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Start page 1541 Ultimate - firmware | For the 1541 Ultimate is a new version of the firmware available. Changes in this version: A new function to make it possible to write a .tap file to a real cassette. Supports for the new Flash chip (revision D). Improvements for the configuration screen (USB module). RapidRoad USB - Amiga | RapidRoad is a new device that makes it possible to use USB on your classic Amiga computer. RapidRoad is a dual-port USB2.0 High-speed (480MBit) host module. It comes with the USB stack Poseidon by Chris Hodges. Requirements: 68020 or higher processor, 2.5 MB free fastmem, free clock-port or X-Surf-100 networking card and OS3.0. Kim Uno | Oscar from Obsolescence Guaranteed made an replica of the Commodore KIM-1. For this project Oscar uses a Arduino Uno and a expansion shield with LEDs and a small keyboard. The project is now finished and is a 10 USD open source KIM-1 mini replica and a 6502 programmable calculator. KryoFlux v2.5 | The software for the KryoFlux system has had an update. KryoFlux is a USB-based floppy controller. The system can be used to read a diskette, at low-level, and store the data from this diskette. New in this version: Preview of the RepliFlux technology. Updated G64 generator, Improvements for cell band detection and noise detection. Faster DTC, Improvements for the GUI and support for the wild cards ? and *. Ryś USB adapter - Amiga | This USB adapter makes it possible to use and USB HID devices on your Amiga. Features: Support for USB mouses, joysticks and pads, Compatible with every Amiga, Internal USB stack, Boot-loader for firmware updates, Status LED and a 16-bit micro-controller. On the web page is a list of tested devices available. Cassiopei - C128 | A firmware update for the Cassiopei has been released. This new version supports the C128 in C128 mode including wedge functionality. A major advantage of the C128 is the use of a boot-disk. Now you can use the Cassiopei directly after power-on, no typing required. Also a new version of the Cassiopei manager, a screen resizing bug has been fixed. And off course the manual has been updated with info about the C128. VU-sette | Jani was making backups of old turbo-tapes to disk and noticed that the quality was very poor on some tapes. He needed a method to adjust the head alignment and see if the signal was better. He built an analogue VU-Meter inside a Datassette. On Jani's blog you can see the new system. Amiga CD32 - RGB modification | RetroGameModz has made a video about the modification of an Amiga CD-32. The modification is an RGB connector at the back-side. During the modification RetroGameModz discovered a few defective capacitors. In the video you can follow the whole repair and the modification. TherapSid | The TherapSid is a music system that can be used to play music with the original SID chip. The features are: Compatible with all SID's, 3 Oscillators, 4 Waveforms per oscillator, Multimode Filter, 35 Knobs, 31 Buttons, 100 Pre-sets, 16 Step Modulator and the system is compatible with the iPad. 1 MB - C64 | Tomasz Nowak is developing a system that makes it possible to run 16 virtual C64's inside 1 real Commodore 64. The extended memory is divided in 16 block of 64 kB (16 virtual machine), 0.5 kB RAM for program MMU, and 16 memory blocks for the VIC, CPU, zero-page and the hardware stack. Gotek Floppy Emulator | Dan Wood made a video of the Gotek floppy emulator. This floppy emulator uses a USB stick to read diskettes files and is compatible with Amiga computers. In the video Dan explains how to use the system and tells about the firmware change that makes the Gotex system compatible with an Amiga. Magic Desk - Cartridge Generator | Zzarko and Msolajic developed a file generator to make EPROM files for a Magic Desk compatible cartridge. The generator includes a system to make the menu for the cartridge. A schematic for making the cartridge is also included. The system can use 512 KB, but if you want to use it in VICE the limit is 128 KB. C65 - FPGA | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. In the last month he has been working on the 48 MHz CPU and an Ethernet connection for the C65GS. You can follow his progress on his blog. X500 Evo | Mfilos is working on his X500. The X500 is a retro looking computer case designed by Loriano Pagni. The X500 makes it possible to built a modern PC with the looks of the Amiga 500 computers. On Mfilos blog you can see how he built his system, including the Amiga keys on the keyboard. DS1307 RTC - C64 | Timo Voutilainen developed a RTC module for the Commodore C64. An RTC is a Real Time Clock an can be connected to a computer to supply the actual time and date. Timo also included a program to set and read the time and date from the Commodore C64 and he included a driver for GEOS. CDTV - SCSI Controller / AztecMonster | Epsilon wrote a blog about installing a SCSI Controller expansion (by CBMChef) for the CDTV and the AztecMonster SCSI card. The CDTV SCSI Controller is a modern expansion developed in 2013 and makes it possible to connect an external SCSI device to the Commodore CDTV. The AztecMonster is a SCSI to CF card interface. Princess C64SD v3.0 | The Princess C64SD v3.0 is a new product from Manosoft. This device is a combination of the ITS TAP Player module and the C64SD. The features are: .TAP support (load /save), Disk drive replacement, Atmega1284p micro-controller, Metal cover, Pass-through connectors for the Datassette and IEC devices, SD card slot, Buttons for Play/Stop, reset and disk change and status LEDs. Blizzard PPC 68060/50 accelerator card repair | RetroGameModz made an video about the repair of a Blizzard PPC accelerator card for Amiga 1200. In the video you can see many tips and working methods for repairing retro hardware such as: Visual inspection, testing, schematics, measurements, disassembling, new components and final testing. SD-Card Tape Adapter | Tony is developing a new TAP file player device. With this device it will possible to read your TAP files from a SD card into your Commodore C64. The device will be very small and you can select your TAPs via a special menu on your C64. The cost will be around 30 USD. Kim Uno | Oscar from Obsolescence Guaranteed made an replica of the Commodore KIM-1. For this project Oscar uses a Arduino Uno and a expansion shield with LEDs and a small keyboard. The project is a work in progress and the future plans include the emulation of the 6530 timers and a adding 6 times a 7-segment display and a 23 key keyboard. Project Hermes | Ian Stedman is working on a expansion card for the Amiga CD32. This expansion card will be an replacements for the Paravision SX-1 or DCE SX32/Pro expansions from the 1990’s. The specification: 8 MB SRAM, Parallel ATA (IDE) / CF, Floppy, Real time clock and a clockport connector. You can follow the progress on his blog. PET 2001 RAM Adapter | D'Asaro Designs is now producing 6550 RAM adapters for the Commodore PET 2001. The adapter makes it possible to replace a bad 6550 RAM chip with a 2114 RAM chip. Features: Fully functional pin-compatible. Batten and Allen PCB edge pins. Gold-plated machined DIP socket for the 2114 RAM and the necessary 2114 RAM chip is included. SD-BOX Cartridge v1.13 | The SD-BOX is a cartridge for the Commodore C64 with an SD card interface. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Polish menu, updates for the manual, improvements for the listing of files and you can now use the SD-Box with the Commodore C128. ADTWin | ADTWin is a tool for writing Amiga 500/1000 ADF's from a PC to a Amiga diskette. You will need an PC with a parallel port and a disk drive from a PC or an Amiga. The writing of the diskette takes about 37 seconds. A schematic for the cable and the software is available. The secrets of the 6500/1 | The Commodore 6500/1 is a single chip computer that is used in for example the Commodore 1520 plotter / printer. The problem is that nobody knew what was inside this chip. On the cbm-hackers mailing list people started with a project of hacking the 6500/1 chip. The hack was successful and the firmware is now available. Tapuino | Peter Edwards developed and new hardware device for the Commodore 8 bit computers. This device can replace the Commodore Datassette. The device has an Arduino micro controller with an SD card reader and a LCD screen. The schematics and the software are available on Peters web page. LSR 64 v0.31 | LSR 64 is a system that makes it possible to control a laser with your Commodore C64. The hardware is from ViTi and the software is developed by Hermit. The laser system reached the number one place in the Wild Demo Competition at the Arok Party (2014). PicassoII - A500 | Matthias made a Picasso II clone for the Amiga 500. The Picasso II is a popular graphics card for the Amiga computer, made by Village Tronic. Later Georg Braun developed a clone for his GBA 1000 Amiga computer. Matthias adapted this design for the Amiga 500. You can follow the progress on the a1k forum (German language). USB Commodore C64 keyboard | Evan is working on a USB adapter for a Commodore C64 keyboard. He uses a interface based on a Olimex-32u4 that translates the C64 keyboard matrix signals to the USB signals. Evan made a couple of modifications such as the Commodore key and the wasd key combination for the arrow keys. Infinity Tape Sd2iec update | Manosoft released a firmware update for the Infinity Tape Sd2iec. Changes in this version: Saving of a placeholder unique for each .TAP file. Confirmation of successful initialization of the C64SD card, end-of-virtual tape indication and a card hide function. Reset and ROM switcher | Vimfuego developed a new hardware device for the Commodore C64. With the device you have an 100% internal Reset switch and ROM selector, with no ugly external switches on your C64. The switch works together with the Restore key and is based on a Arduino Pro Mini. Vimfuego can program the kit but you need to install it yourself which includes soldering wires. USB adapter Amiga | Spidi is working on a new USB adapter to use USB keyboards, mice and joysticks on the Amiga computer. The adapter converts the USB signals to the old Amiga signals. This means there is no new driver necessary on the Amiga computer. You can follow the progress on the PPA forum (Polish language).