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Start page Amiga Future - Cheats Database | The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Castlevania, Castle of Dr. Brain, Castle Master and Caribbean Disaster. Arcade Missile Command - Amiga | Arcade Missile Command is a new game for the Amiga that is developed by Kevin Gallagher. The game is based on the original Atari arcade game. In the game you can use 3 fire buttons to destroy enemy missiles and protect the cities. Retrobits - 1902 monitor | A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video the restoration of a Commodore 1902 monitor (Recap, RGB & RetroBrite). AmigaVibes podcast - One day one demo-end of the year 2019 | The AmigaVibes team made another mix of Amiga music: 666 The Intro - The Number of The Beast, Pusherman, Out of Spice, Subtle Shades 2, Sustain, Dage Pown, Valhalla and Real (AGA). CBM prg Studio v3.14.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: Improvements for Git, BASIC 7, SID tool (MIDI), Screen editor, Sprite editor, VIC20 screen and Screen compression. 10 MARC - AGA Blaster | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: The AGABlaster software for the Amiga. Hungry Snake - C64 | Hungry Snake is a new game for the Commodore C64 that is developed by Richard Bayliss. In the game you are a snake that gets longer when you eat the fruit but be careful with the death skulls. JaysVintageJunk - A600 repair | There is a new YouTube video available from JaysVintageJunk. In this video Jay looks at an Amiga 600 with a problem with the keyboard and the electrolytic capacitors. Digital Talk #108 | In this German language d64 magazine the following articles: Computer Szene, News, Revision 2020, Games corner, Hardware corner, Out of C64, Music Box and the Goodbye Special. Chimaera - Amiga | Chimaera is an adventure game for the Amiga written by Chris Newall. The original game was written by Chris in the year 1983 in the programming language Fortran. FREEZE64 - 36 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: The Legend of Atlantis, The making of Badlands, Bits' Bytes, ZZAP!64, Luma, DJ Puff, Simon Butler, Screen Skipping, Sizzler, Turtle Jump, Baby Monty and Pokes 'n' Codes. Club Info 158 | In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks, Sketchpad, Sound effects, Mars Lander, Ghost Town, Atic Atac, Night of the walking dead, DKJ Game & Watch, Help them, T-man, Printfox Pus/4, The search of the nether regions, Suspect and other systems. MyCommander -Amiga | MyCommander (MCAmiga) is a Midnight / Norton commander style file manager for all Amiga systems. The program is made by Marcus Sackrow. Changes in this version: Improvements for word wrap, menu, select, full screen, help and unpack archive. Bwack - VHDL6526 | Bwack is working on the VHDL6526 project. His goal is to make a FPGA version of the CIA chip in the Commodore C64. DockBot - Amiga | DockBot is a program launcher for Amiga OS 3. It can display a list of icons in a window on your Workbench screen. Changes in this version: Improvements for rendering, memory and config. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: MEGA65 audio mixer, injection moulding, RAM expansion, timing and HDMI audio. 10 MARC - Video Toaster | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: The NewTek Video Toaster. Yahtzee Type-In - C64 | Yahtzee is a game for the Commodore C64 developed by wizball6502. But first you must type-in the game before you can play it. Minimig AGA - Turbo Chameleon | Alastair Robinson has made a Minimig AGA core for Turbo Chameleon 64. There is a version available for the Turbo Chameleon v1 and the v2. Storm Chase - C64 | Storm Chase is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss. Your mission is to guide a storm chaser, who's job is to save the village from flooding. Retro Format magazine | John Kavanagh started a Kickstarter campaign for a new retro computer magazine. Retro Format will be about retro computers and consoles of the 1970s and up to the early 2000s. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Agent X II: The Mad Prof's Back! (Mastertronic, 1987), Pinball Power (Mastertronic, 1989), 180! (Mastertronic, 1986) and Jungle Hunt (Taito, 1982). Mega Tank Blasta - C64 | Mega Tank Blasta is a new game for the Commodore C64 developed by Richard Bayliss & Martin Piper (code), Alf Yngve (pixels) and Richard Bayliss (music). Your mission is to send your heavy armored tank through the three different war zones and destroy the enemy forces. Micro Tracker - VIC20 | Micro Tracker is a music tracker for the Commodore VIC20. The program is developed by Ryan Liston. Micro Tracker is a small program that can play short and simple pieces with 2 voices. RetroManCave - Sam Battle | In this episode of the RetroManCave: An interview with Sam Battle (Look Mum No Computer). Amiga Retro - C64 Reloaded MKII (2) | A new episode from Amiga Retro Adventures is available. In this episode part 2 of the C64 Reloaded MKII review. High-Low-Equal Poker Card -Amiga | High-Low-Equal Poker Card is a new game for the Amiga developed by Juan Carlos Herrán Martín. In the game you must guess the next card to appear on the table and earn money and points. SEUCK Compo 2020 | The SEUCK 2020 competition is now closed. One game was  entered at the last moment: Lagrangian Point 3 - The Earth-Moon elevator by Recycled Arts. wAx - VIC20 | wAx is a set of machine language monitor tools in the form of a Basic-Wedge. The machine language can be entered in direct mode or as a Basic program. Z64K | Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for snapshots, C128 ROM, VIC20 - NTSC/PAL, drag & drop, Joystick, machine monitor, cartridges, REU and LXA. COREi64 - CMD SuperCPU128 MMU Link board | The COREi64 webpage offers a new product for the retro computer. With the CMD SuperCPU128 MMU Link board it is possible to quickly and safely move the MMU to a different Commodore C128. Everything Amiga | The webpage Everything Amiga added new articles last month: Amiga Joysticks, Strikes 'n' Spares, Lord of the Rings, Ask the Amigos, Little Computer People and Wings of Fury.