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Start page THEC64 Full size | THEC64 Full size will be available in December 2019. Features:C64, VIC 20 & Games Carousel, a joystick with micro switches and games such as: California Games, Paradroid, Boulder Dash, Attack of the Mutant Camels, Hover Bovver, Iridis Alpha, Gridrunner, Galencia and Planet of Death. - Amiga 500 memory expansion | made a new video about building a memory expansion for the Amiga 500 from a kit. Chuck Hutchins - Commodore Plus/4 Datassette adapter | Chuck Hutchins has made a video about building an adapter to connect a 1531 to a PET or a C2N to a Plus/4. New C64 peripherals | 3D-vice wrote a blog about new peripherals for the Commodore C64. He writes about: The digital tape deck/recorder for Commodore 64 / 128 / VIC 20, The Commodore 64 power monitor II for C64 / VIC20 / C128 / Plus4, The µCassette Commodore 64 datasette adapter and the Wifi modem for Commodore 64 computers. Ultimate64 - Firmware 1.20 | Gideon released new firmware for the Ultimate64. Changes in this version: Audio / video streaming via Ethernet, improvements for the printer, VIC, CPU, SID player, network and telnet. 1541 Diskettes & errors | Michael Steil wrote an article with tips for dumping a 1451 diskette that contains errors. He also writes about cleaning the diskettes and the read/write head of the disk drive. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: The MEGAphone prototype and the Mega65 keyboards PCBs. Daniel Renner - ARM2SID | Daniel Renner has made a video about the installation and use of the ARM2SID. - Final Catridge III | made a new video about building a Final Cartridge III from a kit. ADF-Copy/Drive v1.010 | ADF-Copy is a small device with a Teensy 3.2. This device connects to USB and a 3,5 PC floppy drive. This device makes it possible to read and write ADF's from or to a real Amiga diskette. RetroSpector78 - Commodore PC-20 II | RetroSpector78 has made a video of a Commodore PC-20 II. He shows the inside of the PC and talks about all the parts. Adrian Black - C16 PAL / NTSC | A new video from Adrian Black. He modified a Commodore C16 that can display PAL or NTSC video. Amiga 2000 Flickerfixer / Scandoubler | Simon Albert built a flickerfixer / scandoubler for the Amiga 2000. The flickerfixer uses a Xilinx CPLD and two 256k x 16 SRAMs and is placed in the Amiga 2000 video slot. Adrian Black - 1541 modification | A new video from Adrian Black. This time he installs an alternative power supply in a Commodore 1541 disk drive that produces less heat. Bart Venneker - C64 chat (3) | Bart Venneker is building a system that you can use to chat like in the year 1985. The recent changes are: The communication now works via the IEC bus. Retrohax - C128 | Retrohax has written a blog about repairing and modding a Commodore C128. The changes are: JiffyDOS, SD2IEC, C=KEY, SIDFX and a C128 Video Mux. BackBit - C64 | BackBit is a new cartridge developed by Evie Salomon. The cartridge can use a SD memory card for storing D64, T64, CRT or PRG files. Via a menu you can choose which file you want to load into your Commodore 64. Daniel Renner - FPGASID Adapters | Daniel Renner has made a video about the installation and use of FPGA adapters. Chuck Hutchins - petSD+ | Chuck Hutchins has made a video about assembling and testing a petSD+ version 2.4. This is a SD card reader for the Commodore PET. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Free and Open-Source replacement ROMs for the Commodore C64. Adrian Black - C64 Kernal Switcher (Arduino) | A new video from Adrian Black. This time he installs a Kernal switcher in a Commodore C64. The features are: 4 different KERNAL images, selection with the RESTORE key and a reset function. Mini Commodore monitor | Chris Mills has built an mini version of a Commodore 1702 monitor for his C64 Mini. He also use the monitor together with a Raspberry-Pi and Combian with the VICE emulator. ADF-Copy/Drive v1.001 | ADF-Copy is a small device with a Teensy 3.2. This device connects to USB and a 3,5 PC floppy drive. This device makes it possible to read and write ADF's from or to a real Amiga diskette. The new features are: Compare, Format / AutoFormat, Diskinfo and Settings. Bart Venneker - C64 chatting like it is 1985 (Dutch) | Bart Venneker has made a video about building a system to chat like it is the year 1985. The system uses a WiFi connection and a server to receive and send messages with your Commodore C64. GadgetUK164 - CD32 TF330 | GadgetUK164 has made a video about an Amiga CD32 with a Terrible Fire TF330C. The TF330 has a 68030 CPU, 64 MB RAM and an IDE controller. 6502 Watch | NotArtyom has built a watch that is powered by a 6502 microprocessor. The features are: 65c02 CPU @ 8MHz, 65c22 VIA (LCD, keyboard and buttons), Nokia 5110 LCD, 32 KB SRAM, 16 KB ROM and a Commodore keyboard connector. IEEE488 cartridge | Asklia & knusis developed an IEEE488 cartridge for the Commodore C64. The features are: IEEE 488 bus routines for Commodore and other IEEE devices. Function keys, speed loader (Speeddos) and Centroncis. C64 Weather station | Matteo Angelini has built a system for the Commodore C64 with a DS1307 / DS3231 and a BME280 module. This system gives you a Real Time Clock, a temperature, humidity and an atmospheric pressure measurement. The program uses this measurements to display a weather station. MiSTer | MiSTer is a port of well-known MiST project, but with a larger FPGA and a faster ARM. Examples of cores are: Commodore PET, VIC20, C16, Plus/4, C64 and the Amiga. The recent changes are: C16: SID support, C64: Improvements for cartridges, CIA, SID, user-port and support for TAP files. VIC-2020 MINIMON | Mike is developing a new cartridge for the Commodore VIC20. MINIMON is only 2 KB - $9800..$9FFF and the features are: Memory dump / edit, Register dump / edit, Execute code, Direct Assembler / Disassembler, Transfer, Compare, Fill, Hunt, breakpoints, Load, Save and Verify. Warp1260 | The Polish company CS-LAB is developing the Warp1260 turbo card for the Amiga. You can now watch a demonstration video on YouTube. Tynemouth Software - SD2PET | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about the development of a SD card disk drive for the Commodore PET series of computers. The SD2PET is now available for pre-order.