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Start page DevInfosNG - Amiga | With DevInfosNG, developed by Pankalla, you can look at the technical information of your Amiga computer. For example information about the mainboard, devices or media such as hard disk, cd-r or audio-cd. Sever The Wicked! - C64 | Sever The Wicked! is a new game for the Commodore 64 computer. In the game you must defeat as many enemies as you can in only 24 seconds. The game is developed by Haplo. Varta Replacer | Per Bengtsson made a small PCB to replace a (leaking) Varta battery in retro computers. The Varta Replacer can be used in the Amiga computers. Tutankham Returns - C64 | Tutankham Returns is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is made by LC-Games and is based on the arcade game Tutankham developed by Konami in 1982. In the game you must find maps, lamps, chests of gold & jewels and the golden mask of King Tut. No More Toxic Man!!! - Amiga | No More Toxic Man!!! Is a point & click adventure game for the Amiga computer. The game is developed by Juan Carlos Herran Martin. The improvements in this version are: Support for French, German and Polish languages. And new graphics and secondary characters. CGSC v1.42 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 15710 MUS, 4321 STR and 5401 WDS files. Lykia Prologue - Nathan's Journey - Plus/4 | Lykia Prologue - Nathan's Journey is a new adventure game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is developed by Puls4r, Mad, KiCHY, 5tarbuck, BSZ, Degauss, siz and Olaf Nowacki. C64Studio v7.1 | C64Studio v7.0C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. In this version improvements for BASIC disassembler, Export, Import, Rename, Graphic screen editor, Charset editor, Hexbox, Mega65 BASIC, Charpad import and much more. Modern Vintage Gamer - Datel Action Replay | The Modern Vintage Gamer has made a video about the Action Replay MKIII from Datel Electronics. The Action Replay can be used to cheat on Amiga games. FairLight TV | You can now watch a new episode of the FairLight TV YouTube channel. In this episode: An interview with Blackshadow/FairLight. Ball Breaker - AROS | Ball Breaker is a new game for AROS. The game is based on the game classic Arkanoid. The game was developed by Clément Corde and the AROS version is from Cavemann. Propaganda #31 | Propaganda is an English diskette magazine for the Commodore scene. In this edition the following articles: Editorial, News & Gossip, Interview: Mack, Grand Tour Challenge, Transmission64, Only Sprites, CSDB stats, GTultra and Jukebox. RAMesses - Amiga | Andrew Hutchings developed the RAMesses, which upgrades an Amiga 500 / 2000 / Commodore CDTV to 2MB of Chip RAM without any soldering or altering of the motherboard. Amaurote Isometric - C64 | Amaurote Isometric is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Brush (code), Hate Bush (music), Joe (pixels), Bieno64, Jazzcat, Joe (test) and Buzz (Directory Art). Amiberry v5.0 - Raspberry Pi | Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based SoCs, such as the Raspberry Pi, Odroid XU4, ASUS Tinkerboard, etc. Amiberry can emulate the A500, A1200, CD32 and Amiga's with a 68040 and a graphics card. Dan Wood - A500 Mini | A new video from Dan Wood. In this video Dan talks about the new Amiga A500 Mini including games, demos and the Workbench. Bruce Lee Anniversary Edition - Plus/4 | TCFS converted the game Bruce Lee to the Commodore Plus/4 computer. As Bruce Lee you can collects lanterns, climbs nets, jumps across rooftops and deliver flying-kicks to your enemies. SD64 Future Expander | Fulvio started a Kickstarter campaign to build the SD64 Future Expander for the Commodore C64 computer. The features are: Compatible with C64 and C128, SD card and two cartridge slots (selectable). Amiblitz 3.9.0 | A new version of Amiblitz 3 is now available. Amiblitz is a development tool for AmigaOS3.x. Amiblitz is the further develop of BlitzBasic 2. Retro Commodore | The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Input 64, Service Partner Forhandler Mappe Maj 1990, Commodore MPS-1230 Benutzerhandbuch, Commodore MPS1250 kortfattet dansk vejledning, Philips BM7500, BM7502, BM7520, BM7522 BM7542, BM7550, BM7552 Manual, Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual Libraries 3rd edition, Nya Datormagazin, Svenska Hemdator Nytt, 1402 Monitor Service Manual, 1526 / MPS-802 / 4023 Printers Service Manual, A3000 System Schematics, MPS-803 Service Manual, A2090a Hard Disk Controller Tech Data, A2630 System Schematics, A2000 Rev6 System Schematics and A2060/A2065/A2232 System Schematics. Everything Amiga | The webpage Everything Amiga added new articles last month: Warlords, It's time to take an honest look at ZOOM, Wasted Dreams is not a waste of time, Speedball 2 and You got Microbes in my Top Hat Willy. Commodore ChessMate | Dave Mc.Murtrie wrote a blog about the Commodore ChessMate. The Chessmate is a chess computer that was introduced in by Commodore in the year 1978. Flashtro | On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Scoopex - Air Supply, Flashtro - Air Supply, legend - Tiny Skweeks, Exodus - Magic Johnson Basketball, Doxos - Tennis Cup, Vision Factory - SDI, Kefrens The Supply Team Tartan Army - Space Quest 3, Kefrens The Supply Team Tartan Army - Night Walk, Vision Factory and The Beyonders - Wanted and Vision Factory - Back In Bizz 88. The Commodore 64 Collectors Guide to Mastertronic | Chris Wilkins started a Kickstarter campaign to produce the Commodore 64 Collectors Guide to Mastertronic. The book has 500+ pages, with 800 game screenshots and a collector's checklist. WHDLoad | WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Harricana , Black Strawberry Cake, Trap Runner and World Cup USA '94. Update: Flower Power, Airball, Cabal, Extrial, MegaBall, Battle Isle, Switchblade 2, Solid Gold, Poker Nights: Teresa Personally, Shadow of the Beast 3, The Patrician / Der Patrizier and Manchester United: Premier League Champions. FlexSID 1.1 - C64 | FlexSID is a program to create small footprint SID music. The program is available for Linux, Window and the C64. Features: 5 players, Editor-screen, Menu-screen, TempoTable, Orderlist, Pattern and Instrument/FX-table. Attack of the PETSCII Robots - Amiga | Attack of the PETSCII Robots is a game for the Amiga computer. The game is converted to the Amiga by Vesa Halttunen and is available as shareware. The features are: 14 levels, CD32 controller support and PET graphics / sound. XoomFloppy v1.1 | The XoomFloppy v1.1 is a small version of the Zoom Floppy that allows you to use your 1541 floppy drive with a modern computer. The XoomFloppy can be used with the xum1541 software and OpenCBM. Space Cadet Pinball - AmigaOS 4 | Space Cadet Pinball is a new game for AmigaOS 4. The game is converted to the Amiga by rjd324. The original game is made by Andrey Muzychenko. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Arrivo, Ball-Job, Blob, Brain Death, Cityfighter, Mat Mania, Operation Ironhawk and Paradroid V1. Updated: Adam Caveman, Aurum, Balls Of The Scrolling Thunder, Brain Blasters, Brainway - Find the Way or... Die!, Cyber Cop, Detective Takashi, In The Beginning, Karnov V1, Lifespan, Metal Warrior 4 V1, Mumbles - Superspy, Operation Mindcrime Xertyn-X, Phantasm and Fantasy, Populous, Razzmatazz, Rhyme Land, S.D.I, Scarabaeus 2, Space Ace, Spooky, Stargate Legacy, Starsat, Tears of Rage, Top-Hole Golf, Valentines Day, Weebles Adventures, Your Computer Software Exchange, Zombies and Undead Or Alive. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent update: Solving the last of the digital video output glitching. Chip SID show | You can now listen to a new episode Chip SID show with Max Hall. An hour long classic and new SID music.