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Strona startowa Amigos | Nowe artykuły na stronie Amigos: Alien 3, Personal Nightmare, History Line 1914-1918, Overkill, Dreamweb, SimLife i Amiga 2500 - Bridgeboard. Drugwar64 - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Drugwar64. The Games-Coffer | Nowe w tym miesiącu: Alone, Letmdelk 2, Little Cubi, Menace, Melee Intro, The Portentous Tale, Tank Team, Ullisprick (IT), USS Gateway, Winter Wonderland, Xenon 3, Crayfish Party, Groove Connexion, Jormuan Lava, Suuntaviivat, By The Fireside, Data City Remix, Funky Trousers, Kick Back, Suburbia, Bass, Wild Mcarthur, I Want U, Come Back To Me i Green Journey. Kernal64 v 1.4.8 | Nowy emulator Commodore C64 i C128 od Alessandro Abbruzzetti. Zmiany w tej wersji: VDC, freezers, 1581 disk drive i klawiatura. X-Surf-500 | Nowa karta Ethernet dla ACA500 i ACA500plus. Funkcje: 100 MBit, urządzenie Sana-II, AmiTCP, GUI i DHCP. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Lattice C Compiler 5.10 Vol 2, VI og VIC, Lerne BASIC mit dem Commodore 116/16/plus4, IC i Commodore Techtopics Issue 28. AMIGArama | Podcast dla komputera Amiga: Cannon Fodder, Deluxe Galaga, Walker, Sid Meier's Pirates! i Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe. DefMON 20181027 - C64 | Nowy muzyka program dla Commodore C64: defMON. CS530 / CS540 - Amiga | Nowy projekt sprzętowy dla Amiga 500: CS530 / CS540 Funkcje to: MC68030 / 040, SDRAM, CF, IDE, MP3 / AHI, USB, WIFI, MPEG i HDMI. Scene World Podcast #55 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: Fred Fischer, Armin Hierstetter, Ben Daglish, Anthony Lees, Megaman X, C64 Mini, Twin Galaxies, Digital Retro Park, C64 Left Outside, Checkmate A1500 Plus, Matt Gray's Reformation 3, Zzap64, Hunter's Moon Remastered i Terratec 3G Grabber. Amiga Future - Cheats Database | Aktualizacje dla Cheats Database z Amiga Fututer są: Mega Phoenix, Marble Madness, Magic Pockets, Lupo Alberto - The Videogame, The Lost Patrol, Lost Dutchman Mine, Lord of the Rings, Locomotion, Liverpool, Live and let Die, Lionheart, Lin Wu's Challenge, Line of Fire, Licence to Kill, Lethal Zone, Lethal Weapon, Lemmings 2 - The Tribes, New Year Lemmings 1991/92, Oh no! More Lemmings i Leander. Retro Asylum Podcast - 194 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: 720 degrees. Inkoo Vintage Computing - A500 zasilacz | Nowy projekt z Inkoo Vintage Computing: Amiga 500 zasilacz. MockA65xx | Nowy projekt sprzętowy na 8-bitowych komputerach Commodore: MockA65xx. Pong 4k - CD32 | Nowa gra dla Amigi CD32: Pong 4k. Cobe (kod), Koyot1222 (grafika) i Goatmare (muzyka). PLATOTerm - C64 | Nowy program terminalowy dla Commodore C64: PLATOTerm. Komoda & Amiga Plus #11 | Nowe wydanie magazynu Komoda & Amiga Plus: The Steampunk C64 Laptop, C64 racing games, Wacek, Jason Mackenzie, Tower of Rubble 64, miniGANGCART, Space Pong, Sky Diving, Hyperzap 2018, Retro Game Dev, Two Friends, Magic Blocks, Excavation Zone: Tronik, Dreamworld, Spikes, Single Button Games Collection, Exploding Fish, Dark Seed, Aquaria, Warlords, Alco-Copter, Shoot 'Em Up Collection, EvenMore, King's Bounty, Fields of Glory, A604n, Code name EMA, Paul Parry, Pixel Heaven 2018, Spy vs. Spy, Retro radio stations, Sensible Software, King's Bounty, Ramos, 1024 bytes, EarthBound, Talking Heads and In the herbal store. Perifractic's Retro Recipes - Lego C64 | Film o Lego Commodore C64. Iz8dwf - 1541 naprawa | Naprawa Commodore 1541. Daniel Renner - Ultimate64 | Nowy wideo z Daniel Renner: Ultimate64. The ChickenHead Chronicles - Ms. Pac man | Nowe wideo z The ChickenHead Chronicles: Ms. Pac man dla VIC-20. Multipaint - 2018b | Nowa wersja Multipaint. Super Mario War - AROS | Nowa gra dla AROS: Super Mario War. Propaganda List #3 | Nowe wydanie Propaganda List. Demons Castle 2 - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Demons Castle 2. Software Library: Commodore PET | Zbiór gier i programów dla Commodore PET. | Nowe gry są: Algol, Atom Heart, Ceti 21, Cosmic Relief, Designasaurus, Electric Warrior, Moon Over Afghanistan, Scruples, The Last Hugger, The Last Hugger - RX and Valkyrie 3. Daniel Renner - ARMSID | Nowy wideo z Daniel Renner: ARMSID. RetroManCave - Mini Monster Joysticks | Nowy wideo z RetroManCave: Mini Monster Joysticks. PETSCII BBS Builder | Nowy system PETSCII BBS w Java. AmigaVibes podcast 72b - Assembly 2018 | AmigaVibes-Team podcast Assembly 2018 Party: Jingle by JGG - AmigaVibes, Blood Moon 16kb - Byproduct / SceneSat, Inhumanae Chipremacy - Chipremacy, The Derelict - Ephmerix, Rise from the Ashes - Aikapallo, Boot Up Your Retro Warrior Within - GRiMM, Il Portabagagli - Jeff, Attack of the Mutant Projektbeschreibung, Mergente - ITEKI, Your Sunscreen Is Freezing - rawArgon, Synth Vice City - Merlucin, Blues at Alturis IV - Downgone / 242, Distant Thunder - Buzzer / Brainstorm, Summer in Hikikomero - Ihanalammas, Kalja - ukimies i Isidatta - Zardax / Artline Designs. RetroGamerNation - Space Moguls | Podgląd gry Space Moguls dla Commodore C64.