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Start page Breakpoint 2007 | This year the world's biggest pure demo scene event Breakpoint will be from the 6th to the 9th of April 2007 (Easter weekend). This is the fifth anniversary with 1000 creative participants from more than 30 nations are expected to once again gather in the beautiful town of Bingen am Rhein, Germany. Primary Star 2006 | If you missed this meeting then you still have a chance to look at the photos. You can also download the releases from the party. And of course the official Results of the competitions. Minimig at Codex Alpe Adria 2006 | Dennis van Weeren was present on the Codex Alpe Adria 2006 in Italy. He gave a demonstration on his minimig. His project won second place a C-one. When he's done with his minimig he can do a C64 in his C-one. If you want to listen to his demonstration check out the website. Retro Computer Day | In November there will be another Retro Computer Dag (26-11-2006) in the Netherlands. Not only Commodore computers but all other home- or gamecomputer will be on show. After the success of the latest show this time even more tables. History of the game computer. | There will be an exhibition about the history of the game computer from 7 July until 9 September in the museum Het Kleine Veenloo. There will be exhibition of game computers, cartridges, disc-drives and cassette-recorders to give a complete history of many old systems. There will be a lot of brands like Atari, Philips, Commodore, Sinclair, Sony and Nintendo. Also a very special and rare system the Magnavox Odyssey from 1972 will be there. But also a working Sony Play Station 2 is on display. During the exhibition you can play Space Invaders on a Atari 2600 and Pac-Man on a Commodore 64. The major part of the systems are from private collector Erik Klooster. The museum Het Kleine Veenloo is located on the Markt 10 in the city Veenendaal. The museum is open: Tuesday - Saturday from 10.00 until 16.00. Win a C65 | Always wanted a C65 for your collection? Then here is your chance. You have to enter a demo for the 0XAA (Codex Alpe Adria) demo competition. And second price is a C-one computer. There are different competitions: C64 (PAL, 1541-II), Amiga (A1200 PAL AGA / RTG), PC (Windows XP SP2, Wild Demo (anything you would like, including animations, videos and photographs) Jeroen Tel at X2006 | The organizers of X2006 have announced that the well known musician Jeroen Tel will perform on X2006. The date for the 8th X party weekend is; 13, 14 and 15 October. (Hengelo, The Netherlands.) X-2006 will be a pure C64 only event. PC's, laptops and PDA's are not allowed at the partyplace unless you have 'em hooked up as a slave for your superior C64 equipment ofcourse. X-2006 | The date for the 8th X party weekend is; 13, 14 and 15 oktober. (Hengelo, The Netherlands) The visitors from the last years are a mixture of sceners, from old farts to new school, from coders to crackers coming from all regions of the world. The X is not your average copy party but meant as a weekend with your friends with free drinks and free food. Once again X-2006 will be a pure C64 only event. PC's, laptops and PDA's are not allowed at the partyplace unless you have 'em hooked up as a slave for your superior C64 equipment ofcourse. Primary Star 2006 | New release the date for the Primary Star 2006. It's gonna take place on 4-6 Of August in 2006 in Reusel - The Netherlands. Commodore on CES | CES is one of the most important Consumers Electronics Shows in the USA. And after being away for several years Commodore will be at the 2006 event. (5-8 Jan 2006) Commodore will present new hardware such as the: Navigator, MediaTower and the MediaBox. Retro Computer Day Holland | After the great success of the Dutch RetroComputerDay of 2004 there is a follow-up  planned in September 2005. This year the Atarians are giving it a go. But there is going to be more then Atari on this day. The Commodore computers are represented by Robert Sproktholt and Richard Lagendijk. Robert has a wide collection of Commodore, MSX, Sinclair's and Atari's. Richard will take about 5 different Commodore's for game play from the VIC20 to the Amiga CD32. Primary Star 2005 | The Primary Star meeting has updated it's website. Compo's are: Graphics - Pal C64 with 1541. Music - 3 minutes max. Demo - 15 minutes max. 4K Intro - 10 minutes max. Floppy 2005 | You can download the Floppy 2005 releases on the website. Floppy is a C64 only party held in Sweden. Primary Star | Primary Star is a C64 party organised by Role and Anubis from august 13th till august 15th 2005 in the town of Reusel (The Netherlands). Check for more info the website. Amitron 2005 | This years edition of Amiga Expo Trondheim named AmiTron 2005 will be held April 2nd at Vitensenteret in Trondheim, Norway. They expect about 100 attendants. Check the website later for show report and pictures.