included.