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Start page JITNOG - C64 | JITNOG, the Judge In The Name Of God, is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by frodewin, Logiker, DeMOSic, neyvivi and jowin202. Speedy Spider - Plus/4 | Speedy Spider is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is developed by Raze and is based on the game Crazy Climber. The game is written in (compiled) Basic. Don't Stand So Close To Me - C64 | Don't Stand So Close To Me is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Cout Games and is written in the Basic programming language. Munchkin 64 | Munchkin 64 is a game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Pretzel Logic and includes ten user mazes, an arcade version with 96 different levels, 58 mazes and new challenges for Munchkin. Flappadiddle - Amiga | Flappadiddle is a new game for the Amiga computer. The game is developed by Jayenkai in BlitzBASIC. In the game you must land on as many platforms as you can. You must avoid the dangerous spikes and the balls of lava. Don't Punish me - C64 | Don't Punish me is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Ipok (pixels), Matsha (text), Logiker (code), Wil (linking) and DeMOSic (music). WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Sound Disk and Megademo. Update: XP8, Rygar, New Zealand Story, Mortal Kombat 2, Cadaver Demo Level, Black Dawn Rebirth, Chaos In Andromeda: Eyes Of The Eagle, Lethal Weapon, Attack of the PETSCII Robots, XP8, Ports Of Call, Lure of the Temptress and Kid Gloves. Babylon's Ark - C64 | Babylon's Ark is a game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game you are Samuel Fox and you must solve the problems in a big space ship. The game is developed by Wil, Romwer, Logiker, Magicgretel and Holly. Daleks - C64 | Daleks is a new strategy game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is written in the Basic programming language and the source code is available. The game is developed by Back2the8bit. Atomiks - AROS | Atomiks is a new game for AROS. In the game you must assemble a molecule from the atoms exactly like the example. The game is developed by Mateusz Viste and is based on the classic game Atomix from Thalion Software. The AROS version is made by cavemann. We Are Stardust - C64 | We Are Stardust is a game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Jiminy, LukHash, Magnar Harestad, Rotteroy, Sparkler, Docster, Endurion, MicroBit, Monstersgoboom and Tom Roger. The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters - C64 | The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game won the C64 Game Competition at Revision 2022 Online. The game is developed by Wil, fieserWolf, SigmaZeven, Logiker and Pararaum. Escape From Mystery Mansion - C64 | Escape From Mystery Mansion is a text-adventure game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game was originally written in 1985 in Basic and is updated in 2022 by Deadline. Gamebase 64 - v18 | The team of Gamebase 64 released a new version. The total number of games is now more than 29.000 entries, 500 more than the previous version. And many files are updated. The goal of Gamebase 64 is to preserve all software that was made for the Commodore 64 computer. RodMän Jr - C64 | RodMän Jr is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Misfit and is one of the games in the Reset64 4KB Craptastic game competition. In the game you must avoid Nic and Dave and collect the colourful pills. Tasered in the Crotch - C64 | Tasered in the Crotch is a new game for the Commodore C64 Computer. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss and Alf Yngve. In the game you must stop the robbers who have robbed shops and banks. Blocrun 250 - C64 | Blocrun 250 is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Iceout and is the file-size is only 250 Bytes. Sever The Wicked! - C64 | Sever The Wicked! is a new game for the Commodore 64 computer. In the game you must defeat as many enemies as you can in only 24 seconds. The game is developed by Haplo. Tutankham Returns - C64 | Tutankham Returns is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is made by LC-Games and is based on the arcade game Tutankham developed by Konami in 1982. In the game you must find maps, lamps, chests of gold & jewels and the golden mask of King Tut. No More Toxic Man!!! - Amiga | No More Toxic Man!!! Is a point & click adventure game for the Amiga computer. The game is developed by Juan Carlos Herran Martin. The improvements in this version are: Support for French, German and Polish languages. And new graphics and secondary characters. Lykia Prologue - Nathan's Journey - Plus/4 | Lykia Prologue - Nathan's Journey is a new adventure game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is developed by Puls4r, Mad, KiCHY, 5tarbuck, BSZ, Degauss, siz and Olaf Nowacki. Ball Breaker - AROS | Ball Breaker is a new game for AROS. The game is based on the game classic Arkanoid. The game was developed by Clément Corde and the AROS version is from Cavemann. Amaurote Isometric - C64 | Amaurote Isometric is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Brush (code), Hate Bush (music), Joe (pixels), Bieno64, Jazzcat, Joe (test) and Buzz (Directory Art). Bruce Lee Anniversary Edition - Plus/4 | TCFS converted the game Bruce Lee to the Commodore Plus/4 computer. As Bruce Lee you can collects lanterns, climbs nets, jumps across rooftops and deliver flying-kicks to your enemies. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Harricana , Black Strawberry Cake, Trap Runner and World Cup USA '94. Update: Flower Power, Airball, Cabal, Extrial, MegaBall, Battle Isle, Switchblade 2, Solid Gold, Poker Nights: Teresa Personally, Shadow of the Beast 3, The Patrician / Der Patrizier and Manchester United: Premier League Champions. Attack of the PETSCII Robots - Amiga | Attack of the PETSCII Robots is a game for the Amiga computer. The game is converted to the Amiga by Vesa Halttunen and is available as shareware. The features are: 14 levels, CD32 controller support and PET graphics / sound. Space Cadet Pinball - AmigaOS 4 | Space Cadet Pinball is a new game for AmigaOS 4. The game is converted to the Amiga by rjd324. The original game is made by Andrey Muzychenko. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Arrivo, Ball-Job, Blob, Brain Death, Cityfighter, Mat Mania, Operation Ironhawk and Paradroid V1. Updated: Adam Caveman, Aurum, Balls Of The Scrolling Thunder, Brain Blasters, Brainway - Find the Way or... Die!, Cyber Cop, Detective Takashi, In The Beginning, Karnov V1, Lifespan, Metal Warrior 4 V1, Mumbles - Superspy, Operation Mindcrime Xertyn-X, Phantasm and Fantasy, Populous, Razzmatazz, Rhyme Land, S.D.I, Scarabaeus 2, Space Ace, Spooky, Stargate Legacy, Starsat, Tears of Rage, Top-Hole Golf, Valentines Day, Weebles Adventures, Your Computer Software Exchange, Zombies and Undead Or Alive. C64dle - C64 | C64dle is a Wordle Clone for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by BumfuzzledGames and the source-code is available. Master of Tiles - C64 | Master of Tiles is a simple puzzle board game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game was developed by Benjamin Bommer in the 90s, but never got released. Daniel Krajzewicz and Richard Bayliss made new music and removed many bugs, and the game is now ready to play. Castle CLimber - C64 | Castle CLimber is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Nello Galiano (code) and Paul Clansey (music). In the game you must help the princess climbing the tower. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Zybex (Zeppelin Games, 1988) and 12 Games of Christmas.