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Strona startowa Snafu'64 - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64. Code: Majikeyric i Scroll, muzyka: Rotteroy, grafika: Majikeyric, Rotteroy i Shine. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Charlie Chaplin i Red Baron 3000. Dropout - VIC20 | Nowa gra dla Commodore VIC-20: Dropout. C64 Endings | Nowe gry są następujące: Tau Ceti (CRL), SAS Combat Simulator (Codemasters), Rasputin (Firebird), Phantom of the Asteroid (Mastertronic) i On The Farm 3 (Achim Volkers). The Games-Coffer | Nowe w tym miesiącu: A500/2000 System Test, Jamcracker, Megademo Tracker, Opti-Utils 2, Raiders Rippers, System Exerciser V5, Galaga 92, Hi & Lo Seven Card, Rollerpede, Sheild, Shift It, Hardcore issues 1, 2 and 3. Lunchtime Express issues 1, 2, 3 & 4, Technocratic Times 2 & 3, Mother Lode, Oblivion, Slap N Tickle, Tronic, Truus (NL), Freecopy V1.8, Landbuild, PCQ Pascal, Psuite, Sird Creator, Video Tracker 2 AGA, VMorph, Evil Tower (DE), Fatal Mission, Pod, Sector One, Faza, Hollywood Mood, Hot Air, Moments, Real i Temple of Decease. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Breakthru V1 i Transmuter. Aktualizacja: Black Hawk, Fantasy, Iron Hand, Legend Of Kyril i Play and Learn series. V.A.M.P. v1.60 | Nowa wersja V.A.M.P. (Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player) dla Amiga. Slavia 2 Deluxe - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Slavia 2 Deluxe. Worm Wars v8.97 - Amiga | Nowa wersja Worm Wars dla Amiga. Silicom Tunnel - C64 | Nowa gra SEUCK dla Commodore C64 z Roberto Ricioppo: Silicom Tunnel. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Zaktualizowano: Pool Of Radiance, Giganoid, Extension, Nitro Boost Challenge, The Adventures Of Willy Beamish, Clown'o'mania, Cabal, Worldcharts 9, Dyter-07, Art and Go, Tower of Babel, Ziriax, Switchback, Extension i Lotus 2. Demons of Dex - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64. Gra jest konwersją z VIC-20 z Petri Hakkinen. Kod: q0w. Muzyka: Snabel. Grafika: q0w. Idea: The Overkiller. Dokumentacja: q0w i Snabel. Test: Domspitze, E$G Nafcom i Snabel. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Abyss Zone, Aliens, Blaster Twins, Bomb Mania 2, Bongo King, Commando Libya - part 2, Final Lap, Freebooter, Heroquest V1, Karate, Mythos, Pet Person, Race with the Devil, Scarabaeus 2 i Space Invadaz. Aktualizacja: Armalyte V1, Astaroth: Angel Of Death, Attack On Centralis, Baja Buggies, Beavers, C64GS cartridge titles, Chicago, Custodian, Cyber Tank, Dork's Dilemma, Dynablaster, Edward Randy, Enterprise, Escape From Colditz, Flashpoint, Forbidden Planet, Gargantuan, Graeme Souness Vector Soccer, Habitat, Hydrogenese, London Exchange, Maelstrom, Mag Max V1, Mario Bros, Paddle Mania, Piper Software games, Purple Saturn Day, Quadrillion, Quondam, Restrictor, Roadstar Xri, Robin Hood, Tangram, The City of Ehdollah, Tour De Force, Tycoon Tex, Up Up And Away i Zorro In Wonderland. C64 Endings | Nowe gry są następujące: On The Farm 3 (Achim Volkers), The Neverending Story 2 (Linel), MASK III: Venom Strikes Back (Gremlin Graphics), Last Ninja 2 (System 3), Killed Until Dead (Accolade) i Jet Set Willy (Software Projects). GEMZ v2.1 - Amiga | Aktualizacja dla gra GEMS dla Amiga. The Beyond - C64 | The Beyond to nowa gra na komputer Commodore C64 opracowana przez K.C. Amiga Racer v3.62 | Nowa wersja Amiga Racer jest już dostępna.  | Nowe gry są: Jackie-Plus (Jacky-Plus), Kniffel (FBS), Minesweeper 64 (Rainbow 2015), Multi-Crown (FBS), Pacman (FBS), Pacman II (FBS), Romulus, Sqij, Tetris (576 Kbyte 1993), Tetris (FBS), The Pyramid (Atlas Adventure Software), They (Eway 10 Software 2007), Urban Warrior, Venus-Hit (FBS), World Championship Boxing Manager, World Conquest, World Conquest (Digital Monastery 2016), World Dominance i Worron. Commander 02 - C64 | Nowa SEUCK gra dla Commodore C64: Commander 02. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Zaktualizowano: IK+, Lethal Zone, Myth, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, Star Wars, TV Sports Football, Pastel Vanilla, TV Sports Football, Terminator 2 - Arcade Game, Bangkok Knights, Ferrari Formula One, Jurassic Park, Hole In One, PP Hammer i Football Manager 2. Pentagram - Plus/4 | Nowa gra dla Commodore Plus/4: Pentagram. Super Robin - Amiga | Nowa gra na Amiga: Super Robin. | Nowe gry są: Bongo King, Excalibur, HES Games, Kabura, Little Knight Arthur, Madballs, Mystery Master - Felony!, Mystery Master - Murder by the Dozen, Mystic Mansion i World Games (Cosmi). Quod Init Exit v1.6 - C64 | Nowa wersja Quod Init Exit dla Commodore C64. C64 Endings | Nowe gry są następujące: Jet Set Willy (Software Projects), Impossamole (Gremlin Graphics), Head The Ball (Hewson), Gee Bee Air Rally (Activision), Final Assault (Epyx), E-motion (U.S. Gold), Dark Fusion (Gremlin Graphics), The Curse of the Mad Mummy (Softgold), Barbarian 2: The Dungeon of Drax (Palace Software), Agent X II: The Mad Prof's Back (Mastertronic), Way of the Exploding Fist (Melbourne House), Video Meanies (Mastertronic), Uridium (Hewson) i Taskforce (Players Premier). Hall of Light | Aktualizacja dla Hall of Light stronie internetowej: Center Court 2, Doctor Who, Center Court Tennis, Turbo Trax, Electronic Pool, Artura, Fighter Mission, International Soccer, Plutos, Blitz Ware, Gernot Fritsche, Raise the Titanic, Titanic (PD), C. Millin, Pucman Worlds, Testament II, Oids, Phoenix Fighters, Petri Häkkinen i Hänninen-Pelz. Shotgun - C64 - Boxed | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Shotgun. Chroma - AROS | Gra logiczna dla AROS: Chroma. Maze Of The Mummy - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Maze Of The Mummy. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Zaktualizowano: Assassin Special Edition, Hard'n'Heavy, The 100 Most Remembered C64 Game-Tunes, John Madden Football, Flimbos Quest, Manhunter, Fire Force, Beyond Dark Castle, F-16 Combat Pilot, Strip Poker, Strip Poker 2 / Deluxe Strip Poker, Line of Fire, Rock Challenge i Final Fight. Fort Django - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Fort Django. Pac-Pac - Plus/4 | Nowa gra dla Commodore Plus/4: Pac-Pac.