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Start page Thinker 2018 - C64 | Thinker 2018 is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a puzzle game and is made by Matteo Angelini. The music for the game is from Richard Bayliss. Knight Fight - C64 | Knight Fight is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Christian Siege. In this Basic game you must fight with an evil knight. Exit Plan Z II EX - VIC20 | Exit Plan Z II EX is a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is developed by R'zo. In the game you must avoid the zombies, get the key and make your way to the door for the next level. SEUCK competition 2018 | You can vote for your favorite game in the SEUCK competition 2018. The games are: The Last Hugger, Atom Heart, Valkyrie 3, Electric Warrior, Moon Over Afghanistan, Algol, Dream World, Panzer Patty's Pink Tank Adventure, Ceti 21 and Battle in the Woods. C64 - Monopoly | Daniel England is working a new game for the Commodore C64. He is working on the game Monopoly and he could use some help in testing the game. CETI 21 - C64 | CETI 21 is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is one of the entries in the SEUCK 2018 competition. The game is made by Richard. In the game you must use the Ultrax 18 drones to destroy the mainframe computer of the enemy. Panzer Patty's Pink Tank Adventure - C64 | Panzer Patty's Pink Tank Adventure is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is one of the entries in the SEUCK 2018 competition. The game is made by Alf Yngve. In the game you must use a pink tank to destroy the enemy. Battle in the Woods - C64 | Battle in the Woods is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is one of the entries in the SEUCK 2018 competition. The game is made by VOX VG. In the game you must to break a spell of an evil wizard. Dreamworld - C64 | Dreamworld is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is the sixth entry in the SEUCK 2018 competition. The game is made by Gaetano Chiummo. In the game you must collect all the toys. Xump - The Final Run - AROS | Xump - The Final Run is a simple multi-platform puzzler, developed by Retroguru. In the game you must help Holger to clean up deserted space fields. Worthy - Amiga | Worthy is a new OCS game for the Amiga. In the game you must collect the required number of diamonds in each stage in order to win the girl's heart. Escape - VIC20 | Escape is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 made by Rainer Kappler. In the game you must escape, but do not collide with the walls or the enemy ship. Algol - C64 | Algol is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is the sixth entry in the SEUCK 2018 competition. The game is made by Mo and the music is from Richard. In the game you must destroy the planet of Eden. Missile Blasta - Remastered v2 - C64 | Richard released a new game for the Commodore C64. He also wrote a blog about programming the game. The Walking Death - C64 | The Walking Death is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Ray (code), Akio Tenshi & PCH (music), Akio Tenshi (graphics), Comos (linking) and Sillicon (help). Alco-Copter - Amiga | Alco-Copter is a new game for the Amiga. The game is a platform game and is developed by Alpha One (code & graphics), Chipmunk (graphics), Musashi9 (graphics) and hukka (music). RandTown Dumper - Plus/4 | RandTown Dumper is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. The game is an adventure game made by RoePipi. Moon over Afghanistan - C64 | Moon over Afghanistan is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is the fifth entry in the SEUCK 2018 competition. The game is made by Jari Karjalainen and the music is from Richard. In the game you are Captain Moon and you must fight the aliens in Afghanistan. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. Update: Leander (Psygnosis), Thexder (Sierra), Silkworm (Sales Curve), Alien Breed (Team 17), Cosmic Pirate (Palace), Alien Breed (Team 17), Bubble And Squeak (Audiogenic), Alien Breed (Team 17), Pod (Shaun Southern), Z-Out (Advantec/Rainbow Arts), Ruff'n'Tumble (Renegade), Banshee (Core Design), Kick Off 2 (Anco Software), Amazing SpiderMan (Paragon/Oxford Digital/Empire) and Crystal Hammer (reLINE). Spikes - C64 | Spikes is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Majikeyric (code & graphics), Drumtex (music) and Rotteroy (BBS graphics). This game is only 4 KByte. StuntCarRemake - Amiga | This is an AmigaOS 4 port of Stunt Car Remake, a remake of the legendary Stunt Car Racer. The game needs MiniGL, Warp3D, SDL, SDL_ttf and OpenAL. Bintris - C64 | Bintris is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Janne Hellsten (code), Iiro Harra (graphics) and Ari-Pakka Paljakka (music). The game is a Tetris style puzzle game. HyperRogue III - AROS | HyperRogue III is a game for AROS developed by Zeno Rogue. In the game you must collect the treasures but be aware of the dangerous monsters. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6686 games on this web page. The new games are: Arhena the Amazon, Arhena the Amazon Special Edition, Autoturbo 1.0, Gun.Smoke and Last Ninja - All in One. Trolley Follies - C64 | Divarin developed a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made in the programming language Basic and compiled with Blitz. In the game you must drive a trolley around a system of tracks. A level editor is also included. Hexenworld - AROS | Hexenworld is a new game for AROS. The game is converted by Szilárd Biró and is an dark fantasy first-person shooter game. Hyperzap - C64 | Hyperzap is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by The Magic Roundabout (code and graphics). The music is made by Skywave. The Blood Sword - C64 | John Baber developed a new adventure game for the Commodore C64. He also included another 12 adventure games on the same diskettes. This Place is Death - C64 | Stefan Vogt has made a new adventure game for the Commodore C64. In this game you must help Olivia Lund on an interplanetary exploration mission. WarMUX - AROS | WarMUX is new game for AROS. The game is an turn-based artillery game like Worms. The game is developed by Jean-Christophe Duberga, Laurent Defert Simonneau, Lawrence Azzoug and Matthieu Ferte. The game was ported to AROS by bszili. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Kinetik (Firebird). Space Pong - Plus/4 | Space Pong is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. The game is made by SVS and is written in Basic. The game is compiled with Astrospeed and is intended to be played with an emulator at 200% speed.