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Start page A600/1200 USB keyboard | Tynemouth Software has made an adapter to connect an Amiga 600/1200 keyboard to USB. The set also includes a cable for the LEDs and an USB cable. The Ultimate-64 | Gideon Zweijtzer announced the Ultimate-64. This circuit board will replace the original circuit board in the Commodore C64. Features: FPGA SID / real SID, HDMI PAL/NTSC, cartridge, tape, user, serial, video and joystick ports. The price will be around 200 Euro. Multi-EditorROM - CBM/PET | Steve Gray started a new project for the CBM/PET computers. The Multi-EditorROM is a adapter board that allow you to select any one of 16 different 4K Editor ROMs on a Commodore PET/CBM machine. The Editor ROM is responsible for all screen, keyboard, clock and IRQ processing on BASIC4 PET/CBM computers. A-EON Amiga X5000 | Jeremy Reimer wrote a blog about the Amiga X5000 from A-EON. The Amiga X5000 is powered by a custom PowerPC motherboard with a dual-core Freescale CPU @ 2.5GHz. The system can run AmigaOS, MorphOS or Linux. Ultimate1541 Sid Remote v1.1 | With Ultimate1541 Sid Remote you can send SID music to the Commodore C64 from a PC. The program is developed by L.A.Style and tested by hedning. Amiga 1012 | S Gust designed a new front for the Commodore Amiga A1011 floppy drive. It allows you to mount 2 slim line floppy drives like the NEC FD 3238T or TEAC FD005 inside a A1011 case. SuperCPU - VIC20 | Kakemoms is working on a SuperCPU for the Commodore VIC20. The features are: 22MHz, 65C02 core, 1MByte RAM, USB, SD-card and VGA. At the moment the PCB layout is almost finished. Jan Beta - Retrobright A1200 | Jan Beta has made a video about using Retrobright on an Amiga 1200. SD-BOX v1.19 | The SD-BOX is a cartridge with an SD card interface for the Commodore C64. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Improvements for the SD2IEC (fast read during disk copy), auto-swap, disk drive, manual and the SID Player. Clockport Expander Rev. C | Matthias Münch released the Clockport Expander Rev. C for the Amiga 1200. This version makes it possible to use the Clockport Expander with the Indivision AGA Mk 2cr. The 8-Bit Guy - VIC-20 cartridges | The 8-Bit Guy made a video about using a Penultimate, Pentagorat and a Planet X1 cartridge with the Commodore VIC-20. Wicher 500i | The Wicher 500i turbo card has been designed for installation inside Amiga the A500 / A500+ computer. Features: 68000/68010 CPU, 50 MHz, 8 MB Fast RAM (SIMM72), IDE controller and SPI controller. C128 WiFi modem | Pyrofer made a WiFi modem for the Commodore C128. The WiFi modem is installed on the motherboard and it works together with the Desterm software. SmallyMouse2 | SmallyMouse2 is a universal USB to quadrature mouse adapter for many 8-bit and 16-bit retro computers and allows the use of modern USB mice on machines such as the Acorn BBC Micro, Acorn Master, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore Amiga, Atari ST and many more. Super Kernel 24 in 1 | RetroJeck, Tommi_NRW and KiWi developed a Kernel replacement for the Commodore C64. With a menu you can choose between 24 different Kernels. IECHost | Luigi Di Fraia has added more functionality to his IECHost device. With this device you can connect a Commodore IEC disk drive via USB to a PC. This time he writes a d64 image to a diskette. The time it takes is about 33 seconds. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Building the lab-prototype of the MEGA65. KA71 - Amiga | The KA71 is a headphone amplifier designed for the Amiga. Its main feature is adjustable stereo channel separation. An Amiga has 100% separation, so listening to it via headphones is uncomfortable. With the KA71 channels can be cross mixed at any amount from full stereo to full mono. 326298 Rev A board | Bo Herrmannsen is working on a replica of the 326298 Rev A motherboard. This motherboard is the first motherboard for the Commodore C64. He has now made the PCB layout in Sprint-Layout and wants to produce the new motherboards. The Final Cartridge III - replica | Greisi made a new version of the Final Cartridge III. The new version also has improvements such as a FLASH chip instead of an EPROM a fuse and more decoupling capacitors. WiFi232 Modem | The AmigaLove web page made a review about the WiFi232 Modem from Paul Rickards. The modem can be plugged into any standard RS-232C DB25 serial port. The features are: 300 - 115200 baud, Hayes compatible, firmware updates possible, built-in web server, MDNS support and WiFi access point. SuperCPU - VIC20 | Kakemoms is working on a SuperCPU for the Commodore VIC20. The features are: 22MHz, 65C02 core, 16 KByte RAM expansion and plugs into the expansion port. LCD character screen - user-port | The 8-Bit Guy has posted an inspiring video. How to connect a character LCD to the user-port. Many things go wrong but in the end the project succeeds. IECHost | Luigi Di Fraia is now working on a directory / file system for his IECHost device. With this device you can connect a Commodore IEC disk drive via USB to a PC. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Matrix mode, cartridge support and updated video mode. C64c Raspberry Pi conversion frame | COREi64 started a Kickstarter campaign for a framework that mounts in an original C64c case. The end result is possibility to place a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 in a C64c case. D520 - Amiga | Thorsten Schubert is developing a RGB/audio to HDMI converter for the Amiga. With this converter it is possible to connect an Amiga to a modern monitor. Features: 50/60Hz, PAL, power from the Amiga, firmware update via the Amiga and scanlines. The price will be around 80 Euro. JaffyDOS - C64 | Jani made an improved Kernel for the Commodore C64 with a SD2IEC device. Features: Jiffydos protocol / DOS wedge, Customizable colour scheme and F-keys, Filebrowser, File copier, d64/d71/d81 images and a file start- and end address during load. F2R16 - Amiga | GGLabs made a replacement for the Amiga ROM chips. You can use the F2R16 for a replacement of the Kickstart ROM. And you can program the F2R16 with a TL866 programmer (with adapter). BlackBOX 1200 | The BlackBOX 1200 is a new tower system for the Amiga 1200. Features: 350W power supply, PC/Amiga keyboard interface, 2 x 5.25, 4 x 3.5, 1 x 2.5, 1 x Amiga FDD facia / bracket, transparent side panel, 2 fans and 2 x USB. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make a 8-bit computer for the 21st century. The most recent update: A prototype is now available for testing. Commodore 64: For the Love of a Machine | Andreas Wallström started a Kickstarter campaign for making book about the Commodore C64. In the book you will find interviews with Al Charpentier, Antony Crowther, Ben Daglish, Bob Yannes, Chris Hülsbeck, Dave Collier, Dave Rowe, Fred Gray, Karen Davies-Downey, Donna Steiner-Buttlaire, Dawn Jones, Ally Noble, John Twiddy and Zoltan Kelemen.