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Start page Dr.64 - C64 power supply | A new video from Doktor64. This time he shows you how to make a new power supply for your Commodore C64. GadgetUK164 - Boobip 2MB | GadgetUK164 has made a video about installing a Boobip 2MB RAM board in a Amiga 500+. - Plus/4 NTSC to PAL | made a new video about converting a Commodore Plus/4 NTSC to PAL. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Assembling the pre-series computers and the MEGAphone rev2. Bwack - C64 KU Motherboard replica | Bwack has made another new video. In this video he shows how you can make a replica of the Commodore C64 motherboard. CBM Tape Pi | Rhino shows how to use a PC and a Raspberry Pi to transfer programs to and from a Commodore computer via the cassette port. The Rapberry Pi is used as an emulator for the Datassette. BackBit - C64 | BackBit is a cartridge developed by Evie Salomon. You can now watch a demonstration of loading Koala pictures from the SD card at a rate of 5 pictures per second. The Unijoysticle 2 | The new Unijoysticle 2 is now available as a DIY kit. The Unijoysticle 2 allows you to use modern Bluetooth gamepads with retro computers. The changes are: The WiFi is replaced with Bluetooth. CGA2RGB - v2 | GGLabs is working on a new version of the CGA2RGB. This is a digital RGBI to analog RGB converter for the Commodore C128. With this converter you can use a 15KHz RGB monitor together with the C128. GadgetUK164 - TerribleFire TF330 | GadgetUK164 has made a video of the assembly of a TerribleFire TF330 accelerator board for the Amiga CD32. MiSTer | MiSTer is a port of well-known MiST project, but with a larger FPGA and a faster ARM. Examples of cores are: Commodore PET, VIC20, C16, Plus/4, C64 and the Amiga. The recent changes are: C64: Support for the C1351 mouse, improvements for the joysticks and a second disk drive. C16: Improvements for the Datassette. Minimig: Improvements for CPU speed, SDRAM ./ cache controller and support for DDR3 memory (FastRAM: 327 MB). C64 cases | The web page shows new C64 cases made from Plexiglass. You can install a new, old or Ultimate64 motherboard inside the case. Retro Ravi - Amiga 4000 - MNT ZZ9000 | Retro Ravi has made a video about the new MNT ZZ9000 card for the Amiga 4000. 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast - GoTek | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: Installing a GoTek in an Amiga 500. John Hertell - A3000 | John Hertell has made a video about his new A3000 motherboard. This A3000 motherboard is the starting point for the ReAmiga 3000. RetroManCave - Checkmate 1500 Plus | In this episode of the RetroManCave: The Checkmate 1500 Plus. CityXen - C64 Relay Tracker | CityXen has built a system to control a number of relays with a Commodore C64. There is also a Tracker program available for the control. Kipper2K C64MX keyboard | Kipper2K has been working on a replacement keyboard for the Commodore C64. You can now look at the proto type. The finished keyboard will have all the correct symbols. PlexiLaser | PlexiLaser has expanded its range of retro computer cases. Now also available: A500, A600 (desktop), A1200, ACA500 and the Vampire. SuperCard Pro | Jim Drew released a new version of the SuperCard Pro software. It now has the ability to salvage 1541 disks and create .d64 image files. You can use the auto-update function of your existing SuperCard pro software to update. Daniel Renner - C64 modifications | Daniel Renner has made a video about the modifications he made to his Commodore C64: Internal SD2IEC, Keyman64, Overlay64, Mixsid, SuperKernal36 and the Modulator Mod. Jan Derogee - Rotary Dial Webbrowser | This time not a Commodore related project but Jan Derogee has developed a way to dial a website with an old phone. Amiga 1200+ | Jeroen Vandezande developed a re-implementation of the Amiga 1200 motherboard with enhancements. Features: Sockets for the original AA chips, daughter boards for RAM, CPU and Video output, boot selector, SD card slot and a single power supply (15V - 36V). Bwack - Magic Desk | Bwack has made another new video. In this video he talks about the Magic Desk Cartridge. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Internal floppy drive, IEC, cartridge port, keyboard, SD card and the MEGA65 R2 motherboard. Bruno Antunes  - Amiga BBS | Bruno Antunes wrote a blog about connecting a Amiga (MiST) to the internet. He used an ESP8266 module for the WiFi connection and installed the Zeus BBS system on the Amiga (MiST). Bart Venneker - C64 chat (4) | Bart Venneker is building a system that you can use to chat like in the year 1985. The recent changes are: The circuit board for the cartridge is ready, but Bart is going to make some minor changes. CityXen - C64 Fireworks | CityXen has built a system to set off fireworks with a Commodore C64. Chuck Hutchins - PET 2001 Datassette | Chuck Hutchins has made a video about the datassette in a Commodore PET 2001. He shows that the datassette is a normal audio recorder that Commodore adapted for the PET 2001. SaRuMan - C64 | SaRuMan is a RAM replacement board for the Commodore C64/C64c. It can be used on the C64/C64c motherboards 250466 and 250469. Magic Desk - 512k | Marko Šolajić developed a Magic Desk compatible cartridge for up to 512kb (expandable up to 1Mb) for your Commodore C64. He also developed a Magic Desk cartridge generator. Commodore PET Mini | You can now build your own Commodore PET Mini. You can use a 3D printer to print the PET and install a Raspberry Pi and a small screen inside. The creator of this mini PET is Lorenzo Herrera.