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Start page Cassiopei - TAP Player | Jan Derogee demonstrates in this video that the Cassiopei is also a TAP player. When loading games from tape, lot's of things can go wrong. Fortunately, the Cassiopei saves the day. In this demonstration Jan uses the C16, but all other Commodore computers with a cassette port can use the Cassiopei for loading TAP files. The project will be presented on the next Commodore meeting, 19 October in Maarssen (The Netherlands). USBhost-64 | Luigi Di Fraia has now added TAP dumping to his USBhost-64  device. He can now transfer the data from the cassette in TAP format tot her USB drive. In the video you can see that he is using a DC2N, but you can use a normal Datassette. Luigi is also experimenting with slow motion video on the C64 with the help of the USBhost-64. Cassiopei - Home automation | Home automation was expensive or difficult in 1983, but in 2013 this is no longer the case. Using a Cassiopei and a ClickOnClickOff system it's very easy and fun. The project will be presented on the next Commodore meeting, 19 October in Maarssen (The Netherlands). Cassiopei - Candy sorter | The inventor of the Cassiopei likes M&M's, but doesn't like them all mixed up. So he has build a Commodore C64 controlled machine to sort this out... really, he sorts them. The project will be presented on the next Commodore meeting, 19 October in Maarssen (the Netherlands). USBhost-64 | Luigi Di Fraia well known for his digital replacement of the datassette (DC2N) has been working on a new project. This time he is working on a USB system for the Commodore C64. With the USBhost-64 system it is possible to write or read files on the C64 to or from the USB drive. The extra commands are: USAVE, ULOAD and UVERIFY. You can read more about the USBhost-64 on the web page of Luigi. Cassiopei - Cross-development | The Cassiopei is a versatile device. It can load .TAP files, .PRG files but it can also load .PRG files directly from your PC's hard disk. And 50 times faster then normal. So now you can cross-develop CBM software. Program on a PC and test it on the real hardware. In the video about the Cassiopei you can see a demonstration of developing a PET/CBM program on the PC with CBM prg Studio and then transfer it to real hardware. DC2N 3 | Luigi Di Fraia is working on the third generation of his DC2N. DC2N stands for Dumping C2N and it's a preservation device that lets its users make a digital back-up of real PET, VIC20, C16/+4, and C64 tapes directly to a flash-card. You can now see the DC2N in a new casing including the colour display. Cassiopei | More news about the Cassiopei from Jan Derogee. In this Youtube video Jan demonstrates the possibilities of the Cassiopei. This device can be used to load programs via the datassette port 50 times faster then the standard tape speed, it has a I2C interface, 2 analogue inputs, a PWM audio output for playing back .WAV files (8KHz, mono, 4/8Bit) and a simple speech synthesizer. Commodore schematics from Bil Herd | Bil Herd worked for Commodore as a hardware designer. He worked on the C16, 116, Plus4 and later on the C128 and the C64 LCD. Bil is searching through his personal archive and is scanning drawings from Commodore designs. You can now look at the CPM cartridge for the VIC20, original TED drawings and a 80 column cartridge for the C64. Commodore and LEGO | Commodore Addict made a web page to show his Commodore and LEGO setup. He uses a Commodore 64/128 to control his LEGO Mindstorms / Technic built robots. The interface is a B100 interface unit from a kit that was called the Robotic Workshop, which was manufactured in 1986. The joystick can be used to control the robotic arm. Retrocomputing Retr0Sbiancante | RetroHC developed a new version of RetroBright called Retr0Sbiancante. RetroBright is a chemical solution that can erase the yellowing of plastics. RetroHC was searching for a new formula, because the original chemicals are hazardous and difficult to buy. The new solution is whitening gel and a oxidizing gel for your hair. You can read all the details on the blog of RetroHC. Universal C64 Cartridge | Frank Buss is working on an universal C64 cartridge. You can upload files from a PC (via USB) to the cartridge and store up to 31 cartridges (each 64 kB) on the cartridge. After a small change to the cartridge connector, Frank now has a working proto type. You can follow the progress on the blog page of Frank. Fúria EC020 - Amiga 600 | The Fúria EC020 is an turbo-card for the Amiga A600. The card is developed by Boris Krizma and is now in production. The specifications are: CPU: MC68EC020 (28 MHz), MMU: MC68882 (28 MHz), 8MB FastRAM, 1,5 MB SlowRAM, 1,5 MB SW FastRAM and the possibility to over-clock the system to 37,8 Mhz. Wii-2-C64 | Jeff Ledger is working on an joystick interface for the Commodore C64. With this interface you can use a Wii controller on your C64. The interface has multiple modes: Normal (with an extra button), Mode for playing for example Smash TV, Nintendo mode and Lefty Mode. Other features: Display mode and trim settings, Increment mode and Thumb-stick right or left. X-Surf 100 - Amiga | X-Surf 100 is an 100 Mbit Ethernet Zorro-II/III card for the Amiga. The card can be used in a A2000, A3000 or the A4000. Specifications: 100 Mbit, 32-bit Zorro-III interface or Sana-II device (OS 2.0 - OS 3.9), Gold-plated Zorro contacts. The card is also prepared for a forthcoming high-speed USB module. Cassiopei - PET/CBM, VIC20, C16, Plus/4, C64, C128 | More information about the new project of Jan Derogee (inventor of the 1541-III) has been found. The project is called Cassiopei (which stands for Cassette IO peripheral expansion interface). It is a USB device that can also operate stand alone. USB is required for uploading the files to flash memory and for the configuration. It can play back .TAP files, and load .PRG files at normal speed or .PRG files 50 times faster then normal! The Cassiopei can also be used to connect to your own hardware designs. Using the box header connector at the back of the device to connect many servo motors, but the small remote control suggests much more. It is a remote for controlling your home lights. This would mean that the project would be very versatile, even usable for controlling your home lights? All this functionality combined with the fact that it is indeed usable on multiple systems ranging from the PET to the C128 would make it a very practical device for anyone with a 8-bit CBM. F7 Turbo Card - C64 | Lotharek is working on a new expansion for the Commodore C64. The specifications of the F7 Accelerator are: External CPU turbo card for C64/128, WDC 65C816 processor @ 20MHz, Xilinx XC95, 512 kB SRAM, 14.5 MB DRAM, 512 kB Flash and a external 5V power supply. New cassette port hardware | This image has leaked out of the lab of the inventor of the 1541-III, Jan Derogee. It appears that he is busy developing a device that connects to the cassette-port. The cassette connector adapter suggests that this device is also tested on the C16/Plus4. Could this device be the next generation of TAP file players or is it capable of much more? We hope to track down the source of this image in order to find more out about this promising development. SID-Fixer | SID Fixer is a new hardware expansion for the Commodore 64 or 128. This makes it possible to switch between a 6581 (old SID) and a 8580 (new SID). Features are: Selectable SID, Protection of the in- and outputs of the SID. Noise reduction. Stereo music possible with a small alteration of the motherboard. The estimated price is 79.90 Euro. More details on ordering will follow. MIDIbox aSIDity | Sauraen and Oikanys are working on the MIDIbox aSIDity project. This project will be the most powerful SID-based synthesizer in the world. At the moment the SIDFB boards are ready and work is started on the case. The number of control switches, LEDs and displays is enormous. You can follow the progress on the midi box forum. 1541 - Arduino Uno | Larswad made a new hardware 1541 emulator. He connected an Arduino Uno to the serial IEC bus of the Commodore C64. The diskette data can be sent from a PC to the Arduino Uno. At the moment the 1541 emulators works, but you will have to wait for a turbo load function. The source code from this project is available. VIC-MIDI | Jim Brain and Leif Bloomquist are working on a MIDI system for the Commodore VIC20. The final design features are: 16450 UART, 512kB FLASH ROM, MIDI IN, OUT and THRU, eset button and RS232. You can follow the progress on the Denial VIC-20 forum. 1541 - Raspberry Pi | Chris Osborn is working on a system that can replace the 1541 disk drive. He uses a Raspberry Pi computer to communicate with the serial IEC bus of the Commodore C64. Chris had to modified the Linux kernel on the Raspberry Pi so it can handle the interrupts when the IEC bus was signalling. At the moment the system is an development stage and can only read or write a prg. As a bonus the system can also convert modern USB joystick signals to signals for the C64. Mini X-Pander | The Mini X-Pander is a new hardware device for the Commodore C128(D). There are C64 cartridges that will not work on the C128(D). This because the signals on the expansion port have too much interference. This device cleans up the signals an makes it possible to use cartridges like the 64NIC+ and the FB-net. Crazy Cartridge | Frank Buß is working on a new hardware project. He is building a cartridge system for retro computers. The system is divided in two parts, an controller board with an microcontroller, CPLD and SRAM. The second part is a board that can be inserted in the computer (adapter). The cartridge data can be supplied on a SD card or via the USB connection. The microcontroller will simulate a ROM (game cartridge), RAM (RUE) or another application. Inception - 8 joysticks for the C64 | Inception is an hardware expansion that makes it possible to use 8 joysticks on the C64. Specifications: Support for 8 joysticks (multi-player games). Support for 8 PS2 PC mice. C64 mouse emulation. Plug and Play (joystick port) with automatic detection. C64 - LEGO | Chris McVeigh has built a Commodore C64 from LEGO. In his C64 Adore Edition project he used 82 LEGO blocks to create the C64. Other projects with LEGO are a Apple Macintosh, Polaroid camera, Telephone, iMac, Wheatley, Pokeball and many more. VIC-VODER | The VIC-VODER is a new voice synthesizer for the Commodore VIC-20, C64 and the C128 developed by Rick Melick. The VIC-VODER is an all-in-one design that plugs into the user port to produce quality text to speech (English). Talking is as simple as a PRINT statement. The VIC-VODER is for sale at $99.95. Printed VIC-20 cartridge case | Srepmub has made an printable version of a cartridge case for the Commodore VIC-20. You can print this case with your own 3D printer. After the printing you must glue the parts together, polish it and put a sticker on it. FPGAArcade Replay | The FPGAArcade Replay is now officially for sale. The price will be 199 Euro or 229 Euro for the version with composite/SVHS output. Features: Very large FPGA, 64 MB memory, DVI / HDMI / VGA 15 kHz monitor support, 24 bit / 192 kHz audio DAC and a flexible clock generator. ITS - Infinity Tape Sd2iec | ITS is a new hardware device from ManoSoft. The device is an extension for the C64SD v2.0 Infinity. The features are: Reading of v1/v2 format tap files on all CBM machines. Write an tap file from the SD card to a DC2N (1530 or 1531). Start / Stop management, loud-speaker and a pass-through Datassette port. DolphinDOS 2 & 3 | Silver Dream made a web page about rebuilding the DolphinDos hardware. DolphinDos was a very popular hardware turbo system for the Commodore 1541 disk drive. You can find all necessary information to build your own DolphinDos system, including schematics, PCB layouts, firmware and manuals.