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Start page SIDin #12 | In this English magazine (pdf, odt) for fans of the SID chip the following articles: Editorials. News. SID chip distortion simulation efforts. Polly Tracker v1.2+. X-SID v1.00. Goattracker stereo 2.59 / 2.6-2.67. CRD-Tracker64 Alpha. DMC Music Compo 2007. HVSC update 47/48. SID Compo 7. Java SID Player Music Library V2. XSIDPLAY2. Rockbox Music Cover Compo. HERMIT 3SID-TRACKER 2008. HardSID 4U. Mihály Horváth (Hermit) Interview! Tiny Sid 2 (part 3). Plaster 512b. Back To Basics. BleepStreet Records | Bleepstreet Records was created in 1998 by Johan Kotlinski. This company is about unpolished and groovy 8-bit music. Artist like Goto80, Role Model, Bakeka and Ewmyren released record with this company. And not only on a modern CD but also on original 7 vinyl. On the web page you can listen to samples of the music. ACID 64 Player | Wilfred Bos released a new version of his ACID 64 Player. It now supports the HardSID 4U USB device and the Catweasel MK4. Added new features and made lots of improvements. Take a look at the web page for detailed information and for downloading the new version. Off-Line, Maxus | The Scene group Liquid Skies released a new music piece. It is called Off-Line and was done by Maxus with Madtracker. The cover was made by DaFreak. HVSC #48 update | Another 900 tunes make their way into one of the biggest and surely the best chip tune collection on this planet. The total tune count is boosted to 35.030 tunes! Nibbles - SID | Nibbles is a new SID made by Fanta and Mitch. The SID reached the first place in the C64 Music Competition at the Oxyron Party 2008. C64 orchestra | You can choose which C64 game the C64 orchestra has to play. For the coming live shows we want to broaden our repertoire with new tunes and we are looking for your help with picking the nicest. To make life a little easier for us we asked Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel to nominate a couple of games. Nominated by Jeroen Tel are: Cybernoid 1, Poseidon: Planet Eleven, Rubicon. Nominated by Rob Hubbard are: Spellbound, Nemesis the warlock, Rasputin, Kentilla, Dragons Lair, Auf Wiedersehen Monty. Mail your choice , but if you have another great tune let us know. HardSID 4U | The HardSID 4U is the most powerful SID synthesizer since the legendary C64! A few of the features are: Two CPUs and main memory. USB connection. VSTi interface. Superior sound quality. Supports 6581, 8580 and 6582. Updateable firmware over USB. Cycle-accurate playback of your favorite SID tunes. Take a look at the web page for more information. Sid-Warrior | Sid-Warrior is a new SID made by Kalachnikov. The SID reached the second place in the Mixed Music Competition at Main Party 2008. Java SID Player | Kenchis released a new version of the Java SID Player. This is a music player to play SID files of the Commodore 64 by emulation. It is also a re-implementation in Java of the sidplay2 project. Because it's written in Java it can be used on many systems. C64 Orchestra CD | A new CD from the C64 orchestra. The packaging is a very nice design. On this CD: Delta, Commando, Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid, International Karate, Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth and Supremacy. And the extras are: interviews with Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel and the C64 orchestra trailer. C64 music | Tony (Wizball) has made a web site where you can listen and download some of his 'c64-like' music. You'll need a javascript and java (1.5+) enabled browser to view it. C64 Take-away Podcast #40 | Is there life after forty? Jan Lund Thomsen brings you a bunch of tunes that have nothing in common apart from the fact that the original SID's were all composed between 1984 and 1986. Besides the music there is also news about the C64 music scene. You can download this MP3 on Jan's web page (34.1 Mbyte) Phonolith v0.8 | Phonolith is a software instrument, which plays sampled waveforms. It's usable with Horny and other CAMD based sequencers, or just a connected MIDI keyboard. There is a free lite version or you can buy a full version. Some features are: Downmixing to AIFF file. Receives MIDI notes through camd.librar. yMixer unit with non-linear volume/panning controls and peak meters. 16 different instruments at once, Look on the web page for more information. M.O.N.E.Y. | The music group Comtron released their latest tune. The animated video was made by Sander of the C64 demo group Focus. The theme of the video clip is the computer and the colors that are used are from the color pallet of the Commodore C64. You can watch the video on YouTube. High Voltage SID Collection | Edition 47 is out now. After this update, the collection contains 34127 SID files! This update features 1127 new SIDs, 19 fixed/better rips, 773 SID credit fixes and 44 unknown game or demo tunes identified. You can download this 66 MByte archive from the web site. SOASC= | The SOASC= project is an automated recording technique invented by Stone Oakvalley in order to mass record music from the legendary Commodore 64 and its SID chips (6581 and 8580). The entire HVSC is recorded in MP3 fromat. This means that there about 95.000 tunes available. If you want them all buy a big harddisk (400+ GB). 8-bit Mayhem Episode #12 | Scout made another podcast with great C64 tunes. On this episode the following tracks: Lou Gray - Yakki Da, Metal - Sayonara, Jeff - Commodore 64, Fanta - Desert Dream Part 2, Aleksi Eeben - One For Reed, Fred Gray - Mutants, Laxity - Laxace, Orcan - A Demo Bit, Jammer - Latex Sensations, Reyn Ouwehand - Dutch Breeze, Jeroen Tel - Sonic Soul. You can download this almost 80 MByte mp3 Podcast right now! X-SID | Søren Lund from the group Viruz released X-SID. This is a perfect tool to make your SID tunes. You can download the program. RKO | The web site RKO (Remix.Kwed.Org) is already six years the collection of C64 remixes. The database has more than 1800 of remixes of C64 game music. They are made by more than 500 artists. You can download the remixes in the mp3 format and the original in sid format. There is a top ten of the Week, Month and of All Time. 8-bit Mayhem - Episode #11 | Scout released a new podcast. In episode 11 a tribute to Richard Joseph. SIDs in this podcast are: Richard Joseph - The Sacred Armour of Antiriad, Rob Hubbard - Light Force, Dane - Arctic Circles, Jeff - 6581 Doped Cows, Oliver Kläwer - Emerald Mine, DRAX - Spunk, Richard Joseph - Rimrunner, Deek - Ostfriesland Games, Jens-Christian Huus - Super Oswald, CreamD - Critical Grid Voltage and Jeroen Tel - Iron Lord. Richard Joseph | Richard Joseph was a computer game composer, musician and sound specialist. He has had a career spanning some 20 years starting in the early days of gaming on the C64 and the Amiga and onto succeeding formats through to the present day. After being diagnosed with lung cancer, he died on March 4, 2007. Some examples of Richard work are: Defender Of The Crown, Cannon Fodder and the BAFTA winning soundtrack of Theme Park World. Slay Radio | The Fleming Show is back. Every second Thursday starting February 15th at 20:00 CET, The Fleming Show is back on SLAY Radio. The show will be hosted by Andreas Wallström as usual. Apart from the usual mayhem that kind of is The Fleming Show signature, Andreas is going to make his listeners more active in the show by getting them live on air for a chat and request. Most importantly: the music will be strictly C64 SID's, C64 remixes, and C64 related music. SIDin #11 | In this issue of the English PDF magazine about the famous sound chip the SID the following articles. SIDPlayerDS, Goattracker, Ninjatracker, SID Factory, SIDId, XMPlay SID plugin, HARDshit, SOASC Collection, SID Compo, SidTool, HVSC, XMMS-SID, Laxity Interview!, Tiny Sid 2, BLOCK ACID DUB and more. LQS #97 | A new track from Liquid Skies Records. The mp3 track is called Happy Flower and is made by Maxus. The cover is from DaFreak. Amiga Remix | This web site has many MP3s remixes of classic Amiga game tunes. Recently there were many new additions. There is also a forum, charts and a Remix64 section. One of Those Days | One of Those Days is a new SID for the Commodore C64. The music is composed by PSycHo8580 and the SID player was made by Raf. SID compo results. | The results of the SID competition are in. Stellan Andersson aka Dane has won with his entry: Arctic Circles. DMC album #6 | Richard Bayliss has made a music collection called DMC album #6. He produced his music with the DMC program written by Brian of Graffity for the Commodore 64. There are 10 tracks on the disk to listen to. Plopbox goes SID | The web site Plopbox is updated. This music archive/jukebox running with a java applet/ajax site which allows you to listen directly to any tunes and make your personal web radio. After a long work, we added the SID format, and the replay is very close to sidplay2. SID-Compo | On the web site the annual SID competition is ready for the listeners. You can listen to 35 SID tunes. And in a short while you can vote on the best tune. The makers of the SIDs are anonymous. Commodore Amiga Retro Sounds | The web site plays the sound files that where made on a Amiga. They update the site almost daily. There are 70 mp3's available at the moment. The music comes from demo's, games and composers.