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Start page Richard Löwenstein interview | The web page had an interview with Richard Löwenstein. Richard is a game developer from Germany. The games he worked on are: Let's Bounce, Twinky Goes Hiking, Persian Gulf Inferno, Top Cross and Quadranoid. Matt Householder interview | The web page had an interview with Matt Householder. Matt has been creating, programming, designing and producing video / computer games for over 33 years. The games he worked on are: Krull, California Games, Barbie, GI Joe, Winter Games, Temple of Apshai Trilogy, World Games, Championship Wrestling, Vorpal Utility Kit, Sub Battle Simulator and California Games. Mevlut Dinc - Interview | The web page had an interview with Mevlut Dinc. Mevlut is a game desiger and made games for the Commodore C64, Spectrum and Amstrad computers. The games he worked on are: Gerry the Germ, Prodigy, Big Trouble in Little China, The Last Ninja 2, Time Machine, First Samurai and the development system for the C64GS. The Champ / The Suppliers interview | The web page had an interview with Kurt Lekanger. Kurt was active in the Commodore scene from 1985 until 1990 in the group The Suppliers. In this group he started as a swapper, but later he started making demos and cracked a few games. Ivan Davies interview | The web page had an interview with Ivan Davies. Ivan is a game designer. His first computer was an Commodore VIC-20. Later he started to make grafix for games. The games he worked on are: Red Heat, Cabal, Midnight Resistance and Hudson Hawk. Grant Harrison - Interview | The web page had an interview with Grant Harrison. Grant is an game developer who worked on the following games: A View to a Kill, The Magician's Ball, Underwurlde, Savage, Super Bowl XX, Knight Rider, V, Galivan, Raid 2000, Dynamic Duo, BraveStarr, Chase H.Q. II, Super Monaco Grand Prix and Beach Buggy Simulator. Jog/Sub-Zero interview | The web page had an interview with Mark Jones. Mark used the name Jog when he did lot of diskette swapping and used the name Mr. Stark when he cracked games in  the group Sub-Zero. You can read the whole interview on the web page. Rune Spaans interview | The web page had an interview with Rune Spaans (Sparkler). Rune was active in the C64 scene from 1988 until 1992. He was a member of the groups New Hellmates and Megastyle. His role in the group was graphic artist and he made many images, fonts and logos for demo's. Govert Fredrik Rico Blom interview | The web page had an interview with Govert Fredrik Rico Blom. Rico started in the Commodore scene with the group Silver Rom Crackers. Later he was a member of Triumph 2001, Agile and Pretzel Logic. You can read the whole interview on the web page. Chris Collins interview | The web page had an interview with Chris Collins. Chris got an Commodore 64 from his father when he was 14 years old. Later he worked for the company Binary Design as a graphical artist. A few games he worked on were: Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear, Bosconian 87, Motos, Double Dragon, Puzznic, Sly Spy Secret Agent, Gauntlet III, Energy Warrior, Magic Johnson's Fast Break and Roadwars. Geoff Phillips interview | The website Games that weren't has had an interview with Geoff Phillips. Geoff programmed games in the 70s 80s and 90s. He worked for the game companies Tangerine, Orpheus, First Star Software and MSU. A few examples of the games he worked on are Mighty Bombjack (C64), Elidon (MSX) and Boulderdash construction kit (Spectrum). Matt Gray interview | The web page had an interview with Matt Gray. Matt is a musician and producer and started with the Commodore C64 in 1985. When he discovered the SID chip he wanted to make music for the Commodore C64 himself. He played music on a Casio MT-45 keyboard and then converted it to the C64. You can read the whole interview on the web page. Ricardo Puerto interview | The Codetapper web page had a interview with Ricardo Puerto. Ricardo Puerto programmed the Amiga game Risky Woods. He used a new technique to create a smooth scrolling 16 colour parallax layer behind the action. You can read all bout the game Risky Woods in the interview. Petro Tyschtschenko - Saku 2014 | Petro Tyschtschenko is interviewed by Janne Sirén. Petro tells about Commodore, Amiga, Jack Tramiel, Mehdi Ali and Commodore's bankruptcy. Petro also tells about his favourite Commodore computer, his career at Escom and later on at Gateway and how the A1200's and A4000T's production was continued. Jonathan Temples interview | The web page had an interview with Jonathan Temples. Jonathan is a graphical artist who worked for Code Masters, Zeppelin Games, Choice Software and Genesis Software. His first computer was a Commodore VIC20 that was later followed by a C64. Some of the games he worked on are: SpellCast, Spikey in Transylvania, CJ in the USA, Stuntman Seymour, DJ Puff's Volcanic Capers, Nobby the Aardvark and many more. You can read the whole interview on the web page. Bonny Lindberg interview | The web page had an interview with Bonny Lindberg. Bonny better known as Skyie was a member of the following groups: The Jedi Knights (TJK), The Technocrats Worldwide (TTW) and Triad. He started as a swapper but later he did more assembler coding on the C64. You can read the whole interview on the web page. Szilárd Biró interview | David Brunet from the web page Obligement has had a interview with Szilárd Biró. Szilárd is an Amiga user from Hungary. His first computer was a PC but later he got himself a Amiga A500 with a 1084S monitor. Later he became more interested in AROS and started to make AROS version of PC games. Dan Phillips interview | The web page had an interview with Dan Phillips. Dan's first computer was a Commodore 64. He spend most of his time collecting and playing games. Later he started making games such as the popular game Armalyte Dan still works in the software business today (Black Tusk Studios in Vancouver). You can read the whole interview on the web page. Interview with Subzero | The Codetapper's web page had an interview with Subzero. Subzero was the main original supplier for the cracking group Vision Factory and member of SSR (Subzero, Selim and Rudi). SSR supplied games to the famous Amiga cracking group Skid Row from Germany in the early 1990s. Bil Herd interview | Robby from MOS6502 has had an interview with Bil Herd. Bil worked for Commodore as a hardware designer and is well known for the development of Commodore C128 the C16, Plus/4 and the Commodore LCD. Bil talks about how he started in the IT industry and his work for Commodore. Ian West Interview | Amigapd had an interview with Ian West. Ian started programming on the Amiga. He started with Basic and his first real game project was a maze game. He later wrote more games for the Amiga: Ork Attack, Santa and Rudolph Do Christmas, The Unusual Case of Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange 2. Guido Mersmann interview | The MorphZone web page has had a interview with Guido Mersmann. Guido also known as Geit lives in Germany and started developing software in 1983. His first computer was a Busch209, but later he had a Commodore C64, Amiga 500 and a Amiga 2000. In the interview Guido speaks about his program Grunch. David Fox interview | The web page had an interview with David Fox. David started to work with computers in 1964. When the home computers became popular he started with making conversion of adventure games. His first game he made himself was Mix and Match Muppets. You can read the whole interview on the web page. Galahad interview - Putty Squad | The Codetappers web page has had an interview with Galahad. In the year 1990 System 3 developed the game Putty Squad. But the game was not released for the Amiga. In 2013 System 3 announced that the game would be released for the modern consoles, but again not for the Amiga. Galahad contacted System 3 to offer his help to make an Amiga version. You can now read how Galahad made the Amiga version of Putty Squad. Håvar Bruvold Hojem (HBH) interview | The web page had an interview with Håvar Bruvold Hojem (HBH). Håvar is from Norway and was active in the Commodore scene between 1984 and 1993. His activities were organising, coding, graphics and swapping in the groups Foxx, Frontline The Hidden Forces (THF), Abnormal and Panoramic Designs. Gary Dunne interview | Gary Dunne started programming on the Commodore VIC-20, followed by the Atari 800XL, the Commodore 64 and later the Amiga. Gary made the games Toobz, Infection and Confuzion for the Amiga. Jon Hare interview (Cannon Fodder) | The web page had an interview with Jon Hare (Sensible Software). In this interview Jon tells about the development of Cannon Fodder. The original concept of Cannon Fodder was a Rambo style game with a troop element. But at Sensible software they did not make a complete plan before the game development was started. Many of the elements were added when they were making the game. You can read all the details about Cannon Fodder in the interview. Jérôme Senay interview | The Swedish web page Safir has had an interview with Jérôme Senay. Jérôme, also known as Glames, is the man behind the company Boing Attitude. Jérôme is the developer of Word Me Up, Ask Me Up and Dir Me Up. The game Word Me Up is a combination of an arcade game and a memory game. Ask Me Up is a quiz game and Dir Me Up is a program for easy access of your hard disk, USB, CD etc. You can read the whole interview on the Safir web page. Simon Phipps interview | The web blog Amigatronics had an interview with Simon Phipps. Simon is a game developer and worked on games for the Amiga like Rick Dangerous (Firebird), Rick Dangerous II (MicroStyle) and Switchblade (Gremlin Graphics). You can download the (English) interview from the Amigatronics web page. The Papillons Inc.  Interview | The web page had an interview with The Papillons Inc. The Papillons Inc. was a cracking group from Denmark an was active between 1986 and 1988. In this interview Alpha and The Catman talk about cracking and swapping games. In the time the group was active they released more than 150 cracks. Paul Koller inteview | The MyCommodore64 web page had an interview with Paul Koller. Paul (Paulko64) has made conversions of very popular games for the Commodore C64. A few examples are: VVVVVV, Canabalt and Super Crate Box. At the moment Paul is working on a C64 version of the game Micro Hexagon from Terry Cavanagh. The plan is to complete the game for the RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Competition. Ola Zandelin Interview | Amigapd had an interview with Ola Zandelin. Ola Zandelin is a computer game developer and worked on games for the C64, Amiga, Gameboy and the PC. Games he worked on are: Outpost, Clay Pigeon, Fatal Mission, Skyscrappers, FD and Truxz. You can read the whole interview on the AmigaPD web page.