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Start page Columns - VIC20 | Columns is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer, developed by Lechuck. The game is based on a game from Jay Geertsen for the HP-UX operating system. In the game different blocks fall down, try to connect three or more of the same blocks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. Le Bubblo Massacro - C64 | Le Bubblo Massacro is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer, developed by Misfit. The game was developed for the Global Game Jam 2025, and was made in just one weekend. Misfit used the following programs to make the game: Sid-Wizard (audio), CC65 (code) and Aseprite (pixels). BASIC 10Liners - 2025 | BASIC 10Liners is a competition for making a game in BASIC with only 10 lines of code. The rules are: The computer system must be 8-bit, the BASIC is line orientated and there is no machine code allowed. There are three categories: 80, 120 or 256 characters per line. Docster's Digger - Plus/4 | Docster's Digger is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer, developed by TRP. In the game, you must prevent the evil genie Khezam from raising an army of dead. Fill the holes to prevent the zombies from climbing up to the surface. SEUCK School | SEUCK School is an web page for people who want to make games with the help of SEUCK. You can learn tips & tricks, the basics of assembly programming many coding examples (Codebase) and tools to make a better game. New in this version: Improvements for detecting objects, hires sprites and sound effects. ProTrekkr- AROS | ProTrekkr is a tracker program combining a software synthesizer together with a traditional sample tracker which can be used to create electronic music. The AROS version is developed by Franck Charlet. Retrace - C64 | Retrace is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer, developed by Iceout. The game is only 1 kilo byte in size. PyDPainter 2.1.0 - PC | PyDPainter is a pixel art program written in Python, developed by Mark Riale. The program is inspired by the Amiga version of Deluxe Paint released by Electronic Arts in 1985. PyDPainter will help you to create retro pixel art on a modern PC. Platman MC - C64 | Platman MC is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer, developed by Andrea Schincaglia (code) and Saul Cross (pixels & music). This game is the multicolour version of Platman, a C64 game developed for the RGCD 16kB Compo 2015/16. The object of the game is to collect items, keys and power pills. Sven Anderson - DualJoy | DualJoy is USB-adapter for retro joysticks, developed by Sven Anderson. The adapter is built with a Rapsberry Pi Pico and can connect two D-Sub 9 joysticks, as they were used for example with the Atari 2600 console and the Commodore C64 and Amiga home computers. They will appear as two digital hats/d-pads with only one button. Spillhistorie - Jesper Juul | You can read an interview on the Spillhistorie webpage with Jesper Juul. Jesper is an author and has written a number of books, and his latest book is called Too Much Fun: The Five Lives of the Commodore 64 Computer. In his book he tries to solve two mysteries: 1) why is the C64 missing in so much game- and computer history? And 2) how did the C64 live so long and be so many different things to different people? Sprite Castle - Choplifter | Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject of this episode is the game Choplifter (1982) from Brøderbund for the Commodore C64 computer. CRG - A600 repair | A new video from the CRG YouTube channel. In this video: The repair of an Amiga A600 computer. The initial fault was a reset problem, but this Amiga had more problems. Reviving Retro - C64 repair | You can now watch a new video from the Reviving Retro YouTube channel. In this video: The repair of a Commodore C64 computer with a memory problem. Amigos: Everything Amiga | You can listen to new episodes of the Amigos: Everything Amiga podcast: You lose lots of heat through your head, Top 10 Amiga Point and Click Adventures, Top 10 Amiga Platformers, Switchblade 2 and Alien Breed Tower Assault. Moon - C64 & VIC20 | Moon is a minimalistic Hex Monitor for the Commodore C64 and VIC20 computer, developed by Aleksi Eeben. There are only three functions: View, Edit and Save memory. And the size of the program is just 205 bytes. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to the browser. The most recent flashtro's are: Flashtro - Yoomp, Flashtro - Tiny Pixel Adventure and Satan - Liverpool 3d Soccer. ALBERT v2.2.0 - PC | ALBERT is an editor for creating extended Commodore C64 images on the PC. The program is developed by Luigi Di Fraia and Joachim Ljunggren. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. Update: Ghost Battle and High Steel. Nordischsound | Ben from the Nordischsound YouTube channel is making music with retro computers. The latest additions are: Blue Monday (New Order), Hey Brother (Avicii), Epic Chiptune Medley and Super Mario 64's Cool Cool Mountain. TheRetroChannel - 1084s repair | Mark Sawicki has made a new video for his YouTube channel. In this video: Mark is repairing a Commodore 1084s monitor with a bad fly-back transformer. SMD2000 Bushfire - Amiga | The SMD2000 Bushfire is a mini-DTX sized edition of the Amiga 2000 computer. The features are: the Agnus, the oscillator, chip RAM and the CPU are on a separate boards, update for the Tick line, EMI filtering, buffered RGB, S-Video, Amiga 500 keyboard port, etc. Ultima - Escape from Mt Drash - C64 | Ultima - Escape from Mt Drash is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer, developed by Aleksi Eeben. The game is based on the Ultima game released for the Commodore VIC20 computer. KickSmash32 - Amiga 3000/4000 | KickSmash32 is a Kickstart ROM replacement module for the Amiga 3000 and Amiga 4000 computers, developed by Chris Hooper. The features are: Programming via the Amiga or via USB (Linux), and a configurable bank switching of 8 banks. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Coloris (Avesoft, 1990) and Popeye (Nintendo, 1982). LightTheLEDs - Amiga | LightTheLEDs is a new puzzle game for the Amiga computer, developed by TooIzzi. In the game you must connect the batteries to LEDs, but with a special twist: you must pass through at least one resistor to ensure the circuit works properly. C64 intros | The web page C64Intros has updated its intro database and added more new intros. Updates: 26 new intros and 2 new groups. Amiga Rulez #4 | Amiga Rulez is a diskette magazine (German / English) is the style of the diskette magazines from the nineties. In this edition: A Christmas issue with cool articles about the Amiga, with interviews, game tests and this time even with a little competition. Zapped to the Past | You can now listen to a new episode of the Zapped to the Past podcast. In this episode: Super Monaco GP, Line of Fire, 3D Pinball, Total Recall and Dragonstrike. Amos Anim Player - Amiga | Amos Anim Player can play compressed IFF Anim format synched with a separated IFF Audio Sample. The anim frames and the audio is streamed directly from HDD. If you have enough RAM, the audio is streamed directly from RAM. This program is developed by Electric Black Sheep. Spillhistorie - Michael Haire | You can read an interview on the Spillhistorie webpage with Michael Haire. Michael is the former art director at Microprose. He worked on classics such as Sid Meier's Pirates!, Civilization and Alpha Centauri. Scene World Podcast #206 | Scene World Podcast is a podcast about the Commodore scene. In this episode: An interview with Fritz Philipp. Fritz Philipp is the developer of GUI64, an amazing graphical user interface for your Commodore C64 computer.