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Start page Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Combo Racer, Dragonstone 2, Fists of fury, Nitro and The Horsekiller. Update: Bryan Robson’s Super League, F-86 Sabre Strike, Final Command, Go Karts, Joan Of Arc: Siege And The Sword, Little Knight Arthur, Murder!, Nigel Mansell’s Grand Prix, Nighthunter, Quantarallax, Unnamed Game, Zamzara V1, Ziggurat, Zombies and Undead Or Alive. AssaultCube Reloaded - Amiga | A new version of AssaultCube Reloaded for the Amiga is now available, changes in this version: New overload mode: destroy the enemy base, HUD waypoints, Grenade throw timer, Hide shot lines, More UI options, Scoreboard ranking and server owners can set bot limit. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Chuckie Egg (A'n'F Software, 1983), Painterboy (Tikkurila, 1986), Silkworm (Tecmo, 1988), Unique Games: Afterlife, Part 2, Santa's Xmas Caper (Zeppelin Games, 1990) and Olympic Skier (Mr. Chip Software, 1983). Zerosphere - Amiga | Zerosphere is an 68k/OCS platform game developed by Alex Losso Grupe. The preview version won the interactive compo at Evoke 2015. The game has 25 levels, various enemies, special items, 4 different music tracks (eha/smash designs), handmade pixels and is written in assembly code. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Alfabet Smierci, Black Hornet, Revenge of the Mutant Camels 2 and Manchester United: The Double. Improved: Winzer, After Burner 2, Wings of Death, First Contact, Chambers of Shaolin, Revenge of the Mutant Camels 2, Dyna Blaster, Total Recall, Multi Megamix 2, Goal!, Manchester United: Premier League Champions and Defenders of the Earth. Plus/4 Endings | The web page Plus/4 World has a special section for C16 and Plus/ game endings. The newest additions are: Mac Coin, Nibbly 92, 3D Time Trek, Battle Axe, Crazy Tennis, Sqij, Power Ball, Simple Puzzle, Zolyx +++, Pilot X, Memento, Bit Fox, Star Wars, Tower Of Evil, Grid, Flaschen Hannes, Xargon Wars, Skramble, Pharaoh's Tomb, Micropainter, Go Ahead!, Drol, Break Dance, Dizzy 3, Mr. Puniverse, Leapin Louie, Jack Attack, Jabba Otthona, Strange Building, Dodo, Adventures In Time and Majesty Of Sprites. Péter és Pál & Winnetou - VIC20 | Miklós Tihor & András Laczi released two games for the Commodore VIC20. The game Péter és Pál is an action game for two persons and Winnetou is a jumping game. The games were original written in 1985 and can be played on a VIC 20 with an 3 kByte RAM expansion. Tetris - 6502 Assembler 10 & 11 | Wiebo de Wit is writing a blog on how to program a Tetris game in 6502 assembler. In each episode he explains how a part of the game works. In this episode: Input Changes, Attract Mode, Selecting Difficulty, Game Loop and Game Over Mode. Qonk - AROS | Qonk is a strategy game with very simple rules. In the game you must conquer all of the planets in a solar system by sending ships there. Your ships must destroy the enemy and you can use the planets to generate new ships. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6356 games on this web page. The new games are: Blap N Blash, Caren and the Tangled Tentacles, Catch a Thief, Cosmic Warrior, Daffy Duck, Das Camp, Die drei Musketiere, Dragonfire (GKGM), Dragonfire (Imagic), Edge of Time - Double or Nothing, Ferris s Christmas Caper, Firefighter Mario, Gameboy Tetris (Wiebo de Wit), Gulp and Arrow Graphics, Hyper Viper, Jump Machine, Jump Ninja prv., Kikstart II (Doreco), Ladybug 2015, Lode Runner - 2015 TRT, Lorella Quadrant 4, Quadrofender, The Final Cartridge III, The Golden Baton and Werner Flaschbier (Doreco). JANI - C64 | Oliver Orosz released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game JANI is made with the program SEUCK (Shoot'Em-Up Construction Kit). You can download the game from the Commodore Scene Database. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Action Replay MKII/III Loader, Spellbound Dizzy, Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego and Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego. Improved: Dragonstone, Magicland Dizzy, The Kristal, Mad Professor Mariarti, Mean Machine, Castle Of Dr. Brain, Alien Syndrome, Volfied, Dino Wars, Rampage, Aladdin, Space Quest, Archipelagos, Where in the USA is Carmen, African Raiders-01, Ultima VI: The False Prophet, Muzzax 2, Muzzax, Black Cauldron, Bards Tale, Reunion and Musication. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Bah, Humbug (TND Games), Chiller (Mastertronic), Garrison (Rainbow Arts), GooseBusters (Virgin Mastertronic), Ghost Town (Virgin Mastertronic/Marrex), Gothik (Firebird Software), Hobgoblin (Atlantis Software), Hercules - SOTD (Gremlin Graphics) and International 3D Tennis (Palace Software). Ladybug 2015 | Mr. Nop released the game Ladybug for the Commodore C64. This is a conversion of the Ladybug version for the Commodore PET. The question mark can slow down the bugs or send them back tot heir nest. The forth level is special because it is an invisible level. The Dream of Rowan - Amiga | A new Kickstarter project is the game The Dream of Rowan for the Amiga. In the game you are Rowan and must go through hundreds of obstacles and destroy powerful magicians and terrible creatures to rescue your family, friends and the world. System: Amiga with 68030/50mhz, ECS, 2MB CHIP Ram or emulator. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Worron, Firefighter Mario, Urban Warrior, Enemy, Bob's Full House V1, Croc, Switchblade, Unknown football game, Unknown tennis game, Quantarallax, Nuker, Wildfire, Stellar 7, Cavey, Molecale, Girl Guard, Jupple Dust, Onion Yupy, Paratron, Wizerior 2 , Yloa, Flimbo's Quest V1, Flimbos Quest 2, Ash and Dave assets, Beatle Quest - Parts Two and Three, Little Knight Arthur and The City of 'Ehdollah. Update: Atlantis, Dempsey & Makepeace, Ilogicall, Murder!, Outside, Quadrofender, Speed Fighter, The Greedy Dwarf and Zamzara V1. Dude (Łazik) - C64 | Dude (Łazik) is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Slavia. The game is written in Basic and has 5 levels. In the game you must collect all the keys and avoid the dangerous enemies! The last level of game is a Christmas gift. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: The Snowman (Quicksilva Ltd, 1983), Afrikan Tähti (Amersoft, 1985), Uridium (Hewson, 1986), Jumping Jack (Imagine, 1983) and Unique Games! - Part 9. R'zos - VIC20 games collection | R'zos has published the games on the Denial forum, that he made in 2015 for the Commodore VIC-20. The games are: The Call of the Vicious, Drone X, Vicious Access / Enter the Vic and Vicious Synths. Elves Dreamland - Amiga | Nittamituaki released a special X-mas version of Jet Set Willy that is called Elves Dreamland. This game is a 2D platformer that is made with the map editor of Jet Set Billy, from Niilo Paasivirta. You have to collect all 200 items to complete the game. Moldi's Treasure 8/10 | The web page Plus4world is releasing many more programs, games and demos from the Moldi collection. A few examples are: Lethargix, Kémiai Reakciók II, Német-Magyar Szótár, Csucsu Super Tape, Konto-file 1.0, Bit Image (MPS), Relokator, Plus 23 Funktion Keys, Legionnaire, Cube Caster, Deltex-Dump, Bus-Stop, Plus-Paket (AMA), Keresztrelytvény, Beobachtungen, Hires FLI, M-FLI 1, M-FLI Laced 2, That's A Way, Miami Vice, King Demo, etc. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Evil Crown (Argus Press Software), First Strike (Elite), Force One (Firebird) and Gangster (Marex). The Games-Coffer | On the Games Coffer web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions fort his month are: Classic Games #2, Classic Games #3, Cybertech Corporation, Midnight Thief, Robouldix, Turbo Jam, Cash Fruit, Catacomb, IFO, Rough Waters, Star Strike 2000, The Awakening, From Yor Smile, Gentlemen, Give It Up Man, Mission, Mystic Shadows, Nightfall, Quantum Two, The Seventh Sea, U Fat Bastard, Vanished Vanity, Vertical Madness, Virgin, Yumms Balljam, Egg Scramble, Kill Joy, Kiss The Canvas, Knotty, Power Tetris, Puzzword, Robs Games #8, Spitfire Assault, Star Settlers, Star Trek (SEUCK), 27 mods, Bop and Plop, Llamatron, Diamond Caves, Total Species, Marath, Creep Show, Dark Lord No.9, Freddys Dead, Friday The 13th, Horror Slideshow and Nightbreed. Moldi's Treasure 7/10 | The web page Plus4world is releasing many more programs, games and demos from the Moldi collection. A few examples are: Kristalyoszcillatorok, Bard's Tale III Songs, Bridgehead, Alex's Catalog 1.0, Space Taxy, Eprom Packer V9.1, Fast-load 1551, Kerek Bar, Évezredek, Microscopy, Miner 410er, Stick Or Twist, Wizard Of Wor, TIT-anic, Chubby Checker, and many more. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Megademo, Dynamo, Acme 1991 Slideshow, Tuneshow III / IV, Fantastic Pix Vol.1, No Brain - No Pain and Hit the Road. Improved: 4th & Inches, Miami Vice Theme, Museum, Jesus on E's, Iraq, Music Disk and Shinobi. Boulderdash Thirteen - C64 | DannieGeeko released an Boulderdash game for the Commodore C64. The theme of this game is horror and was especially made for Friday 13th in November this year. You can start the game with any level you want. Popeye - VIC20 | Beamrider released a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is an conversion of the 1982 Arcade game Popeye (by Nintendo and King Syndicate Features). You can get an extra life at 20,000 points, but the game gets more difficult after 3 stages. To play the game you must use an 32K RAM expansion. Gate of Power - Plus/4 | Angelsoft released a new adventure game for the Commodore Plus/4. In the game you are the archaeologist Fred Nelson. Your quest is to find the mysterious gate of power, which, according to ancient records, is somewhere in Asia. Visit many exotic locations while making friends and collecting clues. Amiga exe games | The Company is a group Amiga enthusiast from Poland. They make exe versions of Amiga games. You can download a exe file that contains the game and a preconfigured version of WinUAE. The latest additions are: Skarabeusz (Twin Spark Soft,1992), Lazarus (Infinite Dreams, TimSoft - Poland, 1995), Space Crusade (Gremlin,1992) and Lothar Matthaus: Die Interaktive Fussballsimulation (Bomico - Germany, 1993). Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Soul Gem of Martek and Tobor. Update: C64GS cartridge titles, 3-2-1 Quiz game, Captain Stark, Haunted, Knuckles, Laser Cycle, Last Ninja V1, Myth 2, Twister and Your Computer Software Exchange. Lariad - Amiga | Lariad is an action/adventure game for the Amiga. The protagonist is a swamp dweller who lives peacefully on his planet, all by himself. Then, one fateful night, unbeknownst to the swamp dweller, an intruder lands on his planet and steals something that's very precious to him. U-91306 Eidothea - C64 | U-91306 Eidothea - The Daughter of Protheus is a new game for the Commodore C64 developed by Errazking. In the game you control a very small submarine inside a human body. You must navigate through the bloodstream to the brain and destroy the tumour. This game is the third entry in the SEUCK 2015 competition.