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Start page PSP-UAE | PSP-UAE is a port of the UAE Amiga emulator to the Sony PSP. You'll need a v1.0 or v1.50 firmware to run it. To run the emulator the PSP is overclocked to to 333 MHz! CS64 v3.0 beta | CCS64 is a Commodore 64 Emulator for PC. It was developed by Per Håkan Sundell. CCS64 is shareware. This means that the program is free to use and to copy, but if you like it and use it regularly Per Håkan would appreciate that you register the program. WinFellow v0.4.4 | There is a new version of WinFellows available for download. The improvement of this version is: Exact vertical pixel doubling. Amiga on Palm | Henk Jonas has ported E-UAE to Palm OS. He has tested his emulator successfully on Tungsten T3, Zodiac 1 and 2. Features are: virtual keyboard, mouse and joystick support, save, restore, configurable, ton. Only m68k at the moment. VICE 1.16 | The new version of VICE is out and it  supports mapping the userport to TCP/IP! This new feature will make a BBS systems possible inside VICE.