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Start page ReMETA #4 - Demobit 2019 | ReMETA is a diskette magazine for the Commodore C64. In this episode the Demobit 2019 Party. The magazine is made by d'Avid, Visage, DOS and Grass. Jan Derogee - Rotary joystick | Jan has made a joystick especially for playing games like Decathlon and Crank Crank Revolution. Commodore GameBase | The Commodore GameBase is a web page with a large collection of software for the Commodore CBM/PET and the Commodore VIC20. At the moment there are 700 CBM/PET games and 2200 VIC20 games available. SD-BOX v2.3 | The SD-BOX is a cartridge with an SD card interface for the Commodore C64. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Added a function for formatting diskettes. Spaceward Ho! v2.1 - Amiga | Spaceward Ho! is a strategy game for the Amiga. The game is converted from the Mac to Amiga by Stefan Franke. Changes in this version: Added an English version and manual. IntroBase v3 | K.C. has updated his IntroBase64. All (10024) intros available at are now available in IntroBase64. The intros will have screenshots, music/sound info (SID file) and a link to the online version. The VICE, CCS64 and Hoxs64 emulators are included and pre-configured. Nybbles and Bytes - C128 | The YouTube channel Nybbles and Bytes makes videos about retro computers. In this episode: The Commodore C128. 32 Bits - SX32 | 32 Bits made a video about the SX32 expansion for the CD32. The SX32 was made by DCE in Germany and has the following features: 8MB RAM, Serial, Parallel, Floppy, RGB and IDE. Retro Ravi - 8-Bit Podcast | Retro Ravi makes a monthly 8-bit mix podcast. In this episode: Trance Nation. Turbo Chameleon 64 - v2 | Individual computers has announced the Turbo Chameleon 64 version 2. The features are: VGA, Turbo (9.8x), 16MB REU, 4MB GeoRAM, MMC/SD card, PS2 keyboard & mice, realtime clock, USB and cartridge emulation: Action Replay, Retro Replay, KCS Power cartridge, Final Cartridge 3, Expert Cartridge, SuperSnapshot 5, etc. The Guru Meditation - A1200 keycaps | In this episode of the Guru Meditation: Bill takes a look at the new Commodore Amiga keycaps from Aaron Baugher - 6502 Assembly | Aaron Baugher made a series of YouTube videos about 6502 assembly language programming. Doktor64 - Amiga 500 | A new video from Doktor64. This time he cleans an Amiga 500, the case, motherboard, disk drive and keyboard. Kami - C64 | Kami is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is based on the iOS/Android game KAMI and is made by DnP (code & graphics) and Zonix (music). JITT64 v1.03 | There is an update of JITT64 available, you can read the details on the JITT64 web page. Java Ice Team Tracker 64 is a java based music tracker (editor) for creating music for SID chip of Commodore 64. Instruments are totally based onto tables for full control of sound generation. SEUCK Compo 2019 - Robo Form X | The game Robo Form X is a new game in the SEUCK Competition 2019. The game is developed by VG VOX and it is a vertical scrolling space shooting game. The ChickenHead Chronicles - SX-64 | A new episode of The ChickenHead Chronicles is now available. In this episode: The Commodore SX-64. HAL PCG-6500 - PET/CBM | The guy old made a video of a rare hardware expansion for the Commodore PET/CBM computer. The HAL PCG-6500 is a graphics board with aprogrammable character set generator and a sound device. SX-64 mini | Christian Steenken has built a mini version of the Commodore SX-64. The features are: Excellway EF01 case, Raspberry Pi, 3.5 LCD, WiFi, keyboard, SD card an USB. Pintz & Amiga Game Night - 12 | In this episode of the Pintz & Amiga Game Night: Amiga A4000/040 25mhz, 256 MB, SD2IDE, VA2000, Gotek, whdload and Igame launcher. Virtuoso 1.02 - C64 | Hein has released an update for his music tool for the Commodore C64. The features are: Main editor: sequencer, patterns, instruments, step and FLO programs. Jam mode: mono, poly or layered. Selection of instruments, song, octave or song speed and a diskette menu. Amigos | The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Dungeon Master, Nitro, Second Samurai and Best of 2018. The Games-Coffer | On the Games Coffer web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: 45er Menumaker, Mega Mon V1.5, PD Soft Utilities 1, Red Devil Utilities, Utilimaster, Cenobite Cheat Disk 1, Hacks and Pokes 1, Solution Disk 1 and TMR Solution Disk 1. Global Game Jam - VIC20 | Tokra made a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is a multiple-choice adventure game and was made in 48 hours during the Global Game Jam 2019. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Milestone, Immortalized, Resan till $0801, VC20 Bedienungsanleitung 16K Ram Speichererweiterung, VC20 Bedienungsanleitung Programmierhilfe, VC20 Bedienungsanleitung Super Erweiterung, Input 64, Easyl Grafiktablett, Sanyo CD3195C, VI og VIC, Compute!s First book of PET/CBM, C64 / VIC20 / C128 PSU open sourced, Artpresssss, AmigaDOS 1.2, MCC Pascal, The AmigaDOS Manual 2nd Edition, ABasiC, Compute!s Second book of VIC, TextCraft, Introduction to Amiga, DeluxePaint, Photon Paint 2.0 and Amiga Graphicraft. LDX#40 - Vint | LDX#40 made a limited number of CD's with SID music to celebrate his 20 years in the SID music. On this CD: Labataan, Ghoxrin, Kelompok Dua Puluh and Count von Ghox. AMIGArama | AMIGArama is a weekly podcast about the classic line of Commodore Amiga computers. Covering games, utilities and all sorts of extras. The recent episodes are: Super Cars, Civilization, Robocop, Golden Axe and the New Years Special. DAM SID 2018 remix | DAM makes remixes of SID music. You can listen to these remixes on SoundCloud: 2018 SID with $11 Heaven, Newsoft II, Arkanoid Remake, Hawkeye, Bruce Lee, Old Men In Used Cars 1, Degenerationskonflikt, OdDnB, Could be Cool, Old Men In Used Cars 2, Unboxed Rubricked, One Knight Stand, A Joint Resolution, Unboxed Intro, Lazy Bytes, Whiteout, Smile to the SkyND and a Ben Dalglish Tribute. HI-LO - VIC20 | Vicist made a new game for the Commodore VIC20. This puzzle game is written in Basic and Machine code and needs a 8 KB RAM expansion. APECAT - Amiga | APECAT is an Amiga processor extension card for application transfer. With this device you can transfer data to the Amiga directly in to the Amiga memory. You can follow the progress on the web page of Stian Søreng. Jan Beta - MAX Machine | Jan Beta has made a video about the Commodore MAX Machine. Lewin Day - Amiga 500+ repair | Lewin Day wrote a blog about repairing his Amiga 500+ computer. The clock battery had damaged the motherboard.