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Start page MiniGANGCART - C64 | The miniGANGCART is a new cartridge for the Commodore C64. The features are: Fast load for 1541, 1571, 1581 and SD2IEC, Final III cartridge, 8 Mbit EPROM, diagnostics tools and games. Tynemouth Software - PET replacement keyboards | Tynemouth Software has developed a replacement keyboard for the Commodore PET computers. The replacement keyboards are available for the graphics keyboard and the chicklet keyboard. The keyboard is now also available with a black circuit board. C256 Foenix | Stefany Allaire is working on a successor for the Commodore C64/128. At the moment the development of the motherboard has been completed. Commodore 128 Bass guitar | Stegi 3178 started a project to make a bass guitar from a Commodore C128. Steampunk C64 Laptop | Bad Dog Designs made a steampunk version of the Commodore C64. The features are: An oak case with a Commodore C64, 12 LCD colour screen, 4 loudspeakers and a SD2IEC. Jan Derogee - Tommygun | With the use of MDF and 3D printed parts Jan has converted his Stack light rifle into a very realistic looking Tommygun. To carry this lightgun in style, he also made a suitcase. In the appropriate 1920's style. The Andy Warhol Museum Amiga Exhibit | Iontank made a museum exhibit to show the original Andy Warhol art that was made on an Amiga 1000 computer. The inside of the Amiga 1000 has been replaced with a new solid state PC, but the Amiga can be used by the museum visitors. Commodore Pet Tape Recovery | Galb2x2 made a video about recovering a cassette tape for the Commodore PET computer. He uses a C2N Datasette and an Arduino. C64 / Drive controller | Oe7Twj developed three projects for the Commodore C64 and disk drive. The projects are all made with the help of an Arduino: Track display, Floppy controller and a C64 controller. Vampire / Apollo - Gold 2.10 | The Vampire turbo card uses the Apollo FPGA-core to emulate the 68000 CPU and the SAGA graphics chip. The changes for Apollo are: Improvements for IDE speeds, SBCD, ChipRAM, CIA, VControl, VampireSN, SDNet and V2ExpEth. SID emulation - Teensy 3.6 | Petros Kokotis developed a SID replacement using a Teensy 3.6. This emulator uses the Frank Boesing ReSID library to do emulation of the SID. ZZ9000 - Amiga | The ZZ9000 is the successor to the VA2000 Amiga graphics card. The features are: 1920x1080 pixels, Dual 666MHz ARM Cortex A9 coprocessors (jpeg / MP3), 1GB DDR3 RAM, Ethernet and a SD Card. Cengomania X - Amiga 3000 - Gotek | Cengomania X made a video about adding a Oled Gotek drive to his Amiga 3000. SID XMC + MIDI | SID XMC + MIDI is a new hardware project for the Commodore C64. The features are: 3 channel 12bit 64MHz PDM, 4bit master volume and support for paddles and MIDI. KA 21 - Gayle reset | The KA 21 is a hardware solution for Gayle PCMCIA reset bug. With a standard Amiga 1200 the PCMCIA does not get a reset signal if a system reset is active. The KA 21 solves this problem. Daniel Renner - Greisi power supply | Daniel Renner made a video about building a Greisi power supply for the Commodore C64. TFW8b Value - VIC20 MAX RAM Cartridge | Tynemouth Software has developed a new RAM cartridge for the Commodore VIC20. The configuration is possible via a menu with 3, 8, 16, 24, 27, 32 or 35 KByte of RAM. Retr-O-Mat - Amiga 2500 | Retr-O-Mat made a video about a Amiga 2500 with many additions, and one of them is a Vampire turbo-card. Dan Wood - Amiga CD32 & Terrible Fire 328 | Dan Wood talks about the Terrible Fire 328 expansion for the Commodore Amiga CD32 console which adds extra RAM and an IDE interface. RetroManCave - Checkmate A1500 | RetroManCave made a video about the Checkmate A1500. KC64WIFI | KC64WIFI is a C64 user-port modem up to 9600 baud based on a NodeMCU module with custom code to support Hayes commands. The KC64WIFI also has a reset switch for the modem and the C64. VectrexRoli - C128D | VectrexRoli made a video about the Commodore C128D. He show his modifications and how to connect the 1541 Ultimate II. Bwack - C64 Power-supply | Bwack made a video about building an power-supply for the Commodore C64. This power-supply also has a digital readout for the voltage and the current. That 3D Print Guy - C64 Joystick | That 3D Print Guy made a video about the joystick he is building for the Commodore C64. The plans will be available soon. Daniel Renner - SD2IEC remote display | Daniel Renner made a video about a SD2IEC device with a remote display modification. C256 Foenix | Stefany Allaire is working on a successor for the Commodore C64/128. The specifications are: CPU: 65C816 @ 14Mhz, 512 KBytes (code), 1 MByte (video), 640 x 480 / 256 colours, DVI, Sprites, Blitter, Sound (6581 / YM3812), Midi, Joystick, RS-232, Serial, 3.5 Disk drive, Cartridge and PS2 mouse & keyboard. Bwack - C64 Saver | Bwack made a video about developing the Commodore C64 Saver as an open source project. Obscura  | Obscura is an Arduino compatible 8-bit synthesizer that allows you to create NES, C64 and Amiga-style chiptune music by simply connecting a MIDI device. HxC floppy emulator - v2.1.11.1 | For the HxC floppy emulator is new firmware available. The HxC floppy emulator is a replacement of a 3.5 inch disk-drive in for example an Amiga or a Atari ST. Recent changes in the firmware: Improvements for H8D Heathkit, Kryoflux Stream Loader & Stream analyzer, NSI Northstar, Flux Stream and ADF Writer. Tynemouth Software - PET replacement keyboards | Tynemouth Software has developed a replacement keyboard for the Commodore PET computers. The replacement keyboards are available for the graphics keyboard and the chicklet keyboard. Iz8dwf - PET RAM/ROM board | Iz8dwf made a video of the development of his Commodore PET RAM/ROM replacement board. The specifications are: 2 x ROM (24Kbytes) and 2 x 4K ($F000 - $FFFF). Jan Derogee - Linear clock | After developing hardware for the Commodore computers (1541-III, Cassiopei and the Cassiopei II) he decided to develop a linear clock.