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Start page Amiga Addict 28 | Amiga Addict is a digital and printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: SCALA, coverdisk, Alien Breed Special Edition '92, Project-X Special Edition, Assassin Special Edition,Time Bandit, Abbey(s) of the Dead, Spheroid, Stuntman Seymour, Allister Brimble, Deluxe Paint IV's AGA, Phil Nibblelink, Michael Dawes - Creeping Me Out & Wizonk, Almathera Systems Ltd and AmiFox. RetroMagazine World #22 | A new edition of RetroMagazine World is now available. In this edition the following articles: Nintendo WII, Emulate, Mattel Intellivision, Sega SG-1000, The N Queens problem, Charlie Hitselberger, Erik Hogan, Commodore 64 OS, Are video games at risk of being lost?, Reviving the dream, DumpClub 64, Lemmings, E.X.O., Video Poker: MC-10 Edition, Absolute 0, Vyrzon, Mega Man: the Sequel Wars, Astebros, Cosmos Chronicles, Pelusa Saga: Kaiji's Trials, Meooow 2, Night/Shift, Battle Zeque Den, Nobelia, Zelda's Adventure, Batman, Intellivania, GG Aleste 3, Repugnant Bounty, Dig Dug Revival and Duck Tales. Amiga Future #167 | A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Passione Amiga Day 2023, Michael Kafke (ASM Game), Jari-Matti Rally, The last Dungeon, Adventure 1 & 2, Jack the Pit, Spheroid, Ami-H.E.R.O., Stuntman Seymour, Board Game vs Amiga: Darts, FS-UAE 3.1, Frotz, Santa's Workout III - Silent Night, Denise - ITX Amiga 500, Amiblaster Clockport Edition, Review Pi Storm #2, PHP 8 & MySQL, Soil, Knight Chips and Dynamic websites with PHP. Amiga Future #167 - preview | A preview edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Passione Amiga Day 2023, Michael Kafke (ASM Game), Jari-Matti Rally, The last Dungeon, Adventure 1 & 2, Jack the Pit, Spheroid, Ami-H.E.R.O., Stuntman Seymour, Board Game vs Amiga: Darts, FS-UAE 3.1, Frotz, Santa's Workout III - Silent Night, Denise - ITX Amiga 500, Amiblaster Clockport Edition, Review Pi Storm #2, PHP 8 & MySQL, Soil, Knight Chips and Dynamic websites with PHP. Commodore Free #98 | A new edition of the Commodore Free magazine is now available. In this edition the following: Editorial, Review of the 1541 Ultimate MK 2, A pioneer of the Home Computer industry, News, A Rough, and Ready Guide to Command on the Commodore range of machines, Sonic the Hedgehog C64 review, Review the sentinel C64 and A dark start to Run/Stop Restore by Lenard R. Roach. Return #56 | Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: It came from the Desert, Sea of Stars, The NewZealand Story, The Legend of Dragoon, xStation & Fenrir, Below the Root, Alice in Wonderland, Kautzner Computer Museum, Basically BASIC, Reshoot Proxima 3, Nihon Falcom, The Art Of The Box, Gameshows, Homebrew Soundkarten and Monkey Ball. FREEZE64 - 65 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Rocky Memphis is back, 3D Lunattack, Out on a Limb, Test Match, Zombie Calaver Prologue, Radius, Puzznic, Space Gun, Bobby Bearing, Fairlight, Asteroid Death Ship, John Rowlands, Grab-a-Crab and Inbread - Karl Hörnell. RapidNews #26 | Rapid News is a diskette magazine (English language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Back to..., DoReCo Party 2023, Excess Summer BBQ 2023, Vintage Computing Carinthia $25, X'2023, Game reviews and News & Rumours. Amiga Future | Amiga Future is looking for reinforcements for the magazine and the webpage. The magazine needs more editors and translators for the Applications and the News. Amiga Future #141 - online | This older edition of Amiga Future is now online available. In this edition: Editorial, News, Playfield, Gamescom 2019, Evoke, Armin Niggemann, JetHunt, Backlash, Mr. Sture, AmigaAMP, Chrono Quest, DTFTP, IBrowse, Amiga Forever, MorphOS Camp, Aminet News, TF328, TF330, Vampire V4 Standalone, Shogo, Trevors Soapbox, Demoscene and Hollywood APK Compiler. Propaganda #34 | Propaganda is an English diskette magazine for the Commodore scene. In this edition the following articles: Editorial, News & Gossip, Remembering Shadow, interviews with Mark Healey and The Excess Split, History of diskmags, Cracking Gary Lineker, Mysdata 2023, Only Sprites Compo 2023, X 2023, Pågadata 2023 and the Jukebox. Old School Gamer - 37 | Old School Gamer is a magazine for retro consoles gamers. In this (free) edition: Broderbund, U-Force, Karateka, Modern Day Retro, You are what you play, Interview with Richard Lowenstein, Berzerk, Atari recharged and enhanced, Wizardry Redux, The video game life, Indy update: Intellivision, Reviews: YS:II Novel' UNICO Monitor, Atari Game Station Pro, Vengeful Guardian Moonrider review, Football cheats, GRS Ikari rotary super joystick, Top 5 Best and worst pack-in games, So you wanna work on a magazine, From pixels to pages, We've Got Cons, TI's field guide to collecting, Heavy Hitters, Old school gamer bookshelf and No quarter corner. RetroMagazine World #21 | A new edition of RetroMagazine World is now available. In this edition the following articles: Nintendo WII, Vectrex, Tomohiro Nishikado, Giovanni Galli, Another Susi's riddle, MSX BASIC, I'm a super-boomer and a retrogamer, Nintendo, Ball and Chain, Boxx 4, Galaxian, Onescape, Revenge of Trasmoz, Space Station 23, Lunark, Zeta Wing II, The Cursed Night, Text Quest, Bruxolico, Newsstand, Nox Archaist, Cyberpunks 2, Mad House, Skyblazer, Painter Momopie and Scooby-Doo. Amiga Future #166 | A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Richard Löwenstein, Amiga Meeting Nord, Finkenbach 2023, Playfield, Grind, GothicVania, Ooze - When the Spirits Grew Weary, Board game vs Amiga version: Diplomacy, Bunny's Revenge, AstroMenace, El Capitan Trueno, The Mysterious Cassette (C64), AmigaGPT, RNOSlides, WarpVision AGA, AmiKit PiStorm, IBrowse 3.0, Aminet News, Beyond the Screen: Iron Lord, Trevors Soapbox and the Demoscene. Amiga Addict 26 | Amiga Addict is a digital and printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: Urban Müller - Aminet, Reshoot Proxima 3, Ooze: The Escape, Readers Survey,, Creative Revolution, PowerPC laptops, Bob's Bad Day, Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, Dragon's Lair and the demoscene. Amiga Future #166 - preview | A preview edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Richard Löwenstein, Amiga Meeting Nord, Finkenbach 2023, Playfield, Grind, GothicVania, Ooze - When the Spirits Grew Weary, Board game vs Amiga version: Diplomacy, Bunny's Revenge, AstroMenace, El Capitan Trueno, The Mysterious Cassette (C64), AmigaGPT, RNOSlides, WarpVision AGA, AmiKit PiStorm, IBrowse 3.0, Aminet News, Beyond the Screen: Iron Lord, Trevors Soapbox and the Demoscene. Press Play Again 9 | Press Play Again is a magazine from RetroMagazine World in the Italian and English language. It is a tribute to Italian newsstand publications of the 1980s. In this edition: Diete Calibrate, Wargames, Sceriffo, Star Trek, Games Creator, Parole Crociate, Rocket Roger, Movie Creator, Damsel in Distress and REPRO - Lupo Alberto. Terror News 32 - Plus/4 | Terror News is a diskette magazine for the Commodore C16, C116 and Plus/4 computer. The magazine is in the English and Hungarian language. In this edition: News, interviews with Tarzan, Jeva and Mucsi, Party news, Hardware and Memento. FREEZE64 - 59 - Free PDF | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. This older edition is now available for free as a PDF. In this edition: Muddy Racers, Zzapback, City Fighter, Slug, Andrew Trott, Lordsfire, Tread Bear and Tran. Passione Amiga 17 | Passione Amiga is an Italian printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: News, Crimbo, STAR WARS: Dark Forces, L'Abbaye des Morts, Death Rally, Emerald Caves, Rally Cross, Project Quest, Super Bagman, Hop to the top: Bunny's Revenge, IBrowse 3.0, zTools, CLOANTO, Greaseweazle,Waffle, Amiga GCC, THEA500 Mini, Demo Scene and Back Chat. Komoda & Amiga Plus 24 | Komoda & Amiga Plus is a printed and a pdf magazine (English and Polish language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: C64 war games, GO8BG, Tut-Tut, Super Monza GP 2, Silkworm, XC=BASIC (5), Lemmings, Dig Dug Revival, Tower and Dragon, Falklands 82, Lazarus, Bulbmaster, Laser World, Ooze: The Escape, Boxx 4, Mega Lo Mania, Absolute Zero, Wonder Boy, Defender of the Crown, Case Whitening and HeroQuest. Zzap!64 - #17 | A new edition of the English Zzap! 64 magazine has been released. In this edition: Bill and Ted's Excellent Gameboy Adventure, Body Slam, FiZZ, Gridlock, Mancopter, Mike Quarter, Rocky & Co, SNK vs Capcom, Whirlybirds, WinGames, Zzap Files on Sanxion, Tech Bit in the Middle, Scott Spanburg and A Pig Quest diary. Vandalism News #74 | In this English diskette magazine the following items: News, Awards, World of Demos, the list and interviews with Sulevi, Talent and Trident. Lotek64 #64 | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition are: Editorial, Lo*bert, Commodore - The Inside Story, Peter Baustaedter, Helicopter Mission, SIDologie, International Karate, The Last Ninja 2, Bubble Witch Saga 2, MAD und Fix und Foxi, The Trap Door, Milo Mundt and Videogame-Heroes: Zak McKracken. RetroMagazine World #20 | A new edition of RetroMagazine World is now available. In this edition the following articles: Nintendo DS, Atari 5200 SuperSystem, CALC RESULT, C64 Assembly, KLA format, MSX BASIC, The genius of Kobe, ListAmiga, Neonnoir, Lester, Life of Mars, Bufonada, Mad Stalker Full Metal Forth, A Pig Quest, Aquabyss and Maria Renarda's Revenge. WhatIFF 2.12 | WhatIFF? is an Amiga magazine in the Amiga Guide format. In this edition: A600 RGB2HDMI, Furia Acclerator, DraweGenie, Aminet Goodies, Spheroid, Tenebra 1 & 2, DF1 / DF0 PiStorm, A314-CP, Creative Graphics, Brilliance 101, ImageFX 101, The Amiga Philosopher's Stance on Amiga Games, Things Commodore Did Right, Amiga Through the Lens of an LD Learner, Andrew Vaisey, Rob Cranley, Miguel Fides and Ivents Corner. FREEZE64 - 64 | FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Falcon Patrol, Andrew Braybrook, Julian Rignall's Ccrapback, Secret Squirrel Investigates, Ken Grant, Commodore 64 Scene spotlight, Snake Pit and Inbread - Karl Hörnell. AMI Tech-Gazette - 6 | The AMI Tech-Gazette is a magazine like a user group newsletter, with that personal, not-fully-professional touch, covering the Amiga and its relatives: A500 Mini (2), Graphics Workshop, Shallow Games, News & Views, Nostalgia Bait, Publication Recap - Antic's Amiga Plus, Classic arcade games, Pitfall II (Atari 2600), TF:Prime Wheeljack and Dayton Duke. Commodore Free #97 | A new edition of the Commodore Free magazine is now available. In this edition the following: Editorial, Morcambe and Retro, CEX (Complete Entertainment eXchange), News, Why did we use tape, SID software, Vic games review, Amok Vic 20, Super Amok, Bezerk 2010, Soundpaint and Alternitaves. Amiga Future | Amiga Future is looking for reinforcements for the magazine and the webpage. The magazine needs more editors and translators for the Applications area, Games section, Hardware area and the News section. Also, the webpage can use some help for the News section. Amiga Future #140 - online | This older edition of Amiga Future is now online available. In this edition: Editorial, News, Playfield, Richard Löwenstein, Dominik Nick Tonn, Hibernated, Labyrinth, SkillGird, The Battle for Wesnoth #5, GoADF, AmiKit XE, MorphOS Camp, Aminet, AmigaOS 3.1.4 Update 34, AmigaOS 3.1.4 - That's how it's done! #2, XCopy, Trevors Soapbox, Demoscene, GUIs with Hollywood #1 and Kuna. Amiga Addict 25 | Amiga Addict is a digital and printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: James Pond 2: RoboCod, virtual coverdisk, Pleiades 3D, Night/Shift, Flashback, Roadkill, Bambi Amiga, Brian Sharp and A600 accelerator cards.