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Start page PET 2001 emulator - BluePill | Björn Quentin has made a PET 2001 emulator with a BluePill dev board. The features are: Composite video, Disk drive with the GD25Q64CSIG spi flash, keyboard and 6502 emulation. Daniel Renner - U64 Firmware v1.37 | A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Updating the firmware of the Ultimate64. The new features are: exFAT, Hyperspeed file system, REL file support, RAM Disk, PAL60 and NTSC50. Wifi Ultra Firmware V1.0 | You can now download new firmware for the Wifi Ultra. The firmware was made by Woz (code) and tested by Logiker and Wil. Stephen Jones - Checkmate A1500 mini | Stephen Jones started a Kickstarter campaign for the Checkmate A1500 mini. Screen Shooters - Modular64 | You can watch a new video from the Screen Shooters YouTube channel (German language). In this episode the assembly of the Modular64. Chameleon 64 - 9j | A new core is available for the Chameleon. Changes in this core: Improvements for: Nordic Power, CDTV remote, SID, CIA, REU, Amiga keyboard, VGA and file copy. GottaGoFastRAM 8MB - A500/A1000/A2000/CDTV | GottaGoFastRAM is an 8 MB autoconfig Fast RAM for the Amiga A500, A1000, A2000 and the CDTV. The RAM expansion is installed under the 68000 CPU of the Amiga. Protopad | On the ProtoVision web site there is a crowdfunding for building the best Joypad for the retro computer. The features are: Up, down, left, right, fire and 8 configurable buttons. Gotek Floppy Disk Emulator V2 | The Gotek Floppy Disk Emulator V2 is a replica of a Gotek with the open source FlashFloppy firmware. The files for the PCB and firmware are available on the web page. Chuck Hutchins - Screen spot PET | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he talks about suppressing the bright spot that appears in the centre of the screen when powering off a Commodore PET with a 9-inch monitor. 8-Bit Show & Tell - EasyFlash 3 & SNAPPY2020 | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about the EasyFlash 3 and the SNAPPY2020. Jan Beta - C64 PS | A new YouTube video from Jan Beta. In this video Jan is going to build a new power supply for the Commodore C64 computer.  Mark Fixes Stuff - CD32 Joystick | A new video from Mark Fixes Stuff. In this video Mark shows how to build a joystick for the Amiga CD32 computer. Jan Derogee - Camera slider | After developing hardware for the Commodore computers (1541-III, Cassiopei and the Cassiopei II) Jan decided to develop a differential camera slider. - CGA2Scart | made a new YouTube video. In this video he builds a CGA2Scart adapter for the Commodore C128 computer. Luigi Di Fraia - IECHost | IECHostLuigi Di Fraia has added more functionality to his IECHost device. With this device you can connect a Commodore IEC disk drive via USB to a PC. This time shows the nibbling of a diskette on the Commodore 1571 disk drive. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: MEGAphone PCB Changes. 10 MARC - Ultimate Amiga Floppy Emulator | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: The Ultimate Amiga Floppy Emulator from Edu Arana. Mini PET Perspex case | There is now a Perspex case available for the Mini PET. The kit contains a blue baseplate, a Perspex cover for the electronics, a white plate for the keyboard and all the fixings. Retrobits - WiModem & WiModem232 | A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video the WiModem and WiModem232 and how to get online with your Commodore in 2020. GadgetUK164 - 8373 Super Denise A500 | A new video from GadgetUK164. In this video you can see how to install the 8373 Super Denise from the A600, onto an A500 / A500+ / A2000. CRG - A500 Buzzboard | A new video from CRG, in this video: The installation of a Buzzboard modification for the Gotek in an Amiga 500 computer. Mark Fixes Stuff - ArcadeR Joystick | A new video from Mark Fixes Stuff. In this video Mark shows us the new ArcadeR Joystick from Retro Radionics. C64 & VIC20 Retro computer case | You can now order a retro computer case for a modern PC mother board that looks like the Commodore C64 or the VIC20. Features: Mechanical Cherry Switch USB keyboard, cooling fan and a SD card reader. Steven Combs - TEDuino | Steven Combs has built a modern version of the Datassette for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The schematics, firmware and the files for the 3d-printer are available on his webpage. Bwack - C64 Saver 2.5 SMD | Bwack has made a new YouTube video. In this video he shows the new C64 Saver for the Commodore C64 computer. This version uses SMD components. Vectron Handheld | Nick Bild developed a handheld Pong game that uses a 6502 chip as a CPU. The features are: 5 inputs, 128x160 colour TFT LCD display, W65C02 @ 8 MHz, 32 kByte RAM, 32 kByte ROM and a W65C22 VIA. Christoph Egretzberger - Cartridge cases | In this YouTube video Christoph Egretzberger explains how he makes cartridges cases for the Commodore C64 computer with his injection moulding machine. (German language) Daniel Renner - U64 | A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Updating the firmware of the Ultimate64 with the new turbo function. Randy Rossi - VIC-II replacement | A new YouTube video from Randy Rossi is now available. In this video Randy shows an update of his FPGA replacement for the VIC-II in the Commodore C64. Mini PET Deluxe Keyboard | There is now a deluxe keyboard available for the Mini PET. The keyboard coms as a kit with switches and keys. You can alter the picture of the keys if you want to. SimCom64 | Timo built a device for his Commodore C64 with a SIM800C module. With this device you can make calls, send/receive SMS messages and send emails via a GSM network.